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Как вывести тяжёлые металлы из организмаHeavy metals may accumulate in plants and animals that we eat. They can get into our organism with air, water, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, household chemistry. Isotopes of heavy metals accumulate on the inner organs, causing various diseases.

Has acquired particular importance pollution of the biosphere by a group of pollutants under the General designation of "heavy metals". These include more than 40 chemical elements of the periodic system of D. I. Mendeleev.

Heavy metals chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, Nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, molybdenum, cadmium, tin, antimony, tellurium, tungsten, mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth. Used sometimes the term "toxic elements" here unlucky as any and all elements and their compounds can be toxic to living organisms at a certain concentration and environmental conditions.

The main natural sources of heavy metals are breed (magmatic and sedimentary and rock-forming minerals. Many minerals in the form of fine particles are included as accessory (trace) in the mass of rocks. An example of such minerals are titanium minerals (brucite, ilmenite, anatase), chromium (FeCr2O4). Many elements come into the atmosphere with space and meteoritic dust from volcanic gases, hot springs, gas jets.

The heavy metals in the biosphere as a result of industrial dispersion is carried out by various ways. The most important of these is the emission of high temperature processes in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, the firing of cement raw materials, combustion of mineral fuels. In addition, a source of pollution of biocenoses can serve irrigation waters with high content of heavy metals, the application of sludge waste water into the soil as fertilizer. Secondary pollution is also due to the removal of heavy metals from mine dumps or metallurgical enterprises of water or air flows, revenues of large quantities of heavy metals at constant application of high doses of organic and mineral fertilizers and pesticides containing heavy metals.

Of man-made emissions of heavy metals emitted to the atmosphere in the form of aerosols, can be transported over long distances and causes of global pollution. The other part with hydrochemical runoff enters the drainless water bodies, where it accumulates in waters and sediments and can be a source of secondary pollution. Connections of heavy metals relatively quickly spread on the volume of water object. Partially they precipitate in the form of carbonates, sulfates, partially adsorbirutee on mineral and organic sediments. As a result, the content of heavy metals in the sediments is constantly growing, and when the absorptive capacity of precipitation exhausted and heavy metals released into the water, there is a particularly tense situation. This contributes to the acidification of the water, strong overgrowing of water reservoirs, intensification of CO2 emissions as a result of activity of microorganisms. Considerable contamination with heavy metals, especially lead, and zinc and cadmium found near highways. Width roadside anomalies of lead in the soil reaches 100 m and more.

Heavy metals input to the soil surface, accumulate in soil thickness, especially in the upper humus horizon, and slowly removed by leaching, the consumption of the plants, erosion. The first period of proudley (i.e. removal of half of the initial concentration of heavy metals varies greatly with different elements and takes a very long period of time: for zinc - from 70 up to 510 years; cadmium from 13 to O years, copper-from 310 to 1,500 years, lead - from 770 to 5900 years.

Heavy metals can form complex compounds with organic substances in soil, so in soils with high humus content they are less available for poloshenie. The excess of moisture in the soil facilitates the transition of heavy metals in lower oxidation States and in soluble form. Anaerobic conditions increase the availability of heavy metals in plants. Therefore, drainage system, regulating water regime, contribute to the predominance of oxidized forms of heavy metals and thereby reduce their migration characteristics. Plants can pogledati from the soil trace elements including heavy metals accumulating in their tissues or on the surface of leaves, being, thus, an intermediate link in the chain "soil - plant - animal - man."

Various plants concentrate in themselves a different number of microelements: in most cases - selectively. So, copper learn the plants of the family clove, cobalt - peppers. High coefficient of biological absorption of zinc typical dwarf birch and lichens, Nickel and copper - for Veronica and lichens. Heavy metals are protoplasmatic poisons, the toxicity of which increases with increasing atomic weight. Their toxicity is manifested in different ways. Many metals at toxic levels of concentrations inhibit the activity of enzymes (copper, mercury). Some of them form halitophobia complexes with normal metabolites, disrupting the normal metabolism (iron). Metals such as cadmium, copper, iron, interact with cellular membranes, changing their permeability.

Of special interest is the study of animals, is a sensitive indicator of the initial stages of pollution by heavy metals. They accumulate elements available in biologically active forms and reflect the actual level of pollution of ecosystems. Soil animals, especially saprophytic group, due to the close relation to the soil conditions and limited habitat can be good indicators of chemical pollution of the biosphere. Among animals such indicators can be of European mole, brown bear, elk, red-backed. With information on the content of heavy metals in mammals, it is possible to predict their impact on the human body.

How to remove heavy metals from the body in a natural way

Heavy metals may accumulate in plants and animals that we eat. They can get into our organism with air, water, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, household chemistry. Isotopes of heavy metals accumulate on the inner organs, causing various diseases.

1. Eat pectinesterase substances. Pectin adsorb on its surface salts of heavy metals. It contains in vegetables, fruit, berries. Beets also contains flavonoids that converts heavy metals in inert compounds. Starch potatoes, cooked in their skins, absorbs toxins of the body, leading them in a natural way. Removed from the body of heavy metals carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, radish, tomatoes.

2. Consumption of apples, citrus, quince, pear, apricot, grapes promotes the excretion of toxic substances. Rowan berries, tree, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry link in insoluble complexes with heavy metals. Eating cowberry, bilberry, BlackBerry, cloudberry, turn, you cleanse your body of accumulated toxic substances. You can eat marmalade made from these grapes.

3. Drink chamomile tea, calendula, sea-buckthorn, dog-rose. Tea from these herbs protects cells from penetration of heavy metals and contribute to their elimination. Rosehip oil and sea-buckthorn is also useful in case of poisoning by heavy metals.

4. Withdraw from the body radioactive isotopes of cesium with sorrel, spinach, lettuces.

5. Take ligninazoderivatives substances that neutralize radionuclides. They are contained in plants: the juniper seeds of sesame, and burdock, in the roots of lemongrass and Siberian ginseng. With constant exposure to the radioactive isotopes of metals is recommended to apply before a meal 40 drops of tincture aralia, levzeya, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng and other

6. Drink tea made from herbs are cilantro (coriander), it displays the mercury in the next two months. Four tablespoons chopped cilantro brew liter of boiled water in a non-metallic bowl and drink, after 20 minutes.

7. Spend rice cleaning procedures. They are especially recommended to those engaged in hazardous work. Soak a spoonful of rice in water in the evening and in the morning, cook and eat without salt. Figure displays the body of toxic metal salts.

8. Use the decoction of oat plants for purification from salts of heavy metals. Cup oat pour two liters of water, boil on low heat for 40 minutes. Drink half a Cup four times a day, so you shall be clean including from cadmium, which is contained in tobacco smoke.

9. Remember that the body is able, without any external interference remove waste and toxins. However, working and living in harmful conditions or leading an unhealthy lifestyle, we accumulate excess toxic substances, which cause different range of diseases. So come annual preventive examinations for doctors. Consult with experts on the application of special drugs, cleansing the body from heavy metals.

The experience of Dr. Yoshiaki Omura

Heavy metals (such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium) and aluminum inevitably accumulate in our bodies as we gain - let's say - life experience
Swallow and we breathe heavy metals well everywhere: from food, water from the tap, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, household chemical goods, dental fillings... the list can still go, but in order not to bother, will stop there. And the list of issues, diseases, disorders, and other Baki even list here will not, who wants - search the Internet, I don't want to clog your blog negative vibrations

Bring heavy metals from the body is the task of important and urgent, but not so easy to get rid of them. There are costly medical procedures such as hematoma therapy ("chalazia”, chelation), but there are also a cheap version that you can make at home with completely natural ingredients.

Dr. Yoshiaki Omura could not cure some of his patients from eye infections. He was given antibiotics, the infection was gone, but after a few months back. But Dr. Omura was not some sort of doctor. He realized that the organisms causing the infection, live in places with high concentration of heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum. Pathogenic organisms used heavy metals to protect themselves from the effects of antibiotics.

Heavy metals leave the body in the urine. Ingenious Dr. Omura began to send their patients to the analysis and once observed that the mercury content in the urine of one of them has increased significantly after the patient has eaten Vietnamese soup. Smart doctor examined the ingredients of this soup, and found the one that caused the conclusion of mercury. In further testing found that the leaves of this plant (and it was just a plant) take the lead and aluminum.

Dr. Omura again ordered his patients course of antibiotics, this time with leaves miracle plants. And they all successfully got rid of the infection.

The following experiment Dr. Omura conducted on the patients who had removed dental amalgam fillings. In various organs of these patients were recorded high content of mercury. All patients underwent a course using the leaves of this plant, and in a few weeks cleared from deposits of mercury.

Well, then the Japanese have tested this tool in mice (studied the conclusion of the lead), and the results were amazing.

What is this plant?

Coriander! He cilantro. It is very simple in nature.

Dr. Dietrich Cocktail uses coriander for output of mercury from the brain. According to him, the minimum daily intake for output of metals - 5 grams, approximately one teaspoon. Treatment should continue for at least 2-3 months.

You can also make tea from the leaves. Prescription medicinal tea: chop coriander, to take 8 teaspoons (or even more) chopped herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Do not use metal utensils!!! Otherwise coriander will metals from the dishes right in tea!

Can greens of coriander brew not only in water, but, say, in the broth. The proportions are the same. I.e. take a minimum of 8 teaspoons of uppers coriander, finely chop, throw in 1 liter boiling water or broth (chicken, for example), close lid, insist 20 minutes (do not boil). Not in metal ware! Drink a few SIPS during the whole day.

Recipe cilantro pesto:

2 cups fresh coriander leaves
2 table. spoon almond
2 table. spoon Parma cheese or Parmesan
2 table. spoons of olive oil
2 table. spoon lemon juice
2 cloves of garlic
2-4 table. tablespoons of water (quantity of water can be changed depending on the desired consistency)
1/4 teaspoon sea salt

Mix all ingredients in the mixer or blender to a pulp. To regulate the consistency of the quantity of added water.
It is interesting to add that many stubborn, so-called latent infection is just perfectly coexist with heavy metals in the body. These include: chlamydia, alpha Streptococcus, Borrelia, and viruses - herpes (all family), cytomegalovirus and other Not surprising that they are difficult to get rid of antibiotics or other allopathic means.
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