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Viewings: 4709
Роскосмос объявил об изучении спутника Юпитера и мониторинге астероидаIts grandiose plans shared with journalists "Roskosmos". Representatives of this organization said that by 2022 they are going to launch the spacecraft in a relatively deep space, namely to Jupiter. More precisely, not back to Jupiter, and one of these called Galilean satellites, Ganymede. The head of Roscosmos told that the spacecraft will descend to the surface of Jupiter's moon, and the other space probe will set the beacon on the asteroid Apophis. This asteroid has a high probability of threat to Earth, but because the Federal space Agency wants to monitor its status.
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Viewings: 3901
Тихоокеанское кольцо грозит новыми потрясениямиEMERCOM of Russia provides geological service of the USA to unite efforts in the prediction of large earthquakes. At the meeting of the working group on cooperation in the field of prevention of emergency situations of the Russian-American presidential Commission was asked to create a program for the prediction of strong earthquakes in the first place for the Pacific region, using various technologies.
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Viewings: 4160
При помощи снижения веса можно предотвратить 22 тысячи случаев заболеваний раком ежегодноExcessive body weight increases the risk of many diseases, including cancer of the pancreas, breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, uterus and bladder.
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Viewings: 4125
Почему вино и чай так хорошо сочетаются с едой?What could be better than a good glass of red wine and juicy beef steak? A lot of things. But we on the other: Rutgers University (USA)seems to know why this couple so good. It turns out, astringent, red wine and fatty meats like Yin and Yang in the food world - are on different sides of the touch of the spectrum.
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Viewings: 4977
Похищения людей: шотландский следStories about the abduction - a kidnapping by aliens from other worlds - there have been many. Some people obviously like stories for adults, others are supported by convincing arguments and irrefutable facts. To which category to refer this case to the judgment.
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Viewings: 4119
The authors are trying to find analogies between the disasters of the present and the predictions of the ancients, who predicted the end of the world centuries ago. Research scientists, heritage of the recent past as they explain natural disasters that occur in our day? Maybe humanity really is moving towards its end? Or it can be postponed?

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Viewings: 8065
Ванга. Жизнь после смерти. Доброта спасет мир"What is my fate, o Lord, and whom I serve? For the edification of the world or for the strengthening of faith?"
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Viewings: 4550
Европейцы, съели людей больше, чем дикариNightmare, to be treated with human advised even the famous Paracelsus. A little more than two hundred years ago - until the end of the XVIII century - European doctors widely used and human meat, and preparations made from corpses. With such a dark page in the history of Western enlightened society introduces the new issue of the German weekly Der Spiegel.
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Viewings: 8865
Гибель АтлантидыTo explain the destruction of Atlantis supporters of its location in the Atlantic ocean often attract cosmic catastrophe.
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Viewings: 6040
Ночная радуга: мираж или реальность?We always respond positively to the rainbow - seven colors daughter of the sun and rain. But who of us saw a rainbow at night? It would seem, without sunlight it is impossible.
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Viewings: 6117
Как индейцы спасли инопланетянинаThis incredible material a few years ago published a popular scientific journal "RATA" (USA). Many ufologists have accepted this hypothesis as true.
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Viewings: 6521
Лекарства древних царей МесопотамииMany mysteries left us the peoples of ancient civilizations. In a series of such mysteries occupy a special place artifacts found in Iraq, is a mysterious vessels, made of two different metals. The purpose of these bimetallic tanks became known only recently.
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Viewings: 5443
Swift отыскал новую чёрную дыру в центре нашей ГалактикиOwned by NASA Orbital Observatory Swift discovered the black hole of stellar mass (that is, not supermassive) in the center of the milky Way. To make it it was possible to register a powerful burst of x-ray radiation from the black hole, at a time when that swallowed up a large cloud surrounding substance.
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Viewings: 6830
Приемы и методы саморазвития. Энергия. Потеря и восполнениеToday we will consider the main reasons why you may lose power, and which, respectively, can hinder you in achieving your goals.
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Viewings: 5336
«Викинги» - Жизнь на Марсе: что дальше?The revision of the already previously obtained experimental data has led scientists to conclude that life on Mars not only exists in our days, but already was discovered 30 years ago. A new study confirms that the experiments "Viking" 30-year-old showed the presence of life on Mars, however, have been misinterpreted by the representatives of NASA.
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