Viewings: 5096
 Discovered in XIX century galaxy in the constellation of Centaurus, until recently, did not give rest to astronomers. The fact that she does not fit into any framework - even her type was impossible to determine. Recently, however, scientists still managed to classify "crazy" NGC 5128 - she belongs to this type, which is simply not been previously described.
Viewings: 5333
 Scottish scientists have invented a radical way of protection from threatening the planet from global warming. The idea is to cover the Earth from the scorching rays of the Sun with a dust cloud. But it is, of course, is not an ordinary dust, and about the space. Its source can be, for example, an asteroid the size above average, experts say.
Viewings: 5623
 German mathematician, until retirement - school teacher, Joachim Rittstieg assures that made a sensational discovery: has revealed one of the secrets of the code Maya. According to him, he deciphered "the Dresden Codex" - ancient manuscript Maya - and figured out where the hidden cache of gold legendary Indian tribe. According to the version of the scientist, countless treasures are buried at the bottom of lake Izabal Guatemala.
Viewings: 6665
 In recent years, information on there that we hide the fact of communication with aliens, and do more than enough.
Viewings: 4996
 Now there are more and more books about secret societies, having allegedly some great doctrine of the mysterious power of the trees, the psychics and clairvoyants. These publications are very popular, for knowledge, which they report, in the opinion of many people, can protect them from harm and vicissitudes of life.
Viewings: 5901
 Who would have thought that with a tiny country on the Baltic sea are related to the tragic events in most parts of the planet - riots, war and the devastating earthquake!
Viewings: 7109
 About plasmoids write and speak mnogiego another version and give links to your photo, where,presumably, fixed plasmoids.
Viewings: 5489
 In our country people now is the master and Lord of nature. Great communism building, constructed by the Soviet people under the plan of nature transformation specified by Stalin, change the face of our country. Water irrigated former barren desert, grow new forest, is changing the face of the earth.
Viewings: 6467
 Mummification process, required to sustain the body of man or animal. This can be a spontaneous process, or it can be tailor-made. Egyptian mummies were made by drying. The Egyptians had dried up the body using the salty mixture called 'oxide sodium'. It 'oxide sodium' is a natural substance that is common on the river Nile. 'Oxide sodium' consists of four salts: sodium carbonate, acid sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, and sodium sulfate. Sodium carbonate works as a drying agent 'pulling' water from the body. At the same time bicarbonate in the presence of moisture increases the pH, which creates a hostile environment for bacteria. Egyptian climate has provided a lot of favorable conditions for the mummification process.
Viewings: 4351
 Scientists have confirmed that every event leaves traces in the water, and found a way to identify them.
Viewings: 5684
 The father of history, Herodotus called the Egyptian pyramids first wonder of the world. The past Millennium not only confirm this name, but more and more forced researchers to consider it the greatest miracle and tainstvennym from all known to mankind. Despite centuries of efforts of scientists, none of them is able to accurately answer the most basic questions concerning, for example, the pyramids of Cheops: what was its original height? the length of the base? construction time? the purpose of such a fantastic effort over its construction? finally, as it was built? and even in the light of the latest discoveries - whom?
Viewings: 4276
 Under the new concept of scientists, space is a computer, and everything that happens in it, can be described in terms of information processing. In the traditional view of the world consists of particles, interconnected by certain powers; and according to the quantum theory it is only a set of fields that we can properly be described only by the apparatus of quantum physics.
Viewings: 5425
 Autumn - annual time colds and rhinitis. And although we all know about the natural means which help to cope with a cold (for example, garlic, ginger, excessive drinking, and so on), also nice to know which products should be avoided during the struggle with the disease. Eliminating these foods from the menu, at the same time consuming strengthens immunity food, you will be able to recover much faster, and reduce the severity of symptoms.
Viewings: 5083
 As arrows annual hours close to 21 December, experts try to convince people that the Mayans never predicted the Apocalypse at the end of this year.