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Viewings: 3123
What mysterious archaeological finds - statuettes and paintings depicting beings similar to astronauts? This strange fantasy ancient or real memory of the visit of aliens? Is there any proof visiting our planet by aliens?

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Viewings: 4801
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Viewings: 3206
In the forests under Artemovskiy scientist came across a unique spruce. Another says, perhaps in all the world could not be found. From the relatives of this variety of the Siberian spruce is distinguished not only slim and elongated. She and needles unusual: branches encircle the trunk in a spiral, and clockwise.

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Viewings: 3783
Владимирская чупакабраThe resident of the village of Surana (a suburb of Vladimir) Nina Surovovo Monday morning brought an unpleasant surprise, from which she is still in shock. Having, as usual, in the coop, to include birds light, she discovered that almost all of them are dead. Six hens lay on the floor, two living together with cock stood perfectly still, as if in a stupor.
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Viewings: 4676
Стеклянный Марс About glassy Mars informed the American geologists, Brioni Hogan and Jim bell of the University of Arizona. In the images transmitted by the probe Mars Express, they saw like melted dunes. Scientists have suggested that the glass that covered dunes were formed by volcanic eruptions. What, in their opinion, convincingly proves that Mars was violent volcanic past. In the end, glass steel in total about 10 million square kilometers of the surface.
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Viewings: 4494
ЖИЗНЬ ЛЮДЕЙ В ТЕЛАХ СВЕТАIt is difficult to find a noble man: not everywhere it is born. But where does this wise, there is a thriving happy people
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Viewings: 3054
In the summer of 2012, a group of 22 leading biologists, ecologists and geologists published in the journal Nature" sensational research -- in less than 50 years on Earth happens irreversible environmental collapse. But, maybe, not so obvious, it seems to some scholars? Ironically, the answers to these questions can be found in the recent past, when it was first expedition to Antarctica, where was born the new science of ice or snow -- glaciology. One of those who studied Antarctica, opened it to the world, conducted extensive research was academician, honorary President of the Russian Geographical society Vladimir M. Kotlyakov.

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Viewings: 6631
Рецепт приготовления человекаIn XV-XVI centuries among the alchemists was very popular the idea of creating a homunculus - artificial man - through the alchemical process. Tried to grow my homunculus and Paracelsus. And although he claimed to have made in this case of success, there is no evidence confirming this fact.
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Viewings: 2967
Recipe for immortality was looking for and prehistoric shamans, and the medieval alchemists, and modern scientific institutes... they Say, will soon be the first immortal...

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Viewings: 5524
Предсказания контактов: без двух минут эпоха великого кольцаWill there be a GREAT CONTACT with other civilizations? - the issue is more than interesting and exciting even many more pressing issues.
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Viewings: 6041
Календарь Майя – ключ к датировке былых катастроф?Lost date. Tremendous disasters shake the Earth from the time of its inception and till our days. Many of them fall on the existence of Homo sapiens, many occurred by historical standards recently. Huge Gobi-Altai earthquake of December 4, 1957, floods in Bengal in 1737 and 1876, with thousands of victims, the eruption of Krakatau in 1883, the tragedy of Pompeii in 79 ad - all these events clearly dated. However, the farther into the depths of history date of such shocks quickly lose their clarity. Already a volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini, what happened fifteen hundred years before our era, dated back with an error of about 100 years, what to talk about more ancient cataclysms?
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Viewings: 4429
Живая плазма внутри ЗемлиThe crust of the earth is dissected by a dense network of ancient "scars" - faults. On them continuously moving rocks that prevent their "healing". One such break through Zelenograd near Moscow, has long attracted the attention of geophysicists. His behavior seems quite familiar.
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Viewings: 5874
Предсказатели о космической угрозе Земле и землетрясенияхThe probability of falling on us comet or asteroid neskolko small, but the fear of cosmic catastrophe that cannot (yet) to prevent grows in direct proportion to the growth of our knowledge about space. This is exactly the case when, as the ancients said, expertise make us unhappy.
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Viewings: 4893
Загадочная подземная странаMysterious underground tunnels are found on all continents. Experts are convinced that this is a very ancient constructions. But it is still unknown who built and for what purpose.
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Viewings: 4312
Цунами: гигантские волны с моряIn one of the paintings of the cycle "36 views of mount Fuji" great Japanese artist katsushika Hokusai depicted a giant tsunami wave. This mountain water is so huge, that it seems that outshines the mountain itself. Of course, we just artistic exaggeration achieved through skillful use the perspective effect. But the tsunami really have a terrible destructive power.
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