Viewings: 7620
 Many of the literature on esoterics, UFOs, extraterrestrial civilizations created residents of Orion very negative reputation. In the books it is because they participated in many conflicts and destructive wars with other representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence of our Universe.
Viewings: 5780
 NASA intends to build on the reverse side of the moon base for launching spacecraft to the red planet
Viewings: 5266
 Natural disasters cause the world to think about survival. Worst drought in the USA, which are the largest supplier of grain to the world market, this year coincided with extreme weather conditions in major agricultural regions: Australia, Brazil and India. In Russia's grain harvest may also be lower than in dry 2010. In the face of disappointing forecasts for the harvest of the world prices for foodstuffs have soared to record levels, threatening a new round of global food inflation. While the Arab spring provoked including food shortages may occur.
Viewings: 5204
 With the English abbreviation HARP (HAARP) is roughly translated as "high-frequency Active research program of the Northern lights" is simple and harmless. Examine yourself people the remarkable beauty of the natural phenomenon. Only one thing is unclear: how can you be interested in this beautiful but, at first glance, economically useless phenomenon enough to pay for research (and additionally for privacy) of tens of billions of dollars?
Viewings: 5949
 In the legends of the hopi Indians history is divided into four periods, and our time is the fourth period. Many years ago the ancestors of the hopi lived on the continent in the Pacific ocean, which they called Rhamnus purshiana. Once between them and the inhabitants of other parts of the world war broke out. The continent Rhamnus purshiana split into parts, and rising ocean waves engulfed their homeland hopi. On the surface of the water remained only the highest parts of the former continent - the Islands of Oceania.
Viewings: 4553
 In the press have repeatedly been reports of researchers that in ancient times the Earth has a smaller size, and speed of rotation around its axis is greater, in comparison with the present time. Naturally, if you increase the size of Earth and the slowdown in the speed of its rotation, the daily time increased. The main reason for the slow speed of the material body (including Land) is increasing its diameter. A clear example of this is the reception skaters on the ice used to accelerate or slow speed of their body by bringing or removal of arms from the axis of its rotation.
Viewings: 4009
 Scientists from NASA are planning to launch space telescope, with which they try to find the planet Nibiru or, as it is called, "planet X." She ancient legends of the Sumerians, with a certain periodicity flies around the Earth. The existence of the mysterious planet was discovered by scientists from the American space Agency in 1983 year with the help of infrared telescope IRAS. Some researchers believe that its gravitational force, for example, was the cause of a Great flood and the disappearance of Atlantis.
Viewings: 4049
 ONE of the most common misconceptions says: "constantly everywhere". Meanwhile, the scientists recorded the most accurate clock "lying" in the area of the fall Tungusskogo meteorite, in the area of nuclear weapons tests, near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other "bad" places. Most often clock off there for a split second in an hour. But sometimes there is something incomprehensible, like "breakdown of Time", and then...
Viewings: 9341
 In the kitty lovers end of the world and other mystics have added another date is 2014. This time, however, the forecast of the Apocalypse is not based on polyterrasse tablets Mayan, and quite scientific reasoning.
Viewings: 6099
 The vast majority of known exoplanets found using various indirect methods, in particular Doppler and transit photometry. The method of direct visual detection with the help of telescopes does not produce such results, because the planet is extremely weak light sources (unlike stars), and their light is very difficult to "filter out" due to the high brightness of the parent star. Therefore, the direct detection of exoplanets is a very difficult task is only possible if a celestial body is large, and its orbit is removed from the stars that light the latter does not interfere with the observations). That is how it works: from 31 extrasolar planets, the open method of direct observation, the easiest twice-three times heavier than Jupiter, and the most close to its star is twice as far from it than the Earth is from the Sun. Well and the most distant and does is 2 500 and. E.
Viewings: 5228
 When Dutch Explorer Jacob Roggeveen in 1722 arrived at Easter island, before him stood a desert landscape and society on the brink of environmental collapse, although just a few centuries before the island was covered with dense forests and inhabited by people highly developed culture.
Viewings: 5103
 What Galaxy is surrounded by a halo, it is clear long ago. The question was, what is its main component. X-ray telescope space-based Chandra and other instruments revealed that the gas component of the halo that extends over a huge distance, by weight not inferior to all the stars of our Galaxy combined.
Viewings: 5187
 The machines that go explore the huge subsurface ocean, possibly existing on Jupiter's moon Europe will have to drill very, very deeply.