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Viewings: 3669
Some scientists believe: everything on Earth is influenced by the parallel worlds. There are ways of development of mankind. But while physics only suggest the existence of parallel worlds, the heroes of the program see their own eyes. Who could they do it? And what did you think about the official science?

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Viewings: 6746
Пророчества о падении астероида на ЗемлюEritrean sibyl in his prophetic song only once mentions the fall on our planet large celestial object, possibly an asteroid. Unfortunately, the text prediction contains only six lines. Then the song ends (lacuna) and details of this catastrophe we already know.
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Viewings: 3626
Космический мусор может задержать стыковку корабля Dragon к МКСThe international space station may take evasive action against debris on Monday, but it may only slightly delay the docking private Dragon spacecraft with ISS, told journalists the Director of the ISS program at NASA Michael Suffredini.
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Viewings: 4059
На дне Байкала появится станция, предсказывающая землетрясенияA unique deep-sea research station will appear on Baikal in March 2013, its data will allow to predict the earthquake two days, reported RIA Novosti Director of the Institute of applied physics, Irkutsk state University (ISU) Nikolay Budnev.
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Viewings: 5013
Английские ученые описали людей будущегоTo the year 3000 humanity will reach its peak. The average height of people will be about 2 metres, his skin would have a brownish shade, and life expectancy will be 120 years. These are the conclusions of researchers from the Darwin research center, London school of Economics, writes British newspaper the Sun.
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Viewings: 4273
Curiosity обнаружил на Марсе следы присутствия воды в далеком прошломAmerican Curiosity Rover found on the surface of Mars traces of the presence of water in the distant past. The Rover has transferred to the Ground a few shots of stones with a rounded surface. According to researchers, this figure and shape suggests that these rocks were in the stream channel.
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Viewings: 5035
Призраки на орбитеFor five decades in space visited more than 400 people from different countries. 've seen many, including with mysticism. But, as a rule, prefer to keep quiet about what no explanation. Yes and I do not advise astronauts Frank about this. Although it is said that even Yuri Gagarin once made a mistake, they say, if he was allowed, he could tell a lot about your flight. And yet some of "forbidden" managed to learn Professor Kirill Butusovu, bit by bit gathered evidence of astronauts.
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Viewings: 4430
Каменные скрижали историиWhen looking at historical Chronicles about the unusual phenomena, someone's amazing abilities and achievements, noticed an interesting pattern. It is worth approved any idea as the dominant state ideology, as human life loses element of the presence of a miracle stories. Mermaids, gnomes and goblins seemed to lurk in the most secret refuge, fearing that the people would be named by their fiends. Lost and messages about magicians, as if they cease to be born, while at the same time, more and more reports about punished and executed for heresy "servants of the devil".
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Viewings: 6944
Лучевые корабли лирианцевIn 1977, on the road leading to the house Billy Meier*, landed a new ship of the unusual construction, and Meyer went to examine it.
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Viewings: 4804
Древние египтяне предсказали события 2012 года в Книге мертвыхToday, many argue, predicted by the ancient Egyptians global event in 2012 or not, because their civilization reached certain heights in astronomy and mathematics. Similar questions arise in connection with certain similarities in cultures of ancient Sumer and Egypt.
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Viewings: 4362
Вавилонское разграблениеWhether even such a goal, like the overthrow of Saddam's regime because of chemical weapons have not found - to justify civilian casualties? According to the Agency "flag", for the fighting killed about 1300 residents Iraqi cities. However - and this is even before the war was worried UNESCO - marauders looted treasures of the National Museum in Baghdad.
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Viewings: 5378
Тиауанако и звездное небоAbout the mysteries of the ancient city of the American continent - Tiahuanaco - "Mystery of the twentieth century," wrote time and again. We reported about strange events and discoveries on the moon. Mentioned riddles, known for tens, hundreds and thousands of years, a clear scientific explanation until they find it.
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Viewings: 5046
Ангелы действительно существуютLaunches of satellites and astronauts give convincing evidence of the fact that not all phenomena in space yet are able to recognize and explain the researchers. A mystery, for example, remain face and figure that saw people in extraterrestrial space and upper atmosphere.
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Viewings: 4604
Сколько всего было человечеств?Modern scientists have long been preferred to limit the story of human culture a few thousand years, which are allegedly stretched abyss wild and cruel stone age. But the discovery of such ancient towns as Chatal-Huyuk in Asia Minor, or the Jericho in Israel, made slightly different way to look at this issue and renew cultural period of existence of mankind approximately four to five thousand years.
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Viewings: 5899
Племя догонов, посланцев с Сириуса, живет... в Африке !This is the Dogon tribe has about 200 thousand people and isolated lives on the plateau Bandiagara on the territory of the state of Mali in West Africa. To the tribe are interested not only ethnographers, but astronomers.
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