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Viewings: 4247
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Viewings: 3800
Many modern inventions have been predicted long before they appear. A science fiction writer Isaac Asimov anticipated mass production of robots, Jules Verne - submarines. The most unique seer was Leonardo da Vinci. Such foresight is an attempt to warn the descendants or the desire to put the development of civilization on long-planned someone scenario?

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Viewings: 4092
Когда космический мусор поставит крест на космических полётах?At the Earth's orbit about 20 000 items more of the ball, of which only 5% of space satellites and other existing facilities. Another 19 000 - space debris.
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Viewings: 4670
Мировой океан, в котором заканчивается рыбаHumanity has not live by hunting and gathering as a once - with one important exception. Fish is the only wild animal, which we hunt in large quantities. And yet, we may be the last generation that was engaged in this trade.
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Viewings: 5447
Глобальное потепление убьет 100 миллионов к 2030 годуMore than 100 million people will die by 2030 because of global warming, and world GDP will decrease by 3.2%. These data are presented in the report on the impact of climate change on humanity, prepared humanitarian organization DARA by order of the government of 20 developing countries.
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Viewings: 5850
Разные полушария Солнца достигнут пика активности в разное времяRichard Altrock from the Research laboratory of the U.S. air force in new Mexico, specializing in the study of coronal structures of the Sun, put forward the thesis that the peak in solar activity, which is usually expected in 2013, in the Northern hemisphere, the Sun has already happened in July 2011. According to his calculations, the peak of activity in the southern hemisphere will be observed later predicted and will come only in the beginning of 2014.
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Viewings: 6731
Открыта комета C/2012 S1Astronomical community is buzzing: a new comet is discovered, and it has the chance to be very effective flyby of the Sun.
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Viewings: 9496
В плену у снежных людейThe history of men in bondage relic hominid species, often cause distrust and smile, and even accusations of lying. In fact, it's not proven that real self snow man, how can you visit a prisoner of the myth, the elusive Ghost, or simply from fiction?
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Viewings: 5449
Человек сам отказался от третьего глаза. Ради снаAnd some animals kept this rudiment. The hatteria * - priceless boon for scientists, because it is one of the most ancient reptiles in the world: this kind of about 225 million years. Remained only on several Islands of New Zealand. It is a living fossil that look like a lizard, recalls the time when the four-legged turned into turtles, lizards, crocodiles, and dinosaurs. Since then it has not practically changed, and therefore gives an opportunity to judge how could look her contemporaries, writes science.compulenta.ru.
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Viewings: 4960
До Марса дотронулась рука с ЗемлиCuriosity Rover began a study found on the red planet unusual stone in the shape of a pyramid. The unit, which was managed by NASA employees, managed using a robotic arm to touch the object, whose value is approximately equal to a football ball. This contact was the first of its kind in history. Moreover, the three-manipulator Curiosity in contact captured the rock samples for analysis, writes the TPM. Show videoanimal events here.
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Viewings: 5512
Juices, sweet drinks, non-alcoholic beer, fruit drinks, energy. These beverages we drink in winter and in summer.
We learned: how to choose a shop safe energetic, why tomato juice you can save, and on orange better not, can I drink driving non-alcoholic beer, and than juice drink differ from drink with juice content.

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Viewings: 4945
Астрономы открыли, возможно, самую яркую комету за 10 летRussian Amateur astronomer Artem Novichonok and his colleague from Belarus Vitaly Nevsky opened the comet, which may become the brightest in this decade. Official report about the discovery is published on the website of the minor planet Center of the International astronomical Union.
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Viewings: 6654
Что нас ждет после смерти?Oblivion - that is the most terrible in the death. Comes bony, enough by the throat and... everything. What next? The emptiness, the unknown. In this sense, the ancients were more protected us. Even the average Hellene clearly knew that after his death his soul will appear before court, then go through the corridor of the underworld Erebus. And, if it is deemed unworthy, will go straight to the Tartars. And if you prove itself heroically - can achieve immortality in the Elysian fields of joy and bliss. Because lived Hellene - not grieve, not knowing the pangs of fear and uncertainty. And what awaits us in the last feature?
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Viewings: 6718
Золото и тайны истории СкифииIn the Bible encyclopedia (Moscow, 1891) Scythians identified with biblical peoples and Magog Gogh, which says that the word of Magog syllable "mA" means the country, and all it defines the country Gogh. By these words are understood Scythian peoples, which later on the border of the I and the II Millennium BC were called moguls, then the Mongols.
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Viewings: 6864
Существует ли подземная цивилизация?!You could blame the contact" waxing imagination of the writer, if not hundreds of responses of the readers who claimed that he had also visited the underground city, communicated with their inhabitants and saw a variety of technical miracles, not only providing the underground inhabitants of the Earth comfortable existence within its depths, but also gives an opportunity... to control the minds of earthlings!
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