Viewings: 5332
Mercury boasts unique to the Solar system surface, bearing the traces of a meteorite fall rare type.
Viewings: 6334
The development of means of direct detection of exoplanets is in full swing, and it sets the researchers question: how the received image exoplanets and aktolun you can use to determine their habitability? Astronomers from Germany and the USA after the simulation of different options of such "color", came to the conclusion that it really is possible to judge about the presence and even to some extent on the composition of the biosphere.
Viewings: 4600
Engineers from Madrid University Carlos III (Spain) under the General guidance of Professor Luis Enrique Moreno has developed a brush-based alloys with shape memory for cleaning ultraviolet sensors of Curiosity Rover from dust.
Viewings: 5537
The presence of methane or its compounds scientists traditionally seen as a sign of potential habitability of planets, as this gas may be the product of vital functions of soil bacteria. In particular, researchers are very encouraged by the presence of methane on the same Mars. And is it really can be a "symptomatic of life"? It is doubtful...
Viewings: 4877
Space vehicles have put people into space and even on the moon. But man always wants more, he had dreams of traveling to the stars. And to make this dream come true, NASA launched the project on manufacturing of the ship Alcubierre - vehicle that is traveling faster than light, bending space.
Viewings: 4081
American astrophysicists revealed the secret of the mechanism of formation of the so-called "new tidal stars", which presumably are many bright flash in the sky, observed since ancient times - for example, well-known star of Bethlehem. These "luminaries" born with a very strong convergence of two white dwarfs, make up a system.
Viewings: 4703
In 2000, President Clinton convened a Commission of leading oceanographers and other researchers. The result of the work of the expert group was the report "the Last frontier of the Earth" (Discovering Earth's Final Frontier), which outlines developed by the first and the only national program for the study of the oceans.
Viewings: 3917
Compact beskorsaya tight pair of white dwarfs with constantly shrinking distance between them due to gravitational waves can warm up so seriously that they degenerate surface hydrogen layer begins thermonuclear reaction, forming a "new tidal star", say scientists at Cornell University (USA).
Viewings: 4030
Vesta, the second mass of the body in the asteroid belt, was considered to be absolutely dry. But Dawn spacecraft found evidence that water-rich asteroids smaller once "implanted" themselves into the surface of Vesta.
Viewings: 4203
Today we have no doubt that people of anatomically modern humans arose in Africa. The difficulties are related to the questions of where this happened and how people settled on the Black continent, especially as he is, based on recent discoveries, mated with some other representatives of the genus Homo, and he himself may have been the result of interspecific hybridization.
Viewings: 5706
Employees Dubna joint Institute for nuclear research, Moscow state technical University of radio engineering, electronics and automation Institute of applied physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova experimentally found traces of decay easy boson, not included in the Standard model.
Viewings: 3773
Male killer whales real "Mama's sons", which, even as adults, they can not live without parent care. Therefore, orcas, ceased reproductive age, continue for a long time to take care of their tender sons.
Viewings: 4804
Ambient concentration of a Nursery, located in 590 light years from Earth, includes more than 1,000 very dense stars. This, as a relatively small age of the cluster (not more than 600 million years old), did not give astronomers reason to expect the discovery of around sun-like yellow dwarfs such accumulations of exoplanets.
Viewings: 4110
Beautiful (we believe) the galaxy NGC 7090, photographed space telescope "Hubble", looks at us askance, not allowing to see her spiral arm, filled with young, hot stars.
Viewings: 4022
Thunderstorm complexes, fraught with monsoon floods and large-scale cyclones... they Say all these varieties of bad weather in the tropics will be more frequent as global warming. How?