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Viewings: 4587
НАСА готовит эксперименты по сверхсветовому движениюIn 1994 the Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre assumed its "engine, bend (vicious) space." It uses a special kind of curvature of space-time as a bubble, which moves faster than light in the external Minkowski space.
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Viewings: 4533
Метеороиды могут дать ложные сигналы о жизни на экзопланетахThe mystery of methane in the Martian surface long been a subject of heated debate.
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Viewings: 3752
Америка продолжает жиретьFund Trust for America's Health predicts that by 2030, more than half of the inhabitants 39 U.S. States will be backward. The estimates are based on results of research conducted by the Centers for control and prevention of diseases from 1999 to 2010.
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Viewings: 5324
Обнаружены подземные пирамиды этрусковIn Central Italy a group of American and Italian archeologists found underground pyramids Etruscan - for the first time in the history of science.
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Viewings: 4108
Как морские львы перехитрили кессонную болезньTo avoid dissolution of nitrogen in the blood, sea lions when immersed driven supply air from the alveoli into the trachea, where gas exchange with the blood impossible. When it comes time to emerge, animals persecute the air back from the box into the alveoli, and thereby provide themselves with oxygen during ascent.
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Viewings: 4184
Появились новые данные о комете КловисScientists have obtained new evidence that about 12 900 years ago crashed to Earth kind of celestial body, destroying the megafauna of North America, and provoking the period of a strong cold snap.
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Viewings: 3459
Арктический морской лёд поставил антирекорд спутниковой эры16 September cap of the Arctic ocean has reached the annual minimum and set a new record, according to national data center for the study of snow and ice USA (NSIDC).
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Viewings: 4131
В США заработала опытная приливная электростанция нового типаOn the part of tidal energy of the USA inferior and South Korea, and France, i.e. any country where the state is an active player on the energy market. The reasons are clear: without government intervention expensive project is hardly possible, and private banks do not like to give billions under unknown technology. But if you start little by little, I hope in the Ocean Renewable Power Company, to catch up with the leaders tidal energy still can.
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Viewings: 3801
Марсоход Curiosity нацелился на необычный каменьCuriosity Rover chose the first goal for his manipulator - a stone the size of a soccer ball.
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Viewings: 4832
Обнаружена, возможно, самая древняя галактикаAstronomer Wei Zheng from Johns Hopkins University (USA) and his colleagues, using telescopes to space-based Hubble and Spitzer", found very likely (12-s, that is higher than the probability of discovery of the Higgs boson) candidate in the galaxy, whose age does not exceed 475-505 million years after the Big Bang.
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Viewings: 4280
Ледниковый период мог начаться из-за метеорита2.5 million years ago near the coast of Antarctica in the ocean crashed an asteroid the size of a mountain. This led to an apocalyptic chain of events: first, the rain molten rock, and then a deadly tsunami that swept the Pacific ocean.
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Viewings: 3818
Смесь масел из кунжута и рисовых отрубей снижает кровяное давление и уровень холестеринаCooking on a mixture of oils of sesame seeds and rice bran helps significantly reduce blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, according to scientists from the University Fukuoka (Japan). According to them, this mixture is almost as widespread medication to lower blood pressure. And even better.
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Viewings: 3972
Why Mars is cold and dry? Although recent research has indicated that ancient Mars, perhaps, was not wet and warm, many scientists still believe that the once Red planet had a denser atmosphere that can support liquid water on the surface. If so, then on Mars formed conditions that could exist microorganisms.

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Viewings: 4064
Сверхмассивная чёрная дыра Стрелец А*, похоже, поглощает протопланетный дискA cloud of gas a radius of about 100 a. that is incident on a supermassive black hole at the center of the milky Way, may be visible after the protoplanetary disk surrounding a young low-mass star, think of astrophysics of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA).
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Viewings: 4116
Грядет генеральная уборка во ВселеннойIs the mysterious dark energy that are looking for for many years, threat? Whether it is able to tear to shreds our Universe? And what will be after this the "Big break"? Astrophysics Loris Baum and Paul Frampton sure that even in such a scenario, nothing bad will happen. It is only General cleaning in the Universe.
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