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Viewings: 3906
Тайна марсианских шариков раскрытаA few years ago, the Rover Opportunity found on the red planet mysterious little black balls, layer which covers the landing of the Rover. Recently the device found on Mars balls already another type. Most likely, both have natural origin and are associated with the composition of the Martian rocks, experts say.
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Viewings: 4845
Найдены суперпрочные спасители ОтечестваThe outbreak of renewed interest in a forgotten was the Native field impacted diamond, which geologists have found back in the 70-ies of the last century, gave rise to a wave of rumors and fantasy projections. Whether such diamonds is only in Russia? Can they suddenly bring down the world economy? Let us try to understand these issues.
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Viewings: 5157
Ученые вскипятили воду без пузырьковAmerican physicists have managed to do the impossible - to force the water to boil without the formation of bubbles. They picked up the materials with such a surface, which lowered the value of the point Leidenfrost water up to a hundred degrees Celsius. This technology will help the crafters to design such a Board, which will significantly reduce the friction of the vessel on the water.
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Viewings: 4808
Христос был женат - говорит папирусHistorians of religion and theologians are never-ending debate about whether Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. The dispute scientists got in fiction and on the screen to recall the notorious "the da Vinci Code" by Dan brown. Meanwhile, this debate is as old as Christianity itself. That proves the inscription on one of the Coptic papyrus.
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Viewings: 4273
Два облака хотят зажечь звездуAny global strikes the observer who first saw this dark hole, gaping at the starry brocade of the firmament. These heavenly bodies dark not externally - they keep a lot of secrets and mysteries. So, astrophysicists believe that there may be a birth of new stars. And two next to us globules, it seems that in the near future will be able to light a star.
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Viewings: 4142
Вороны не глупее АристотеляBiologists from New Zealand have once again surprised their abilities new Caledonian crows. These birds are, it appears, are able to link in your mind visible for them the action with its hidden source. In other words, for them is not difficult to detect a causal link between the two events. As such, even not all mammals can.
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Viewings: 7292
Кем был Робин Гуд?Robin hood - the most famous noble robber. Many people are familiar with the legendary biography of the leader of forest shooters of Sherwood forest. And although he himself is a myth, however, over the centuries, this myth, like the bottom of a ship, and was covered with shells. We will try to deliver the vessel with name "Robin hood" in dry dock, to cleanse it from the later layers.
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Viewings: 4096
Эффект плацебо - вовсе не самовнушение?About the placebo effect was first discussed in the XVIII century, when the German doctors managed to cure the sick with tuberculosis using aspirin. The doctor gave him for the newest and most effective medicine. Since then, placebo were associated with self-suggestion. But recently scientists have presented evidence that the placebo effect from conscious suggestion is not affected.
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Viewings: 4592
Спрайты не дадут ученым из НАСА засохнутьRecently, scientists from NASA was able to further study the behavior of high-altitude lightning, called sprites. And this has helped them camcorder satellites that a few months filmed this phenomenon occur during strong storms. Although sprites for the first time has opened more than 20 years ago, they are still know very little.
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Viewings: 5035
Кораллы: Мексиканский залив выздоровел!Recent studies of American oceanographers have shown that the Gulf of Mexico, apparently fully recovered from the effects of the unfortunate accident that happened two years ago. And this they told local coral polyps. Their spawning hosted this year's absolutely normal - if contaminated, this would be simply impossible.
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Viewings: 3740
Звезды и после смерти заботятся о планетахScientists suggest that the transformation of the stars in the red giant stage does not mean a death sentence for the organisms living on the subjects she planets. The thing is that the resulting after the white dwarf is more stable star, for example, than our Sun. And it can create better conditions for the re-emergence of life.
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Viewings: 4273
От буйства Солнца планеты перекосилоAstrophysicist from France suggested an interesting explanation of one anomaly of the planets of the Solar system. They are all built in the same plane, but this plane is slightly tilted with respect to the solar equator. The scientist believes that this is the result of "hooligan" behavior of the Sun in the early stages of its evolution. Then it loved to radiate relativistic jets.
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Viewings: 4552
Откуда на Луне взялся гелий?The spectrometer LAMP mounted on Board the station Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, has allowed scientists to study the spectrum of substances in the atmosphere of the moon. In particular, it turned out that there are helium and argon. First measurements of the spectrum were held in 1972 under the project LACE made by the mission "Apollo-17".
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Viewings: 3978
Черная дыра опоздала к завтракуThe attention of astrophysicists who gathered at the twenty-eighth session of the General Assembly of the International astronomical Union, was attracted to the unusual behavior of the recently opened a black hole average weight HLX-1. Around her newly formed blue glowing haze. This means that a unique space glutton again gathered to eat.
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Viewings: 4024
Многопланетная система двойной звезды КеплерExperts NASA and the McDonald Observatory (USA) believe that the system of double stars Kepler-47, located in 5 thousand light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, may be mnogoletnei. It means that you can talk about the potential habitability of such star systems. The more planets, the more chances for the existence of life on them.
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