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Viewings: 4177
В Приморье возвращаются акулыNear the coast of the Primorsky territory reported cases of occurrence of sharks.
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Viewings: 3956
Чем ниже рост – тем дольше жизньThe researchers studied data on centenarians region of Italy and came to the conclusion that their impressive lifetime explains... short.
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Viewings: 3791
Количество воды в мантии Марса соответствует земному - ученыеAmerican geologists had analysed the chemical composition of several Martian meteorites formed in the depths of Mars, and found that they contain the same number of water molecules, and the earth mantle, and published their findings in a paper in the journal Geology.
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Viewings: 5043
Медленные нейтроны – «курьеры» между параллельными вселеннымиIn the research, published in the European journal of physics (European Physical Journal, EPJ), researchers proposed and substantiated the hypothesis of the existence of mirror particles and mirror parallel Universes, consisting of these particles. Such a hypothesis was put forward as an explanation of the anomalous phenomenon of disappearance of neutrons, which is observed during several physical experiments. The probability of the existence of mirror particles and mirror matter has already been theoretically substantiated some time ago in the course of searching for the most suitable candidates for the role of the mysterious dark matter.
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Viewings: 6680
Cheetah runs faster than other animals sprinters for several reasons: first, he knows how to play on the ratio of the frequency and step length, and secondly, he knows how not to slide during a throw forward, third, trying to reduce the load on a limb while running.
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Viewings: 4775
Марсианский ветер провоцирует песчаные лавиныResearchers say the wind on Mars can be extremely strong and provoke gatherings sandy avalanches one hundred times more powerful, desert wind provoke similar phenomena in the deserts on Earth. Traces of such avalanches were found near the North pole of Mars. Here experts with the help of orbital apparatus discovered real sand of the sea, driven with dunes Martian storm on an area of about 840 000 sq. kilometers, which is six times the area of the Mojave desert in California.
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Viewings: 5839
Они были в городе на другой планете!Куили — город-лаборатория, носитель огромной информацииResearcher of anomalous phenomena Alexey Pryyma and the hypnotist Valery Avdeev conducted a unique experiment: put a regressive hypnosis resident of the Moscow region Zinaida Gavrilova, they received confirmation that it had hosted a contact with aliens.
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Viewings: 6279
Игнорировать НЛО уже нельзяZhigulevskie reading is the most popular in our country forum, devoted to the study of the unknown and unusual. Its name reading was in honor of Felix Siegel, astronomer, who is often called the father of Russian UFOlogy.
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Viewings: 4596
Четыре всадника апокалипсиса: ископаемое топливо, расщепление ядра, центробанк, войнаThis Quartet is not simply holding the fate of all mankind - it puts into question the existence of life itself on Earth. Profit and power is all that matters; and no such thing as "enough" is no more.
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Viewings: 4886
Чукотское озеро позволило заглянуть на 2,8 млн лет в прошлоеIf you have been hard to pronounce the name of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajoekull, get ready for a new trial. On Chukotka there is a lake Elgygytgyn, and many scientists call it simply "e".
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Viewings: 13597
На Северном Кавказе обнаружено древнее сооружение больше пирамиды ГизыWe are accustomed to think that the main megaliths of the planet are concentrated in Egypt, South America, China. Our dolmens, which are conventionally referred to the megalithic structures, the pyramids and the great wall" look dwarfs. But recently in the North Caucasus has found the system mysterious underground structures. So, in Kabardino-Balkaria near the village of Zayukovo open mysterious kilometers of tunnels. Researchers believe that they were connected by ancient settlements that existed on our planet thousands of years ago. Interestingly, all the tunnels are concentrated around a huge underground structures in the form of an inverted pyramid...
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Viewings: 5153
Зомби для диктатуры пролетариатаThe theme of the revival of the dead first appeared in tales. A lot of place this plot is in religion, where Christ with his hand raised the dead. But how does this topic crept in such an atheist state, as Communist Russia?
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Viewings: 6141
Галлюцинации. Что это за феномен?What is this phenomenon?Sometimes people claim to have seen "something", which actually does not exist. They can position "spirits" or some strange creatures. Sometimes small children say they saw "Oh, my, so terrible, that the horror!". Sometimes it's a fantasy or dream, sometimes illusion.
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Viewings: 6116
Загадка светящихся ангеловScientists are seriously engaged in search of biblical Paradise and hell: some are looking for them on Earth, others in the surrounding planet cosmos.
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Viewings: 8457
К вопросу о клонировании человека в Третьем РейхеIn a very interesting correspondence titled "Homunculus" (confession of Dr. Brenner-3), journalist A. Kotov describes the attempts of scientists of the third Reich to make human cloning. In a deathbed statement made to the FBI, a microbiologist wolf Heinrich Brenner 6 November 1997. he spoke about the successful cloning of a man held his teacher Otto Siegfried Klein in 30-40 years. They say also that the Nazi scientists have used for their experiments secret knowledge lost civilization of Atlantis, saved by the followers of the Occult orders.
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