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Viewings: 5804
Сделана ещё одна попытка объяснить парадокс слабого молодого СолнцаDespite the first sprouts of life, ancient Land was not the most pleasant place. The surface of the planet regularly pobivali space rocks, the atmosphere did not contain oxygen and, consequently, had no ozone to protect the surface from exposure to UV radiation. In addition, young the Sun was made 25% less energy than today, bringing the average temperature on the Earth near the surface had to be below the freezing point of water.
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Viewings: 5496
Землеподобные планеты неразборчивы A group of scientists headed by Francois Fressinet (Francois Fressin) of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics (USA)presented a January 7 meeting of the American astronomical society in long beach, (California, USA) work, analyzing the accumulated statistics exoplanets detected by means of a telescope "Kepler".
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Viewings: 5853
Межпланетные перелёты повышают леньImagine that you are flying to Mars. Fly without any scientific and unscientific fantastic tricks, without all these hyperpresident, subspaces, teleports and without diving into suspended animation. That is day by day you see the sun becomes darker, and the connection with the Earth is getting worse. You are locked in a confined space with several companions in flight, and your life monotonous. What will happen to your body and mind to the end of the journey?
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Viewings: 7851
В Турции, возможно, обнаружены новые ПомпеиВ Турции, возможно, обнаружены новые ПомпеиВ Турции, возможно, обнаружены новые Помпеи

In the fourth century Bishop Nikolai turned the city to the World on the Mediterranean coast in the capital of the Christian world. Later this figure was canonized, and it turned into our Nicholas and Santa Claus, but the World was waiting for the less fortunate fate.
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Viewings: 5626
Идентифицирован один из первых гигантских ихтиозавровDescribed "the first sea monster" - the earliest giant marine reptile that lived 244 million years ago. The length of one of the first ichthyosaurus is estimated 8.6 m
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Viewings: 7019
Древние римляне и греки лечили глаза цинкомMedical drugs are discovered on the site of the incident 2 thousand years ago shipwreck, suggests that the Mediterranean civilization of classical antiquity knew very complicated preparations.
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Viewings: 5201
Уточнены характеристики «Астероида Судного дня»Space Observatory "Herschel" performed new observations of asteroid Apophis during his approach to Earth last weekend. Evidence suggests that the object is greater than previously thought, and has less reflective.
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Viewings: 5203
Сверхновая, которая подняла ложную тревогуAstronomers authorized to state that the massive the star, which they of 2009 was repeatedly caught in the simulation of a supernova, still exploded truly (contrary to some doubt.)
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Viewings: 6539
Между частицами тёмной материи может существовать физическое взаимодействие неизвестного типаA cluster of galaxies Musket Bullet (DLSCL J0916.2+2951), the light from reaching us after traveling the length 5,23 billion years, is a large group of galaxies, formed by the merger of two clusters of smaller size. And this happened in about 700 million years before we see now in telescopes. As suggested by William Dawson (William Dawson) from the University of California at Davis (USA), it is this accumulation can cause revision of the physics of dark matter. Why?
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Viewings: 6043
Ближайшие к нам красные карлики имеют как минимум одну землеподобную планету в зоне обитаемостиCourtney Dressing (Courtney Dressing), astronomer at Harvard University (USA), argues that red dwarfs are small, not too bright and hot star class M, with approximately three quarters of the stellar population in the milky way Galaxy, - have a very high probability of being a parent stars for planets similar in size to the Earth.
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Viewings: 6595
Конец эпохи хорошего кофе близится к концуCoffee lovers expect hard times, and no matter whether you prefer three double espresso a day, or only from time to time catch cappuccino. The fact that climate change will hit the coffee industry, filling 1.6 billion cups a day. Not far off is the time when an afternoon espresso will be more expensive wines.
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Viewings: 5883
On the website NASA presents incredible new video of the Vela pulsar. What we see is a result of observations of the Chandra x-ray Observatory (Chandra X-ray Observatory).
Fast-moving stream of particles generated by the rapid rotation of the neutron star. Researchers believe that these observations will allow us to take a new look at the nature of dense matter in the Universe.

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Viewings: 5412
В этом году к Земле приблизится суперкометаAccording to the statement Daily Mail, earthlings will be able to observe in the sky, the brightest comet of the first half of the XXI century already this year. Rare supercomet rushing to the Sun from the outer part of the Solar system. Astronomers promise that at its peak of supercomet can outshine the moon even during the day and surpass the brightness of the famous comet Hale-BOPP, which was flying over in 1997.
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Viewings: 5172
Телескоп Кеплер позволил обнаружить 17 млрд. планет, приближенных по размерам к ЗемлеAstronomers say that in our galaxy in about one sixth star has a size close to Earth that it brings the number to a total of 17 billion This result was obtained on the basis of data analysis of the planets of the candidates collected by the telescope "Kepler".
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Viewings: 5235
Звездные системы с двумя звездами представляют большой риск для планетPlanets in systems with two stars can be a dangerous place to live, because the planet even have the risk of being thrown out into interstellar space.
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