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Viewings: 7017

Scientists from Japan for the first time managed to shoot on video giant squid that live in the depths of the Pacific ocean.

Unique footage was made a joint crew of the Japanese TV station NHK and the American Discovery Channel, and the initiator of the shooting was the national Museum of science and the environment of Japan. The expedition took place near titidzima Islands, located a thousand miles South of Tokyo.

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Viewings: 5541
Не одни во Вселенной. Вокруг каждой шестой звезды вращается планета, похожая на ЗемлюStatistical analysis of the telescope "Kepler" has shown that approximately every sixth star in surveyed the Universe has in his system Earth-like exoplanet. About it at conference of the American astronomical society said Francois Fresson of the Harvard-Smithsonian center for astrophysics and publication is accepted for publication in the journal the Astrophysical Journal.
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Viewings: 4985
Украинские ученые решили узнать тайны затонувших советских кораблейAccording to experts "black sea undersea research centre", one of the objects - ship "Communist" - this is the secret of the Black sea.
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Viewings: 5130
Ученые-генетики создали бактерии, вырабатывающие топливо из солнечного светаGeneticists have created bacteria that produce chemicals from fossil fuels and plastics, which is a breakthrough for the chemical industry.
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Viewings: 5089
Curiosity – «уборка» на МарсеOn Mars is a bit dusty, so Curiosity decided to clean up, and it can be congratulated with achievement - a small area of the Martian surface is cleaned. For the first time the Rover has adopted one of their tools device dust removal DRT (Dust Removal Tool)located on the arm of the Rover.
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Viewings: 6436
НАСА планирует загнать астероид на окололунную орбитуThe U.S. space Agency NASA has long been nurturing plans to send expeditions to one of the asteroids. But these plans that will be implemented by 2020, year, do not receive yet sufficient support and approval. Therefore, some other organizations engaged in the development of alternative options for the study of asteroids, and one of the most feasible and promising alternative is to plan, developed by experts of Institute of space research Cesc, which is the institution that organized the California Institute of technology and the Laboratory of NASA for the study of jet propulsion.
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Viewings: 4682
Начата подготовка к двухлетней остановке Большого Адронного КоллайдераThe largest and most powerful particle accelerator, which is known to all the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is preparing to shut down, which will happen in March of this year. After that within two years there will be the replacement and modernization of some elements of the design of the TANK, as well as the installation of additional elements and devices that will allow the Collider to reach the level of maximum energy collisions of particles, which should lead to new stunning discoveries in nuclear physics and physics of subatomic particles.
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Viewings: 5069
Последствия взрыва массивной звездыThe spacecraft NASA has documented the consequences of the explosion of a massive star, resulting in a picture with unprecedented resolution.
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Viewings: 5290
Пyтeшecтвиe к Ma??pcy - cкyчнoe зa??нятиePhysiologists found Ruili y of participants of the experiment "Ma pc-500" PA Denia aktivnosti or disruption of sleep , which progressiove whether during the simulation of the flight Kpa scurry PLA no.
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Viewings: 5228
Исследовательские космические аппараты следующего поколения будут похожи на средневековое оружиеMartian research apparatus NASA, such as the Rovers previous generation Spirit and Opportunity, and the latest Curiosity Rover, which recently landed on Mars, had pronounced anthropomorphic qualities, mast-head-cameras, arms, which make them very recognizable and kind even "cute". The next generation of devices intended for studies of other planets and celestial bodies, will be significantly less "attractive", because these devices in appearance will be very remind one of the medieval weapons - Mace.
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Viewings: 4868
Марсоход Curiosity готовится начать бурение МарсаThe Rover NASA Curiosity is very close to the commencement of drilling on Mars. In outer office say that Curiosity will start drilling operations this week. John grotzinger, scientific Director of the project, says that after the break for the new year holidays group Curiosity shall send the apparatus to the Martian region known as the Gulf Yellow Knife. It is expected that there will be selected first Martian rock drilling.
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Viewings: 5912
На поверхности Луны замечены новые кратерыThe researchers found on the surface of the moon series of three mysterious craters. Experts, which follows the lunar surface, believe that the craters were formed within a few minutes, but as it happened I can not explain.
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Viewings: 5025
Внеземную жизнь будут искать в подземных океанахWhere there is water, can be life, for the existence of which water is absolutely necessary - it is solvent, thanks to which it is easy to assemble complex macromolecules that are necessary for living systems. Yes, on Mars now is lots of orbital apparatus, and it is covered with geological evidence of a long-standing presence of water. But nothing more. The most encouraging to date, the conclusion is that found a place where millions of years ago flowed streams. Scientists do not stop the search. But the irony is that "just" a couple of hundred million kilometres from Mars there are a lot of potentially habitable places with plenty of water.
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Viewings: 5300
Прогноз погоды для коричневого карликаUsing space telescopes "the Spitzer and Hubble group of astronomers was able to explore the turbulent atmosphere of the brown dwarf, and to create the most detailed "map weather" for this class subsidy objects.
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Viewings: 6585
Long time was considered that the skin is wrinkled due to normal osmosis water seeps into the cells, and the outer layers of the skin because of this swell and become deformed. However, experiments, and observations of recent years has convinced scientists that here, most likely, the problem in the nerves. When the skin is under water, nerves give its vessels command narrow, and fabric decreases in volume. As a result, the surface of the skin still shrinks, though for a different reason.
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