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Viewings: 5226
В системе Веги найден пояс астероидовAstronomers apparently found a large asteroid belt around the star VEGA is the second brightness in the Northern part of the night sky. The appropriate conclusion is made on the basis of the data space telescopes "Spitzer" and "Herschel".
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Viewings: 6105
На Титане может быть морской лёдScientists working with the data of the spacecraft Cassini, came to the conclusion that the surface of lakes and seas of Titan can decorate hydrocarbon ice floes. The presence of the latter allows to explain the strange reflectivity of a surface of this moon of Saturn.
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Viewings: 5533
Комета ISON подойдет вплотную к ЗемлеIn autumn 2013 to the Earth close ancient comet, which moves along a unique trajectory. Scientists expect that by its brightness, it will Eclipse the moon and will be visible to the naked eye, even in the daytime.
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Viewings: 5261
Today,9 January in the 15.43 MSC will fly by the Earth asteroid Apophis

Asteroid Apophis, which is called the most serious cosmic threat to the Earth, today will approach our planet at a distance of about fourteen and a half million kilometers. By the standards of the Universe is not so much. But in 2029, according to scientists Apophis will fly only 36 thousand kilometers from the Earth, that is the orbit of geostationary satellites.

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Viewings: 7420
Склад летающих тарелок13 February 1992, nearly 45 people went to the police with the statement that they have observed a strange object the size of a soccer ball (according to other witnesses, with the car), hovering at an altitude of 900 meters in the air somewhere between the towns Aldrich and Sutton Coldfield in the UK.
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Viewings: 7136
Почему мы верим гадалкам,гороскопам и предсказаниям?It has been numerously stated that the speakers like "your destiny in this year" are often collective creativity edition, fortune-tellers simply good psychologists, and signs of the Zodiac so moved in the sky for several millennia that all ancient settlements have to be adjusted. But people still believe in the mysterious and unsubstantiated.
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Viewings: 8316
Самое известное восклицание «Под нами кто-то есть!»The most famous exclamation "Under us someone is!" belongs to the American ufologist Alan Polanski, who with a small group of researchers in 2005 studied abandoned in the mountains of South American lake. From the depth of the reservoir could hear strange sounds. Their nature is still not installed.
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Viewings: 6386
НЛО в средние векаExtant sources Chronicles and other documents suggest that in VI-XVII centuries in some European countries, Japan, and China has seen unidentified flying objects.
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Viewings: 6499
Съел врага и стал сильнееWe used to messages that the world's last cannibals peacefully live out their days in the wilds of Brazil, on the Pacific Islands or in New Guinea. Many people think that it is these areas on Earth and always limited the spread of cannibalism, but it is not so...
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Viewings: 6188
Прошлая жизньNot everyone is given to know who they were in their past incarnation. But sometimes some lucky it is possible...
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Viewings: 5454
Одна из соседних галактик была поглощена сверхмассивной центральной черной дырой. На очереди Млечный путь?Mass outbreaks in the neighboring region of space puzzled astronomers, reports phys.org
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Viewings: 6823
Появился новый «Бермудский треугольник»?The archipelago off the coast of Venezuela, where the aircraft designer Vittorio Missoni disappeared in the air, gaining a reputation as the place of mysterious disappearances. Happened here, at least 15 unexplained "disappearances".
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Viewings: 10711
«Кёнигсберг-13»Four medieval building, located in the centre of the historical town on the island, Kneiphof, had one address: Koenigsberg-13. About a century ago, there was one of the most enigmatic laboratories in the world. What was she doing and what preceded its creation?
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Viewings: 9607
Гости из иной реальностиPhantoms of other universes. Several cases from the experience of non-governmental research groups "Avesta", in the Soviet era created in Samara group of local scientists. And although since its Foundation it has been almost three decades, "Avesta" to this day continues to study various abnormal problems.
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Viewings: 6400
Заговоренное СловоUnconscious, instinctive, misty produced random hand experience live, ahead of the science on the whole century.
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