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Viewings: 6101
Захоронения неизвестного народаChinese and American archaeologists have studied disposal, which counts more than 4 thousand years. Buried in them, people do not have virtually nothing in common with either Chinese or modern Tibetans.
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Viewings: 8222
Умирая, мозг «вспоминает» даже момент рожденияWhat happens for those 5 minutes, when the resuscitators trying to pull dying from oblivion?
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Viewings: 6422
The drugs. Legal and illegal never been so easily available, they can cause physical and psychological dependence, side effects long-term effects, financial problems, and this may be the cause of a mental disorder, they are all dangerous.

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Viewings: 6656
В создании международной шпионской сети подозревают россиянFive years unknown cyber spying on government organizations worldwide.
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Viewings: 6349
ТАЙНЫ РЕИНКАРНАЦИИStatistics shows that every second person believes that once he has already lived on this earth. What was he: a slave, a courtesan, a mercenary or a monk? These questions will help us to answer the German specialist therapy past lives Reinhold Klotz.
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Viewings: 8665
Древние рудники и пришельцыAliens who find themselves at a considerable distance from their home planet and who experienced a shortage in equipment for mining, entered simple and brilliant, creating slaves-miners.
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Viewings: 6345
Музей ЛюцифераOn the threshold of the third Millennium of the Christian era have been many predictions about the coming end of the world. Some were planning it for 1999, but when nothing terrible happened, began to push the fateful date in the future. First, in the current decade of the XXI century, then on, and on, and so on tens and hundreds of years ahead. The essence of the story about the end of the world, as it is known, that after the seizure of power on Earth, the Antichrist will be a decisive battle in heaven and hell forces, and on the planet, in the end, will reign the Kingdom of God.
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Viewings: 7777
О НАС И ОБ АТЛАНТИДЕIt's time to talk about a very serious subject. This theme concerns all of us - all of mankind, which now enters the next stage of development of ATLANTIS. Atlantis repeatedly appeared on our planet in the development of the technological path of knowledge. And not once did happen that reaching a certain level of development, it removed the upper force. Why it happened? Yes because this way for a man, a blind and self-destroying. Here is an example of an article by Sergei Trotsky. It perfectly describes how today is manifested this way of development of Atlantis. Whenever civilization is called differently, but the essence is one. And proof that it is not once existed on the planet already unearthed by archaeologists
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Viewings: 5287
Бильдербергский клуб может провести следующую встречу в США, а не в ЕвропеIf semi-centennial trend will continue, secretive unit of international forces, known as the Bilderberg club, will gather in 2013 in Europe shortly after the associated group, Trilateral Commission (TC), will hold a March 15-17 meeting in Berlin. Usually Bilderberg - who last year was going in Chantilly Virginia - holds its annual meetings alternately in North America and Europe. However, something indicates that Bilderberg-2013 will change its rule and will gather again in the States.
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Viewings: 6400
Ученые объяснили пользу "кофейного чая"Cup of tea, made from the leaves of coffee, combines the beneficial properties of both drinks
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Viewings: 5854
Возле Веги обосновались астероиды?Recently, scientists have confidence in the unmistakable presence of the asteroid belt around nearest to our Sun stars VEGA and Fomalhaut. These data are the result of long and hard work of the space-based telescopes "Spitzer" and "Herschel". There is an assumption that some of these stars may have planetary systems similar to the Sun.
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Viewings: 6112
Истина археологии против тайн НЛОArchaeologists carry out excavations around the Sonoran desert in Mexico, found the burial site of the ancient Mesoamerican culture. Special interest was deformed skull, writes the online edition of Discovery News. As reported by scientists log Past Horizons Archaeology, "buried in the burial ground of twenty-five people, thirteen of them observed artificial cranial deformation, and at five - damage to teeth.
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Viewings: 11848
Прогноз на 2013 год: аварии, катаклизмы, новый экономический кризис и третья мировая войнаIn contrast to the predictions of the representatives of " alternative" science, opinions of professionals have a scientific basis, and their forecast for 2013 disappointing. In February at a dangerous distance from the Earth will sweep the asteroid, Russia should expect temperature anomalies and floods and accidents on water and other networks, the world can stir up a new round of economic crisis and global war.
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Viewings: 6164
Люди-загадки: ЭВМ в головеAs we all know, some people have the ability to produce in the mind of operations with very large numbers, and sometimes faster than it does a calculator or computer. Usually they are unable to explain how it turns out. Many of them use their talent is not in mathematics, and for variety performances.
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Viewings: 7072
Астрология:Звездные вехи годаIn General, 2013 promises to be difficult, since, firstly, the year of the Snake usually in itself ambiguous, secondly, the main planet luck - Jupiter - practically the whole year will be in connection with a Black Moon. And, third, in the current year Water Snake Luck (Water) conflicts with the element of Life (Fire) is also contributing contradictions and reduces the likelihood of success.
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