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Viewings: 4520
Люди смогут жить на МарсеThe radiation level on the surface of Mars that scientists believed one of the obstacles to the landing on the Red planet person, actually comparable to radiation at low orbits of the Earth, according to the data of measurements of Curiosity Rover.
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Viewings: 5300
Загадочные болезни5 flashes mysterious mental illness, covering a whole town or village, and then disappeared.
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Viewings: 4946
Конец света в сновидениях и пророчествахIn Kazan branch research organizations "Kosmopoisk" began to receive messages from people who dream of a coming Apocalypse. The content of the dream about the same: the city is rolled giant wave that washes away everything in its path. What is it - people are just afraid of the end of the world or foresee real events?
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Viewings: 4448
Дверь в нирвануRecently, as if trampling own death, dead, increasingly began to come back to life, shocking employees ritual institutions, doctors, relatives. This mysterious facts could not be of interest to scientists who have attempted studies of clinical death, to analyze the experience had been "in the old days the river Styx and returned back.
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Viewings: 3452
In the transmission refers the woman, whose son, elementary school student, began to show unprecedented for their age aggression. Sets the observation of the behavior of the boy and the equipment records strange frequency indignation in his room. This outbreak coincides with the moment when the boy yells at her mother. Experts notice, that earlier the student started to play with a book, and believes that the impact may be linked to her

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Viewings: 8161
Потепления не избежатьMany countries themselves to limit global warming to two degrees by the end of the century. But most research shows that we cannot cope with the obligations. If not accelerate the transition to renewable energy and nuclear power, humanity safely slip limit, after which climate change will become deadly.
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Viewings: 5593
Мифы о здоровом питании и их опровержениеWe often hear people telling each other, how to eat correctly. While giving the truth common "people's" misconceptions. Let's try to refute the popular myths about healthy eating.
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Viewings: 4617
Медики начали исследование скелета предполагаемого инопланетянина из ПеруWeb-site hiddenincatours.com informed that currently the two doctors have begun the study of the skeleton of an alleged alien from Peru.
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Viewings: 5035
Тайны древнего алтаряThe prophet Zechariah in a fur cap. Kuma sibyl in kokoshnik and furs. Eva with lemon instead of Apple ... Ghent altar is a mystery to historians and art critics. There is even a theory that this is not just a masterpiece, and the encrypted message Templar about where the hiding place of the Holy Grail because supposedly this sacred Cup depicted in the center. The fate of the masterpiece full of drama and mystery. Many centuries behind the altar hunted as for the Holy Grail, but he mysteriously returned to his native Cathedral.
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Viewings: 5665
Соль ЗемлиIn the knowledge of the real world, there are no trifles. Even ordinary salt can tell us about global change in the nature of our planet. You only need to look attentively and ponder what lies before our eyes...
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Viewings: 5633
New York Times призывает американцев быть готовыми к социальному коллапсу.FEMA и американские карантинные лагеряThe New York Times published a story ( "How to survive in the suburbs during social collapse"), which many might call too late for the majority of new Yorkers, but "timely" for many other people who are preparing for the collapse of society. A few weeks after the hurricane Sandy slammed new York and new Jersey, sending countless people in FEMA camps (Ferley service for emergency situations), new York times paints a picture of "survival" in a different light.
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Viewings: 4970
«Чужие» оставили на Земле подсказкиRoman philosopher Titus Lucretius Carus in his work "About the nature of things" formulated the theory on the influence of space aliens on human development (the theory of paleokontakta): "the Whole visible world in nature is not the only thing we have to admit that in the other spaces there are other lands with other human beings (sentient beings) and other animals". Of course, he was not the first who gave this message. In particular, it expressed the Greek sages.
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Viewings: 4276

In late October 2012 whole world headlines around the video, which cigar-shaped UFO flies right into the crater of the volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico. Some have even linked it with the beginning of sandy.
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Viewings: 3903
Superpowers is a gift or a curse? Why each of the people who possess these abilities paid for his gift terrible price?

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Viewings: 4225
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