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Viewings: 3559
Сладкая газированная вода вредит суставам - ученыеConsumption of carbonated soft drinks worsens the condition of the joints. The most sparkling effect on the state of the tribes of lean men. Such conclusions were made by scientists from Brigham, USA, in the course of the study. See also: Hugo Chavez urged to abandon Pepsi and Coca Cola, the Researchers studied patients who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees. It turned out that the more carbonated water was used by the patient, the worse they get their condition.
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Viewings: 4939
Удары по Марсу нагрели воду до жизненной температурыWater, warm water so that it could be conceived life, still flowed on Mars, tell us the authors of another episode of a long scientific series, which becomes more confusing. Let us just recall a recent example: first Curiosity Rover found on the red planet ancient river, but then showed that there is no methane, despite data of ground-based observations. Heart eager to see the Martian life this news fell on Earth, 90-95% of this gas produced by living beings.
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Viewings: 3873
Чёрные дыры «съели» холодный водород в ранней ВселеннойAustralian astronomers Stephen Curran from Sydney University and Matthew whiting from the State Union of scientific and applied research (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO) claim that finally found the cause of the deficit of hydrogen in the early Universe.
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Viewings: 3727
Может ли российский истребитель пятого поколения стать ещё менее заметным?Fresh independent review Carlo Kopp, one of the founders of the analytical group Air Power Australia, presents a number of interesting abstracts on the prospects and potential of developing the Russian fighter of the fifth generation PAK FA (West is better known in the factory index their prototypes - T-50).
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Viewings: 4017
Рассеянное внимание, возможно, сокращает жизньTime of our lives is measured by telomeres - terminal fragments of chromosomes, which do not bear any material information, but protects the genes underlying them from damage during cell division. Each division of the telomeres become shorter, but on their length is influenced by many factors - such as stress. Stress without any dividing shorter telomeres, which means that the cell will be able to separate smaller number of times - and the body will eventually die earlier.
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Viewings: 5323
Ученые нашли способ предсказать время смерти человека American scientists have found a way to accurately predict the time of day when the person most likely to die from stroke or heart attack. This factor is determined by the particular combination in the human genotype, writes Daily Mail.
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Viewings: 4450
Некоторые люди обладают способностью видеть звукиA new study in the UK showed that some people have the ability to see sounds, as part of their brain responsible for visual performance, very little.
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Viewings: 5872
25 лёгких перекусов, которые снабдят вас энергией на весь деньOur energy is directly related to the foods we eat. The foods that we choose to saturate the body can either improve our vital energy, or to reduce it. Here is a list of energy-rich foods that will support your General condition and health. 25, so let's get started!
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Viewings: 5171
В Италии без лишнего шума проходит встреча Бильдербергского клубаWhile most attention is riveted to every detail, it seems that the Bilderberg made something that some have called the unscheduled Roman meeting.
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Viewings: 6338
Подсказки с того светаThe blessed memory of the departed to a better world relatives stores each family. We remember them, because our memory they need. And they remember us, even cared for his remaining. Most often departed relatives come to us in dreams, and it is important to understand their signals converted to a living. Probably each of us can tell its exciting and instructive story about the unseen and unknown another connection between the two worlds.
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Viewings: 6622
Контакты и контактеры или загадочная ложь пришельцевSensation! Just managed to contact representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations (EC)!! For the first time managed to get answers to all questions from aliens!!! Sensation? Of course... But the message would print every week.
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Viewings: 3997
Всех украинцев сделают донорами и после смерти будут разбирать на органыEvery Ukrainian want to make the potential donor. The Ministry of health of Ukraine developed and submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law according to which every Ukrainian will be able to donate organs after their death, when life is not legally execute a waiver of such prospects. The bill was submitted to Parliament two weeks ago and is currently on the study of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on health, writes Today.
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Viewings: 5589
Лабиринты астральных путешествийAccording to cosmological and Theosophical teachings, the astral plane (or the subtle world) is between two worlds - dense and fire. In it, according to esoteric, live the angelic and demonic entities, pagan gods, spirits of nature and soul suicide. For him who died a natural death of the person astral plane is beyond the knowledge of the region, where at the first stage of its long trip to worlds beyond gets his immortal soul.
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Viewings: 5639
Акула на стероидахIn 1954, the Australian ship "Rachel Cohen" embarked on an overhaul in one of the docks Adelaide. Fix began with a "General cleaning". Did you clean the bottom of the ship from the shells, and found 17 enormous teeth stuck in the skin. Every - size 8 to 10 see For all history of existence of the Earth such teeth could boast only one "fish" - the Megalodon. One problem: she died 1.5 million years ago. Or not?
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Viewings: 4487
Четыре всадника Апокалипсиса в области внешней политики ("The European", Германия)The United States is losing its hegemonic status. If Barack Obama wants to successfully navigate the waters of foreign policy in the next four years, he will have to correct Outlook Americans
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