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Viewings: 3885
In the Mayan prophecy 2012 December 21,said-then there is no time...it Will be the unique astronomical event,galactic Eclipse when our sun will stand between the earth and the center of the galaxy and hide from us the source of mind...the Last time such an event was 26000 years ago...

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Viewings: 4773
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Viewings: 4238
The true reasons of the end of the world - from the past into the future. What awaits us in the future, after the global mistakes of the past? These questions will be answered by: Victor Rogozhkin, Sergey Mader, Yuri Kovelenov, as well as the permanent host Sergey Mudrov

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Viewings: 6066
Таинственное животное нападает на жителей БорнеоAccording to the publication The Borneo Post, recently unknown animal attacked two people working on the farm. Indonesian working plantation and 75-year-old farmer almost lost his life, and experienced the strongest shock in life when they are independent from each other attacked by unknown living creature at the beginning of this month.
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Viewings: 4562
Одним космическим телескопом для поиска экзопланет стало меньшеThe French national center of space research (Centre National d'?tudes Spatiales, CNES) reports that space telescope CoRoT (COnvection ROtation and planetary Users November 2, 2012 fell victim to a fatal error in software. Although the spacecraft is still functional ("hardware" OK), data transfer 30-centimeter telescope on the Ground was broken. Most likely, finally.
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Viewings: 6440
Есть ли жизнь в стратосфере?Who lives on the edge of space? That is, who, apart pilots and rare divers in the sky? To this question and was about to answer one of the employees of NASA.
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Viewings: 4328
Никола Тесла выступал за евгеникуNikola Tesla is widely known as champion AC, wireless electricity and "ray of death", but some of his fans probably will not be happy some forecasts scientist relative future science and culture. He predicted not only the coming of the workaholic-robots, which will allow the person to rest, and to end wars with the advent of super-weapon, but also the distribution in the XXI century eugenics saying that mankind is high time to improve.
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Viewings: 5656

Underwater researchers in Mexico have saved the largest of the existing fish, in the body which dug the remains of ropes.
Divers noticed wounded whale shark while diving near Socorro island 400 kilometers from the coast of Mexico.
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Viewings: 4310
Метеоритный дождь "Леонид" достигнет своего пика 20 ноябряBy November 20 the famous meteor rain "Leonid" reaches its peak. It meteors very fast (about 40 kilometers per second) and can leave traces of smoke in the atmosphere. They move in the constellation Leo, and may range in color.
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Viewings: 5322
Фантастические главы христианской историиAre there any secrets in Christianity? Certainly, very much. We are not talking about a creed, open the Lord God through Scripture and tradition. But there are paradoxes, especially in hagiographic literature, which are clearly very difficult to assess. Some believe such hagiography fictitious. Though to dismiss always easier than to try to understand.
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Viewings: 4269
Изучение языков вызывает прирост мозгаIn Swedish Academy of young interpreters recruits are taught crash course complex languages. It is not only in military discipline: the doctors found that intensive study of foreign languages stimulates the growth of the hippocampus and causes changes in other brain structures. Known and the benefits of learning languages to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
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Viewings: 4164
Два белых карлика соткали кружевоThe most famous scientists of planetary nebulae have the correct spherical form. However, there are exceptions - for example, the nebula Fleming 1, like intricate lace veil, with visible seal in the center. Recently, scientists have discovered why it is so unusual is the fact that it created two identical white dwarf.
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Viewings: 5489
Животные тоже скучаютWhen you look at the sitting in the cells of animals in the zoo, you, probably, think that they, like humans, are able to get bored, and they are likely to suffer from such "prison". Although we can't get into your head living beings and to find out what they really think, scientists first tried to prove experimentally that animals experience boredom and depression.
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Viewings: 4492
Как распознать транс-жиры на этикетке?Any food, even the most useful and healthy, contains little fat - whether lettuce or carrots - and this is not bad. Fats give our body the energy and help assimilated vitamins A, D, E and K. They also give food a pleasant taste and maintain healthy hair and skin.
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Viewings: 4231
Человека от зверя отделяет только один ген A group of scientists has identified a molecule of RNA, which is unique to man. Only one gene separates us from the animals.
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