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Viewings: 4690
2012 год - завершения цикла пятой арийской расы!2012 - the end of the fifth cycle of the Aryan race, or a smooth transition of Mother Earth and humanity into a new dimension, or the last Judgment, through which must pass humanity.
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Viewings: 5767
Бог живет в другой вселеннойScientists at Cambridge and Princeton universities made a sensational statement, saying that "Big Bang", which voids allegedly universe was created, was preceded by a "Big splash".
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Viewings: 6245
ЧТО ТАКОЕ "ГОЛУБАЯ КНИГА" И "ПИСЬМО ПЕНТАКЛЯ"?It is in the States for the first time seriously engaged in the study of UFOs. In June 1947, when the pilot Kenneth Arnold saw over the Cascade mountains nine "flying saucers", began the study of the phenomenon. Under cover of strict secrecy. Using the data and army forces.
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Viewings: 4721
Охота за чужими мыслямиThe science of the XXI century does not recognize such phenomena as telepathy. However, enthusiasts has not given up trying to read thoughts. And, despite the official skepticism, these studies often find a patron in the person of the military.
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Viewings: 3609
На плацебо лучше всех реагируют добрые и честные оптимисты ("Los Angeles Times", США)Do not get fooled by some slang words in reports on biomedical research, in which they write, that people clearly reacting to receive placebo fools will not name. As shown by recent studies, most likely these are people who are usually characterized more decent words: fair, open, courageous in the face of danger and always ready to lend a helping hand to those who were in trouble.
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Viewings: 4496
Когда Будда был христианским святым ("La Stampa", Италия)Byzantine history Joasaph is a medieval bestseller, which was preceded by Hesse's novel "Siddharta" was the beginning of the age of Enlightenment in the West.
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Viewings: 7362
Bigfoot or "snow man" haunting in remote areas of the United States, including in the area of Missouri near Kansas city.

What Scott Nelson hears in his headphones strange, uneasy and inexplicable.
"Yes, I heard he says. And you will hear, as he says here, through the moment"," replied Nelson, when asked whether he thinks that Bigfoot exists.

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Viewings: 4875
Конец света наступит от вирусов животныхIn the next five years in humanity can hit the disease is transmitted from animals and killing their victims. We are waiting for a real Armageddon, experts believe.
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Viewings: 6091
Весточка от инопланетянSensational message of the American astronomers made on the first day of autumn, went unnoticed, although at other times, this event would be devoted editorials all leading Newspapers of the world. After all, it was about getting from space radio signal, having, apparently, artificial origin.
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Viewings: 5323
Кому нужны прогнозы погоды?The results of the survey, conducted by "Envayroment Canada, showed that 37 % of the population when choosing clothes are based on the weather forecast. Last year this figure was 10 % lower.
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Viewings: 5501
Правда о засухеIntergovernmental expert group on climate change, predicting the active expansion of arid areas as a result of global warming, apparently mistaken. According to the results of a new study, it was found that current methods for estimating the strength of drought wrong. The situation is not so sad, as climatologists predict.
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Viewings: 6457
Волкодав. Арийский алфавит. Легенда о ПрародителяхAlong with the power Arias revered knowledge. Under the knowledge Arias understood not esoteric abstract-philosophical theory, which nowadays are many, and very specific techniques to achieve specific goals.
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Viewings: 5585
Кардиолог: В период активности Солнца уязвимыми становятся не только больные, но и здоровые людиChanges in the Solar system affect the health of an individual's cardiovascular system. About it on November 17, during the press conference said the cardiologist Tigran Poghosyan.
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Viewings: 6017
Нанотехнологии иллюминатов. Внедрение наномикрочипов в вакциныIn the near future we are expecting a large chipping by introducing special nanopreparation large-scale pandemic influenza is a great occasion for such a global vaccination.
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Viewings: 5565
27.09.2011, the notorious website WikiLeaks published classified documents,which,according to the site,reported the outbreak of the invasion of aliens on Zemlyak NASA "Blue Beam" is a fundamental part of the plan to capture our planet.

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