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In 1799 in the Strait between the Islands of Vlieland and Terschelling off the coast of Holland sank while in Hamburg gold coins and ingots on a huge even at that time the amount of 1 175 000 GBP English frigate Lucia".
Lay frigate not too deeply, and so happened from time to time very strong tides one side was elevated above the water.
About one and a half years, local residents during the low tide went down into the hold, but was able to draw from only 70 thousand pounds.
The ground under the frigate was soft, and the ship slowly left him in deeper and deeper, and strong currents bring a new sand.
...In 1823, the king of the Netherlands made the British monarch George truly great gift - a concession to the rise of gold "Came". He handed her the insurance company "Lloyd". But five years from the frigate was able to extract values only on 40 thousand pounds sterling. In the end the leaders of "Lloyd" decided that rescue operations are more costly than gold, and stopped them.
But, of course, in addition to "Lloyd" there were many others who wish to profit English gold, and the expedition followed one after another. These were the solitary hunters-adventurers, and a solid stock company specially created for the extraction of treasures. The ascending of gold moved in step with technical progress of the XIX century: first, there have been tried caissons, then the diving bell, then excavator...
But the trouble is that gold did not want to get up. For months, the works on cleaning of hull frigate often went in vain - the case is again carried the sand just a few hours.
...In may 1911 at the place of shipwreck came the largest and most well-equipped expedition under command of the English captain Gardner.
The captain managed by means of powerful pumps to eliminate 12 metre layer of sand and achieve the skeleton of a frigate. But here he was waiting for a new surprise: hundreds of iron nuclei, soldered rust, turned the powder cellar, where there was gold in this Deposit box. Light explosions expedition began to destroy that armor, but winter storms forced Gardner to depart for the winter in Amsterdam. By the spring "Lutiy" again drifted sand, and the money allocated to captain Gardner on a rescue mission ended.
Just expedition Gardner managed to raise some gold and some 300 pieces of silver.
Were made several attempts to reach the gold Came, but it was useless. From the navigating bridge was only cleared the bell, which now hangs in the office of the company "Lloyd" and informs its ringing about each killed or missing in the sea the ship ...