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All mankind, undoubtedly, greatly worried by the fact that the Mayan calendar end date : December 21, 2012, and all interested in one question: is this the end of the world?
If the world will end? Whether to wait to us Apocalypse 2012?
Currently, in the world going on for some really crazy about the end of the world 2012 - All interested in one question: "will the world end in 2012?"
This decided to do and we analyzed the opinions of scientists, the Ancient Tribes, the Sumerians and other theorists:
Let's deal in order:
In 2010 came two film called "Apocalypse" and "2012", this idea soon caught writers, and decided to earn good money on this, releasing such books as:
"Apocalypse 2012: a Scientific investigation of the end of civilization", "Revolution 2012 Preparation", "2012: the Return of Quetzalcoatl" and others.
Naturally, the public picked up the idea and began a General panic, which is based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends on the date December 21, 2012. But we hasten You to immediately notify that this is not the Mayan calendar end date and end the era of "Fifth sun" , and for her to begin the era of the "Sixth Sun": according to studies, "Fifth Sun", which began on August 13, 3113 years BC, was to last 5126 years, and the last day of this "age": on December 21, 2012, based on this panic.
What will happen in 2012. Prediction:
Now people are concerned about the main question: where did the ancient Mayan come from their number system time course and dividing it into cycles? People were divided into two classes: one screams that it's all nonsense, that the world will not end, others, in their time, they say that this is perhaps not the truth, but yet they're scared.
Of course this global event, it is not only frightening, but suggestive: "What to do?" - the answer is still the same: to wait for the next era of the Mayan calendar - "the Sixth Era of Creation"or "Sixth Sun".
Who is to blame in the end of the world?
The author of the book "Apocalypse 2012: a Scientific investigation of the end of civilization", Joseph LAWRENCE:
The solar system will have to die for "Eclipse" in the Central part of the milky Way or the second version: the Earth will deviate from its axis and start chaotic movement on the expanses of space of the universe.
The author of the book "2012: the Return of Quetzalcoatl" Daniel Pinchbeck believes that:
Planet Earth await the strongest eruptions, strong tidal waves and earthquakes, as a result, half of which are "Land" will be destroyed.
The author of the book "Revolution 2012: Preparation" Andrew SMITH and his theory:
Planet expects the restoration of balance between man and woman, the move to a completely different degree worldview, and as a result, humanity recognizes that science such as: "physics", "biology", "chemistry" is not wealthy and not full.
Alexander FILATOV, the designer of the Federal nuclear center, Sarov, utverjdaet:
Near Earth will pass planet Nibiru, aka planet X, which will cause a shift of the poles, which will have the deluge and a full climate change.
Peter JAMES and Nick THORPE, University of California:
The two scientists say that the earth will collide with an asteroid, maybe even with a series of asteroids.
Astronomers about the end of the world:
Astronomers say that "the Earth did not yet threaten"
Valentin ESIPOV, head of the Department of radio astronomy of the State astronomical Institute. Sternberg:
- The principle of any calendar is organized as follows: to detect the motion of the planets around the Sun. The more accurate the data obtained on the movement of celestial bodies, the more precise chronology. We have the most modern equipment, in contrast to the ancient tribes that did not know much. Also, we follow all the comets and asteroids, as we know all about heavenly bodies that will come close to Earth in the next ten years. And with all responsibility declare that nothing Earth is not in danger.
Astrologers believe that:
"Can occur destructive processes"
Boris BASIC, Astrologer:
-" December 12, 2012 (9 days before the date December 21, 2012) is the day when the configuration on the heavenly arch is not easy. This is the last day of the lunar month, which is considered the "satanic": be connected Jupiter with Black Moon, planet of negative karma, and there is intense planetary aspect of Pluto with Uranium. In addition, all of this will happen at the time when the Uranium changes its direction of movement, which may result in strong destructive processes. Don't know if the specified day "last day of Pompeii", but, apparently, the trouble he will deliver a lot."
Mathematician and physicist says:
"We can only guess"
Vladimir PAKHOMOV, mathematician, physicist, former research fellow of the joint Institute for nuclear research, author of "the Message of the Unborn":
- "On the Mayan calendar has become known due to the fact that they had the custom to put in all settlements of the monument is a stone pillars on which was made record of important events with date. Describe your Mayan calendar we have left. That is, maybe, and it was such a description, but tens of thousands of handwritten books Maya were burned Catholic monks. Only stone walls have been preserved. So we can only make different assumptions about their calendar system. For example, the myth of the high precision of the Mayan calendar, unsubstantiated. When indicate the accuracy of the calendar, recording the number of days in a year with precision in tens of decimal places, do not believe. The calendar is not a chronometer. The lowest value in any calendar is one day. And to measure smaller values are used watch and the clock."
Our view:
Having studied a number of books and teaching, we concluded that the most threatening version is the version of the approach of planet Nibiru, and what's wrote on "tablets" tribe Maya