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Viewings: 4413
В магнитном поле Земли скрываются порталы в параллельные мирыPhysics NASA say that at the moment of collision the magnetic fields of the earth and the Sun space is distorted so that you can get into another dimension.
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Viewings: 5572
«Миф об Индиго Детях»My head boils every time I hear about delightful wonders of the Indigo Children. They are not special. We are all special. Indigo Children, who arrived on the planet since the late 80s reflect higher and the net level of awareness achieved through our growing consciousness.
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Viewings: 4475
Нью-Йорк уйдет под воду через 300 летScientists studying climate change, came to a disappointing conclusions about the fate of the U.S. East coast.
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Viewings: 7091
Где ты страна Шамбала?Somewhere in the Himalayan mountains, the belief of some people, there is a mysterious country called Shambhala. In large dungeon is home last heirs of earthlings who belong to the ultra-high civilization. Once this civilization lived on Earth, and then almost extinct.
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Viewings: 4746
Глобальное потепление: Прорицатели и отрицателиClimate change is the litmus test by which easily checked honesty scholars
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Viewings: 7845
Кто создал Землю и людей…In each theory has some truth, which makes people believe very fanatical followers of their faith... but a lot of nonsense and why there are opponents that the truth is perceived, and in General the false theory dragged...
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Viewings: 4637
Список стран и городов, которые утонут в ближайшие десятилетияHumanity's time to say goodbye to a sinking Amsterdam, Venice, Tripoli, Yokohama and the Maldives.
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Viewings: 4590
Ченнелинг: Конец темных временOn Earth begins chaos in anticipation of the financial crisis. However, we stand behind the events that are accepted for repayment of the final collapse, and our allies can act. There will be no return to the old ways that have put you into a humiliating situation.
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Viewings: 4920
Ледниковый период начнется через 2 годаHead of the sector of space research of the Sun Pulkovo Observatory, doctor of physical-mathematical Sciences, Habibullo abdussamatov running the project "Astrometry", created for studying the behavior of our star and its influence on Earth's climate. He and his staff said that in 2014 on our planet will begin next glacial period, which will last for almost two centuries.
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Viewings: 3816
Two powerful emission of plasma that occurred in the Sun on Wednesday and Thursday, may provoke a surge of geomagnetic disturbances on Earth on Sunday, June 17, according to experts of the center of space weather prediction National Board of oceanic and atmospheric research, USA (NOAA).

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Viewings: 5044
В Антарктиде найдены энерго-порталыNot so long ago, in press published the materials about the detection of magnetic anomalies in the Antarctic, in the area of lake Vostok, and that there is the entrance to the underground Kingdom of the Earth. Admiral Richard Byrd was trying to uncover the secrets of the poles of the planet. He organized several expeditions to the area of the South pole in 40-50-ies of the last century.
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Viewings: 5702
Астрологические прогнозы - доход на наивности или правда о будущем?Astrology is a group of predictive practices, traditions and beliefs based on identifying the relationship between heavenly bodies and the fates of people. Using the location of the stars at the moment of birth of a person astrologers are trying to determine the traits of his character, behaviour and fate.
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Viewings: 4366
Ученые: конец света может наступить скоро и внезапноIn 2012, the theme of the coming Apocalypse exaggerated scientists often than ever. Some collect the conference, discussing the meaning of the prophecies of the Maya, others write about scientific variants of the end of the world. According to the last survey on this subject, the world could end abruptly, and very soon. Moreover, by itself, informs German edition of Focus.
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Viewings: 5134
На Земле наступает час "X"The earth approaches "critical point" in climate change, which will lead to a rapid and irreversible process of destruction of the environment. To such conclusion the group of scientists headed by a biologist at the University of California at Berkeley Anthony Barnoski. They published his article in the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 3760
А если завтра начнётся извержение Йеллоустоуна?Грубая оценка, основанная на геологических данных, говорит о том, что шанс на новое извержение Йеллоустоунского вулкана в течение нашей жизни составляет 1:10 000. Однако в действительности, учитывая неустойчивый характер вулкана, это ничего не значит. Карман магмы способен взорваться в любой момент.
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