Viewings: 6316
A brilliant physicist issued revolutionary work, referencing 30 scientific works, indicating that HAARP has incredible power, and what does not suspect the majority of researchers of high-frequency radiation. Dr. franc Di Aquino claims about the ability of a fully functional network HAARP, activated everywhere, not only to influence weather and geophysical event, but also to influence the space, gravity... and even directly on time! Now the network of installations has many new features and one of them almost ready for operation at the edge of the world: in the desert and alien to the Antarctic. Will the owners HAARP masters of time?
Viewings: 7546
Whether or not the end of the world? The Bible is clear about the changes. Changes around the living and not living. Volcanoes in a flame of fire raise up, it seemed mountains standing firm. But after tens or hundreds of thousands of years stone going out with winds and rain, mountains gradually destroyed in the sand or flooded by the sea and be on the depth of the sea waters.
Viewings: 4166
YOU ENTER IN the GREAT PHASE CHANGES, WHICH IS NOT ONLY correct, AND ATTUNING YOUR bodies as we already described. In the mass order is made and adjustment of your consciousness, that is analyzer perception of reality of all your bodies respect the existing reality.
Viewings: 4783
People asked the representative of the creatures (they want to become and call themselves "race", but we are here and we will call them NAUDU)living on the Earth along with the races of people. The reason was the fact that a part of MANKIND, he is not satisfied with what is happening on the planet due to the activities of another part of the MONSTERS.
Viewings: 8742
The doctrine laid down in the Secret Doctrine" by Helena Blavatsky, in the second volume of "Anthropogenesis". Subtitle: Twelve Stranz from the "book of Dzyan" with comments. Quoted on the Riga edition 1991.
Viewings: 5763
In amulets people were interested not only attributed to them protect and therapeutic properties. Almost the same importance was attached to the form, colour and appearance of the amulet. Thus, in some countries, children on the neck hung purple stone, which was thought to not only protect them from illness, but did obedient and submissive to the will of the parents. It was assumed that the amulet is crystallized tears eve shed her after separation from Adam.
Viewings: 3910
In 1987, the Management of sanitary inspection of the USA has approved the first anti-viral treatment for AIDS - azidothymidine. But this and other types of drugs designed diminish doctors later, only slow down the development of HIV infection. Drugs that would be completely cured, are not found till now.
Viewings: 3787
This year around the world held in anticipation of the end of the world. According to the Mayan calendar it can occur on December 21, 2012. So now actively discussed different scenarios for the future of the Apocalypse. How realistic is the end of the world and what to do if it happens?
Viewings: 4177
The interrelation between a slight nervous breakdown and early death. Scientists at Edinburgh University say: people, who are often subjected to light kinds of psychological disorders, die earlier than they expected. And in the "risk group" - almost a quarter of the population of the Earth, which have minimal symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Viewings: 5146
"And when He had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse, and its rider, whose name "death"; and hell followed him; and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
Viewings: 5887
Legends Maya says: to save the world from the Apocalypse, it is necessary to gather together 13 "skulls of the gods", carved someone in ancient times, rock crystal
Viewings: 6814
In the old Testament says that man was created by God out of the dust (Gen. 2:7). However, some theologians interpret "dust", as the clay. In the Qur'an (Sura 32, verses 6-7) also refers to the clay, and commonly occurs more often instead of a dust. Modern analyses, in turn, noted the presence in clay mass important for living things.
Viewings: 5367
"When the last tree is uprooted, when the last river will be poisoned, when the last fish is caught, you will realize that money is impossible"
Viewings: 4620
The End Of The World! The theme of the immense and inexhaustible. At this point in time is the most relevant. It cannot be too much. Because it concerns all and everyone. It is a question of life and death. Somewhere there is hidden a Great mystery, the key to unlocking the meaning of our existence, our Mission.
Viewings: 7109
Modern science claims that life has many forms. Life exists not only on the Earth's surface, it exists everywhere. A great many of the worlds exist in the atmosphere and inside the planet. People don't see or feel because there are at different frequencies with them. You can make a comparison with the TV or radio, have many channels.