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Viewings: 5408
Библейские тексты как доказательство инопланетного происхождения человекаScientists still can't distinctly explain the phenomenon of the appearance on the planet of the CRO-magnon - man of modern type. It really is a riddle: instead brutish low-browed Neanderthal 40 thousand years ago as a surprise, "suddenly" in caves started to dwell perfectly folded high handsome with great skulls-the object of envy and Socrates. Where did these people?
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Viewings: 6509
Просветленные о вознесенииThe ascension of the planet Earth - the phrase for many terrible. And it is associated with death. But the ascension and the death incompatible things. So if you are a believer, you should know that there is no death, but have eternal life. But in any case, the ascension, about which I will say, this is not exactly what is described in "the lives of the saints".
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Viewings: 4428
Scientists from the University of Melbourne believe that the universe could have appeared not as a result of the Big Bang, as a result of"Big Freeze". According to the physicists, before that was the stage of its liquid state, then why is it froze, and everything started to happen just as in the case of water.

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Viewings: 4573
Позитивное мышление доведет до... депрессии"Don't worry needlessly", "All will be well!", "Live in the present!" Scientists have proven that the slogans "positive thinking", so popular today, is not feasible. The brain has a bad habit to compare the current experience with the previous one. In the XXI century it somehow became unfashionable. Psychologists add: positive thinking leads to depression.
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Viewings: 4572
Гипотезы гения, или Куда изволите?According to Professor Stephen Hocking, the world's luminaries in the field of quantum physics, there are an infinite number of universes, and black holes are the bridges portals between the past, the future and these universes, where disappear millions of people...
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Viewings: 5104
Летучий ГолландецThe legend says that in 1641 the Dutch captain van der Decken (or, in some versions, van Straaten), was returning from the East Indies and carried on Board a young couple. The captain liked the girl; he killed her boyfriend, and she made an offer to become his wife, but she jumped overboard. When you try to round the Cape of Good Hope ship was caught in a violent storm.
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Viewings: 6289
Холодящий кровь сценарий «конца привычного нам мира»Senator Tom Coburn in his book "Debt bomb" has presented a cooling blood scenario "end of the world familiar to us". The CIA ought to take it into account. Perhaps they have already done it.
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Viewings: 5987
Ученые выяснили, как погибнет ЗемляThe American team of astrophysicists led by Bruce Fegli built a computer model, which demonstrates the process of complete evaporation of the planet of the earth type. However, the researchers were not going to destroy the Earth - they were motivated purely scientific interest: to determine some characteristics of the so-called supersell.
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Viewings: 4257
Мы не глупы, а просто невнимательныConsolation for those who always tries to blurt out the stupidity in the conversation. We are not so stupid, what sometimes seem. Just very inattentive. And all because in the information age, our brains saves power. After all, if you will handle any information that you see and hear in the course of the day, you risk to go crazy. In ordinary conversation brain, without straining, snatches of speech interlocutor only keywords that sometimes leads to misunderstandings.
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Viewings: 5843
Непроверенная новость:NASA подтверждает факт инопланетного вторжения!NASA confirmed that the aliens gradually invading the Earth and the reason they attack us is global warming!
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Viewings: 4525
Что же изменится в результате Великого Перехода?What will change as a result of the Great Transition? A great Transition would do on Earth grandiose changes. Essentially it will be a time when all creation will pass its test for maturity. According to evolutionary terms, all the inhabitants of the earth had to pass a certain evolutionary period, which had to develop all the necessary conditions for life in other conditions.
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Viewings: 4136
"Кристаллы времени" и правда существуютRecently a group of American physicists were able to construct a so-called "crystal-time" - structure, the possibility of the existence of which had been predicted long ago. The peculiarity of the crystal is the ability periodically become asymmetric not only in space but also in time. Therefore, it is possible to make high-precision chronometer.
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Viewings: 3997
Мы сможем понимать язык живой природы?Heroes of fairy tales often possess a wonderful gift to understand the language of animals and plants. In reality, people are able to communicate only with each other. However, scientific achievements are quite capable of changing the situation. Recently, Daniel Moran and Thomas Pearce from the University of Washington could, in the literal sense of the word, read the thoughts of monkeys, vivyv them electrodes.
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Viewings: 4173
Конец света наступит. Для темных силThe idea of the end of the world on December 21, 2012 as the popularity comparable only with the ideas about the existence of UFOs and Father Frost (the latter almost no one believes, but every year, all carefully prepared for his coming). Whether or not the Stavropol forecasters and scientists with a terrifying predictions about the future of mankind and that awaits our region, told the guests of the press center of the "Komsomolskaya Pravda": Vedic astrologer Paramon Zybin, a fortuneteller, a numerologist, astrologer Anastasia Razinkova, associate Professor of the Department of theoretical physics of SCFU Vitaly Igropoulou and the Deputy Director of the psychological center "Academy of vitality" Vadim Agibalov.
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Viewings: 7580
Армагеддон: Основная информация о катастрофеNot knowing clear direction, it makes no sense to run. We have already talked about the fact that the star Nemesis is coming to the planets of the Solar system in the near distance every 3600 years. The death of many civilizations of Lemuria and seven civilizations Atlantis are connected with passage of Nemesis its perihelion (closest to our Sun point of the orbit). Sumerian Chronicles say that in recent times Nibiru (Sumerian scientists have called! Nemesis) passed perihelion in 1500 BC.
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