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Viewings: 5639
Шутки кончились! Мир вступил в фазу начала планетарной катастрофыNational Board of the USA on Aeronautics and research of space administration (NASA) informs about the incredible acceleration of the process of melting glaciers of Greenland. As suggested by experts that this phenomenon is already in the near future could lead to disastrous consequences for our planet.
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Viewings: 5455
«Великобритания будет смыта, также как и большая часть Северной Америки», прогнозируют ученыеA large part of the glaciers of Greenland melts before the end of the month, said NASA specialists. Scientists record unprecedented rapid melting of ice. Just four days the surface of the glacier has melted by 97%. Melted ice island could lead to Apocalypse literally destroy all life on the planet. The details -- Svetlana Belova.
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Viewings: 9331
КОГДА МОСКВА ПРОВАЛИТСЯ ПОД ЗЕМЛЮ?There is one small question??? Is it possible that failure to do artificially? Many people know about the prediction of failure, when the bald make out of the mausoleum, this year will fail Moscow and the start of the war. The mausoleum of Lenin and - this is the symbol of Freemasonry: the pyramid, in the role of the tomb, as the pharaohs. Now, the burial of Lenin and in the best case analysis of the mausoleum is a rejection of the Masonic program, somehow promoted in Russia. Would that not a reason to strike climate arms around Moscow.
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Viewings: 5510
Мир стремится к эпохе динозавровJuly 2012 will be remembered for many the tragedy that occurred in the Kuban. The strongest downpour hit towns of the Crimean region, Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik, which led to the exit of the banks of rivers and frequent mud. From climatic disaster suffered tens of thousands of people.
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Viewings: 5348
Большинство индейцев — потомки единственной волны мигрантов из СибириAt least 15 thousand years ago fearless Siberians have moved on newly discovered the Bering land bridge and reached the deserted America.
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Viewings: 5123
10 самых странных футуристических сценариев эволюции человекаWhen the science-fiction writers and futurists imagine people of the distant future, they never think that our descendants will look just as we are now. In the end, we will get access to the powerful tools that will turn us into cyborgs or hack our DNA, so there is no limit to what we can to transform themselves.
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Viewings: 4006
Люди начнут размножаться новым способомOn Tuesday in the Polytechnic Museum Professor of the American Institute for psychiatric and behavioral genetics Michael Reimers gave a public lecture "Latest evolutionary change in the human genome".
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Viewings: 4604
Influential American newspaper the Washington Post found that in the case of a nuclear war between Russia and the United States, the world will disappear in just 13 minutes. However, soothes the newspaper, its probability is close to zero.

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Viewings: 5242
РегенерацияScientists have been trying to understand how amphibians - for example, newts and salamanders regenerate cut off tails, legs, jaw. Moreover, they regenerate damaged heart, and eye tissue and spinal cord. The method used for amphibians of self-repair, became clear when the researchers compared the regeneration of Mature individuals and embryos. It turns out that in the early stages of the cells of the future being immature, their fate is likely to change.
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Viewings: 5512
Трансмутация человека.Мы не умрем,но изменимся.О предстоящем рождении Шестой человеческой Расы рассказывают последователи Агни-ЙогиStudies of the transmutation processes involved in the Simferopol Centre of Knowledge about the Fiery Transmutation and Transformation. Of course, you feel the wind of the Great Changes that burst into our life? The economic crisis, political, spiritual-moral - it's all signals one disease, signs of the passing century.
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Viewings: 4595
Вечная молодостьRejuvenating apples; boiling vats, plunged in which you can become a handsome young man (you can, however, and boil alive); treasured bottles dead and living water that can raise up the fallen hero... This is our Russian tales.
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Viewings: 5974
Среди землян уже рождаются мутанты - «люди Х»The explosion of the population has led to a rare gene variants began to meet more often...
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Viewings: 6221
Конца света – не будет никогдаIn Guatemala, in the town called La Corona, scientists-archaeologists have discovered one of the most lengthy inscriptions on the Mayan language, whose age is about 1300 years. It contains already the second after " the Tortuguero known mention of the so-called date of the end times, which, according to the Gregorian calendar, matches the beginning of the third decade of December 2012.
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Viewings: 6180
Большого Взрыва никогда не было"Man cannot solve the problem, thinking the same way that gave it birth". So argued albert Einstein. Cosmologists adhering to the Big Bang theory, clearly demonstrate the effect of this principle. They dogmatically insist that their "scientific" theory reliable, but it is assumed that science must deal not infallible doctrine, but testable hypotheses.
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Viewings: 4810
Ожидание Апокалипсиса – что говорят учёныеAccording to scientists, the mankind was gripped by fear associated with the pending Apocalypse in December 2012 that can become a cause of irrational fear, phobias, end of the world.
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