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Viewings: 4233
Spectacular fireball lit up the sky early in the morning on Friday 7 December, when the atmosphere of our planet became meteor over Texas.

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Viewings: 6552
Крупные кометы, ударив в Солнце, могут вызвать глобальный электромагнитный АрмагеддонComet Maknota, taken by a Super-North-European telescope in January 2007
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Viewings: 5600
Найдены пульсары, пожирающие звездыFor the first time by the staff of the Pulkovo astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences found evidence of the presence in the accretion flow of star systems in a strong magnetic field. Previously, this was only about to neutron stars and black holes.
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Viewings: 5649
На следующей неделе в небе огромный звездопад - 120 метеоров в часThe most spectacular meteor shower Geminids on the approach. Already next week the night sky would be through dozens of meteorites. Spectacular event will be able to enjoy including residents of Ukraine.
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Viewings: 5711
Топ-10: Необъяснимые загадки звёздUsually, among the unexplained mysteries possible to meet those who was found not enough scientific explanation, or those whose existence is generally impossible to prove. Although these riddles funny, and sometimes frightening to such an extent that may cause the creeps, the most interesting and fascinating mysteries - the mystery of those things or objects whose existence accurately confirmed by science. Despite the fact that this very existence is contrary to all the laws known to man.
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Viewings: 4294
Астрономы увидели распад кометы ХердженротераComet 168P/Hergenrother who have reached the inner region of the Solar system disintegrates. About this event was reported by astronomers from Remanzacco Observatory, observing the object October 26 of this year using the Faulkes telescope.
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Viewings: 5208
NASA сообщает, что магнитные порталы всё-таки существуют!Stargate, magnetic portals, vortices in space: science-fiction writers give all sorts of unusual names holes in space/time, to explain how travelers from distant regions of space, time, or both, arrive at the Earth orbit. But, this is just a trick of science fiction, a reason to tell a good story, right?
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Viewings: 5691
МКС зафиксировала на камеру гигантский летающий объектScientists around the world tend to believe that people are not alone in the universe. Indeed, only in our galaxy the milky way there are hundreds of millions of planetary systems. And in the universe - hundreds of billions of galaxies. It is very likely that around other stars similar to the Sun, as well planet rotates on its physical characteristics, reminiscent of the Earth. In addition, there are theories suggesting the existence of other life forms that do not match the earth's biological concepts. For example, the existence of intelligent energy substances.
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Viewings: 5455
Коричневые карлики пестуют свои планеткиWeakly glowing stars to form a very significant part of the stellar population. Among them are those, around which revolve they own planet. But still, it is unclear whether they naturally or were captured from the outside? A new study by astronomers slightly open a veil of mystery above the old mystery.
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Viewings: 6172
Мигающие звёзды – сигналы от инопланетян?When scientists are looking for funding for their projects, they play the game, if their research is not too excites emotions. Excitement inherent most controversial advanced fields of research, but the Agency sponsors prefer to invest in projects that will almost certainly bring a return. "You actually want to show that half of the work has already been done to demonstrate that it is feasible," says Luciana of Walkowitz, an astrophysicist at Princeton University.
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Viewings: 7630
К Земле стремительно приближается огромная кометаIt promises to be the brightest in the history of observations and the Eclipse of the moon.
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Viewings: 8114
Космические странностиSince man went into space, it has been more than fifty years. During this time people reach unprecedented heights in the exploration of space and tried to create astronauts most comfortable conditions of life in orbit. But still getting used to weightlessness is not possible, what the astronauts had seen many times.
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Viewings: 5443
Исследование: другие солнечные системы более заселены, чем нашаNew research shows that the planets in other solar systems may be more hospitable to life than our own, because they are warmer.
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Viewings: 5683
К нам летит гигантский неуклюжий астероидNext week the attention of astronomers around the world will be glued to a giant asteroid, but not because he is a danger.
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Viewings: 6338
Будни космического колонизатораPost inspired by conversations about the colonization of Mars and space exploration in General. We are talking about the current state of Affairs. Without hotly my favorite fiction and vague predictions. That's as if tomorrow it will be necessary to develop a plan and be ready to move.
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