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Viewings: 3831
Астероид AG5 2011 больше не представляет риска для нашей планетыAfter December 21, it is the end of the world, scientists have published one more good news for the future of humanity, saying that the asteroid 2011 AG5 is no threat to the Earth.
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Viewings: 4150
Люди могут вступить в контакт с инопланетянами в течение 12 летIf alien life exists, it can be confirmed or refuted by 2024, and all thanks to the development of a new radio telescope.
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Viewings: 5106
Над Южным Полюсом заработал телескоп BLASTSpace Agency NASA and the U.S. national science Foundation December 25, on the South Pole of the planet with the help of a balloon with hot helium LDB (Long Duration Balloon) has launched an unusual telescope that will explore submillimeter electromagnetic wave range and to study star formation in our galaxy.
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Viewings: 7114
Самые необычные астрономические открытия 2012 годаSo, most of the most discoveries about Black holes, Galaxies, Stars, And exoplanets
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Viewings: 4790
Астрономы нашли пять планет вокруг звезды, напоминающей наше СолнцеAstronomical community "buzzing" after it was revealed five planets around a star resembling our Sun. And at least one is within the "habitable zones" of stars.
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Viewings: 4808
К нам летит гигантский астероидAstronomers at NASA was discovered asteroid 2011 AG5. The probability of a collision with our planet is very high, and can cause the death of millions of people. Held at the moment, the calculations show that the probability of collision of an asteroid with the Earth is 1 : 625. This can happen on 5 February 2040.
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Viewings: 5045
 Звезда-магнит и огромная черная дыра: ТОП космических открытий 2012 года Resource Space.com summarizes the results of 2012 and called the most unusual comic events of the outgoing year.
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Viewings: 4905
Секреты космоса поможет раскрыть новая телескопическая камераNew telescopic camera is watching the stars and planets that are eight billion light years away - maybe in the end, we will find the living and find out that you are not alone in space.
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Viewings: 4103
Армагеддон, о вероятности которого думают политикиIf the Earth were moving dangerous asteroid, none Bruce Willis could not save our planet. And not least because now there is not only manned spacecraft, at least theoretically able to approach the asteroid and get on it, but able to explosion split or transported to a safe orbit a small celestial body automatic devices. Indeed, in the latter case it should be referred to kilotonne automatic station with nuclear charge that can execute complex maneuvers.
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Viewings: 4163
Гигантская звезда Зета Змееносца создает в космосе «пыльные» волныGiant star Zeta Ophiuchus is hurtling through space, creating waves in star dust before him. As you can see on the image, the space telescope NASA "Spitzer was able to capture infrared portrait these luminous waves, also known as the phenomenon of the shock wave.
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Viewings: 4000
«Хаббл» прислал фотографию галактики ИглаSpace telescope "Hubble" recently did a beautiful image of a spiral galaxy IC 2233, one of the flat galaxies ever observed by astronomers. A typical spiral galaxy like the milky Way usually contain three main visible components: disk with a spiral arms, where the majority of gas and dust and halos, the area around the disk that contains little gas, dust and Central bulge in the center of the disk, which includes a large concentration of ancient stars surrounding the Galactic center.
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Viewings: 4022
Протопланетный диск вокруг звезды скрывает экзопланетыAmerican scientists studied the star Sao 206462 and its protoplanetary disk.
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Viewings: 3925
Японский аппарат Акацуки опять попытается выйти на орбиту к ВенереIn the Japanese space Agency say that their problem spacecraft akatsuki, "missed draw" past the orbit of Venus two years ago, has now reached a preliminary trajectory of convergence and in 2015 it may once again try to gain a foothold in orbit around Venus.
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Viewings: 5341
Теория игр защитит от инопланетянIf aliens exist, how to enter into contact with them? Messages sent into space, yet unanswered. And the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking believes that the attempts to get in touch risky: who knows what to expect from brothers on reason? According to Harold de + from the Austrian Institute of science and technology, to help here can game theory.
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Viewings: 6069
Рядом с Тау Кита могут быть целых пять экзопланетFive candidates in exoplanets announced next to the star Tau Ceti, very similar to our Sun, and is located close to the Solar system - before 12 light-years. Apparently, the observational data can be trusted in the sense that the planet's really there. But their exact number and quality yet to be explored in detail.
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