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The Rover Curiosity was first tested in operation installed on his arm miniature drill is intended for receiving samples of the thick stone, reports Planetological society (Planetary Society), a non-governmental organization which works to promote space research.
"The Rover Curiosity just finished the first test drilling", - is spoken in the message in the official microblog society in Twitter, which is accompanied by a photograph drilled stone.
Drilling tools PADS (Powder Acquisition Drill System) is installed on the Rover's robotic arm. Drill this tool diameter of 1.6 centimeters able to penetrate to a depth of 5 cm under the rock surface.
Obtained during drilling samples of stone powder is then sent to study in the chemical laboratory SAM and CheMin in the "belly" of the Rover. If the drill is stuck in the stone, the Rover can leave it and replace it with a spare one.
In mid-January, NASA has chosen a suitable target for a first test of borax is a flat stone, permeated veins like plaster of light mineral, which indicates the presence of past water in the area. On the picture you can see that the bit drilled rock right next to a bright living, but did not affect her.