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Viewings: 4545
Рукопожатие как источник наслажденияIn the business world it is considered good practice to shake hands when they meet. In more ancient times outstretched another man's hand meant that first came with the world and not hiding weapons. And because our brain is still sees the gesture like this. Moreover, according to the scientists, the pleasure handshakes comparable with the pleasure of a kiss!
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Viewings: 5605
Газированные напитки провоцируют инсультBreaking the cerebral circulation, stroke also damages and brain cells, disrupting the adequacy of human and sometimes even leading to his death. Contrary to popular belief, that the stroke attacks mainly men, scientists also were seen frequent cases of stroke among women, which kills far more people than cancer of a dairy gland.
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Viewings: 5408
Одиноким людям не хватает серого веществаLoneliness can be explained purely psychological reasons: children's injuries, excessive vulnerability, increased misanthropy and so on, But not only. Scientists from University College London (UK) discovered that the brain of lonely people is markedly different from the brain of those who have social interactions and communication all right. That is, for psychological reasons, you can add and neuroanatomy.
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Viewings: 4761
Запахи помогают избавиться во сне от неприятных впечатленийSleep helps to calm down, forget unpleasant emotions. It is a known fact, there are even very convincing explanation of why this is happening. Psychiatrists and psychologists use sleep in the fight against obsessive fears. However, relations, sleep, memory and emotions are still more questions than answers.
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Viewings: 5555
Восприятие времени зависит от чувства контроля над происходящимOn a subjective sense of time affects our emotional state: if we feel positive emotions, time, as it seems to us, is very fast, if negative, on the contrary, slowly. This phenomenon many times observed in psychological experiments, when the man showed pleasant or unpleasant pictures, and he was saying, what of them, he feels that keeps longer on the screen.
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Viewings: 6205
Крик души и телаSurveys do not reveal any pathology, analyses like a cosmonaut, but the state of health leaves much to be desired: "some legs ache, then the tail falls off," and why is not clear...
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Viewings: 4336
Как зелёный чай помогает против ракаScientists argue about the health properties of green tea. The spectrum of its actions is very wide - from the stimulation of immunity to antioncogene effects. However, what components of green tea perform all these useful steps, still one can only surmise.
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Viewings: 4952
Никотин улучшает память, но не здоровьеMany smokers claim that a cigarette helps to relax in a stressful situation, focus on the problem, better learn the material when preparing for an exam or report... According to researchers from Uppsala University (Sweden), there is a truth: the special brain cells that are sensitive to nicotine and is responsible for memory.
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Viewings: 5105
Стресс лучше всего заболтатьOne of the main problems of modern man - the inability to cope with stress. When appropriate we will either start to panic or try to suppress their emotions, leading to discomfort. Meanwhile, recently psychologists from the University of California in Los Angeles came to the conclusion that the verbal expression of stress reduces its level.
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Viewings: 4107
Почему вино и чай так хорошо сочетаются с едой?What could be better than a good glass of red wine and juicy beef steak? A lot of things. But we on the other: Rutgers University (USA)seems to know why this couple so good. It turns out, astringent, red wine and fatty meats like Yin and Yang in the food world - are on different sides of the touch of the spectrum.
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Viewings: 5380
5 продуктов, которые не следует употреблять во время простудыAutumn - annual time colds and rhinitis. And although we all know about the natural means which help to cope with a cold (for example, garlic, ginger, excessive drinking, and so on), also nice to know which products should be avoided during the struggle with the disease. Eliminating these foods from the menu, at the same time consuming strengthens immunity food, you will be able to recover much faster, and reduce the severity of symptoms.
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Viewings: 5210
Собираемся мы выжить или нет?When Dutch Explorer Jacob Roggeveen in 1722 arrived at Easter island, before him stood a desert landscape and society on the brink of environmental collapse, although just a few centuries before the island was covered with dense forests and inhabited by people highly developed culture.
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Viewings: 3800
Смесь масел из кунжута и рисовых отрубей снижает кровяное давление и уровень холестеринаCooking on a mixture of oils of sesame seeds and rice bran helps significantly reduce blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, according to scientists from the University Fukuoka (Japan). According to them, this mixture is almost as widespread medication to lower blood pressure. And even better.
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Viewings: 4899
10 неожиданно полезных свойств кофеCoffee is second only to green tea. Recent studies show that coffee lovers are less susceptible to Alzheimer's disease, cancer, colon cancer, and diabetes. And the probability of dying from heart disease among coffee lovers are also lower.
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Viewings: 3746
Почему жареная пища вызывает ожирение и диабетContained in fried food substances can reward your children obesity and diabetes.
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