Viewings: 4304
 Consolation for those who always tries to blurt out the stupidity in the conversation. We are not so stupid, what sometimes seem. Just very inattentive. And all because in the information age, our brains saves power. After all, if you will handle any information that you see and hear in the course of the day, you risk to go crazy. In ordinary conversation brain, without straining, snatches of speech interlocutor only keywords that sometimes leads to misunderstandings.
Viewings: 5491
 When we talk about the fact that antibiotic use is associated with various side effects and has led to the emergence of resistant microorganisms, involuntarily thought about an alternative. Indeed, what we can replace antibiotics? In fact, there are many herbal remedies, with pronounced antibacterial activity, like coconut oil, garlic or grapefruit seed. There is another effective remedy against infection is lavender.
Viewings: 5032
 There are three most probable scenario disaster metropolis: the breakthrough of hydraulic structures, energy catastrophe, epidemic. The inevitable consequences - a food crisis, a local ethnic conflict and protracted social disaster. This is true for both States and for us.
Viewings: 5623
 Usually, every person is born in those conditions that should ensure its awakening and growth of consciousness, and thus the manifestation of himself in this particular lesson. But the darkness had corrupted all of these conditions and thereby deliberately evaded the law of Karma. She found many ways to not match the experience accumulated in the former life need to be punished, and to pass it on to other innocent people. System peculiarities of darkness are that people in it specially disoriented not only knowledge of their facilities, but about his sacred humanity.
Viewings: 5308
 How long have people know and use his magic power? Who first thought of to treat honey? Like many things, honey was revealed to the world the Ancient Greeks. Well, they must think, gave the mystery of healing treats patrons - Olympic gods...
Viewings: 6350
 Where in the earth's crust minerals, including precious metals - of platinum, palladium, gold, silver? On this account there are many versions. According to one of them, platinum and gold, are trapped in the earth's crust along with meteorites attacking a young Earth is about 4 billion years ago.
Viewings: 6035
 Precious metals - metals are not subject to corrosion and oxidation, which distinguishes them from most metals. They are also precious metals, due to their rarity. The basic precious metals - gold, silver, and platinum and the other 5 platinum group metals - (ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium). Some authors refer to the noble metals as well technetium, which does not occur in nature (besides, he's radioactive with a small half-life).
Viewings: 3990
 For the education of positive hedonist is the ideal consumer, who constantly pleases himself shopping, opiraetsya and actively losing weight, not noticing the absurdity of his behavior, the necessary daily purposeful work on deceive the masses.
Viewings: 4637
 Yes, the third world war: the great war for raw materials will end all wars. We've heard this before. Remember the First world war, known as the war to end all wars - 37 million victims. The second world have taken more, 60 million. Will end if the third world with all the wars? Or with the world civilization, the planet?
Viewings: 4396
 Strange "sports drinks". Clever villain that monopolize the market of food products, they create the demand. They come up with unnecessary items and then impose these goods to consumers, using bribes plugging the mouths of all those who are trying to find out the truth...
Viewings: 4502
 on August 14, the Russian Orthodox Church marks Honey spas: a celebration of old, which served as a signal to start collecting honey. It was thought that in the middle of August cells in the hive are filled to capacity. Today many manufacturers of honey don't wait for natural ripening of the product, and prefer to use numerous industrial tricks.
Viewings: 4079
 These seven questions designed to help You to free itself from the limitations of three-dimensional reality, and help You create the life at will.
Viewings: 4623
 The choice of healthy food in the US is now defined as a mental illness. It is now called "Healthy eating disorder" "Craziness on healthy eating". Now in the USA is the official mental disease. If you focus on healthy food, you now qualify as "mentally diseased” (mentally ill), and you should be treated with psychotropic drugs. In the United States held the new law the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, - "the Law on Modernization of the Food 2010”. If the law will be held in the United States, he will forbid people to grow, possess, sell, share, or to feed someone a healthy diet.
Viewings: 6502
 An international group of researchers have recently shown that the addition of excess weight among urban residents of the civilized world is not the result of a sedentary lifestyle. The fact that primitive hunter and city residents a day spend the same amount of energy. This was refuted the assumption that were considered obvious.
Viewings: 7041
 It seems that we have all chances to return to the middle ages. Then the rats were the same terrible disaster, as plague, which, by the way, they carried. In 1347, for example, they literally occupied Europe. This happened after the earthquake in the area of the Caspian sea. Running away from the cataclysm, hordes of rodents went to the West. Their promotion has not prevented even affluent Volga.