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Viewings: 5690
10 фактов подделки продуктов10 facts about the ingenuity of scientists in the field of food industry.
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Viewings: 4649
Куда нужно прятаться при катастрофеOne of the important issues in the study of large-scale catastrophe: where people are running, panic? To friends, to relatives, to the Church? They hide in shelters or, on the contrary, aspire to open places? This knowledge could help of search and rescue services when searching for the missing. After the tragedy in Haiti, scientists tracked the movements of refugees and made interesting conclusions.
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Viewings: 3637
Пластиковая посуда...Frequent use of plastic consumption leads women to excessive owolosenie. This was stated by British scientists after examining several ladies, who have started to grow a beard.
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Viewings: 4665
История человеческой жадности"The history of gold is the history of human greed. And yet the history of gold is an attack of the devil on humanity. And we must pay tribute to the devil, he's in this fight won outright, because in the name of gold and performed the majority of the most bloody atrocities".
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Viewings: 4591
Инвестируя в карму: как человек торгуется с мирозданиемThe inclination to do good deeds increases we especially when we feel in the hands of a higher power.
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Viewings: 5388
Почерк о человекеNo need to be pocherkom that in most cases, with very rare exception, accurately distinguish men's handwriting and female, and child from an adult.
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Viewings: 5933
Организм в цифрахMan consists of more than 100000000000000 cells (read as "one hundred billion). For comparison:
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Viewings: 5585
Загадки физиологииWhy should human nose? Because all animals, birds, there are only the nostrils are located on the mouth or mouth, and nose, as a separate body no.
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Viewings: 3873
Выключатель страхаScientists are claiming to have found an area of the brain that teaches people to forget their fears. Researchers from the University of new York believe that the results of their work will enable specialists to deal more effectively with the various kinds of phobias.
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Viewings: 4885
Злобные геныYou are left handed? You have narrow face and a well-developed lower jaw? Your happiness that you are living in the XXI century. Some 100-150 years ago with the set "accept" you would immediately labeled as criminals. Then the police revealed the criminal elements, including, and on the faces. Today we know that for the most beautiful facade may hold the most terrible evil and Vice versa. But from idea to learn how to calculate maniacs and murderers, preferably before they committed the crime, humanity is not refused. Just now it took genetics...
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Viewings: 4438
КАЙФ В ЗАКОНЕ"Legalize! Do not criticize! Legalize, and I will advertise!" - sang once about marijuana legendary Peter Tosh, one of the most popular artists reggae. In 1987 he was shot, and Tosh did not know that many States followed his advice...
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Viewings: 3634
Отказ от мяса опасен для жизни – исследованиеScientists warn that the shortage in the body of animal fats and fatty acids may play havoc with your health. And even actually shorten the life!
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Viewings: 4801
Хлеб всему голова. Что мы едим?Several decades bread is baked in a different way and not the way it was done in ancient times. And use for this purpose is not natural sourdough, and manmade thermophilic yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
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Viewings: 5763
Как нас обманывают: рабство и современный человекIn search of different laws, I stumbled upon a very interesting line of reasoning. It happened accidentally, so to speak, by itself, in a conversation with my best friend. And this line of reasoning has touched our "Capitalist society". Society, which is based on private property.
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Viewings: 3489
Косточковые фрукты защищают от диабета и сердечно-сосудистых хворейPeaches, plums and nectarines contain bioactive substances that have the potential to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases associated with obesity.
Com-Eva: 0 Author: admin Read more