Viewings: 5765
 Employees Dubna joint Institute for nuclear research, Moscow state technical University of radio engineering, electronics and automation Institute of applied physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova experimentally found traces of decay easy boson, not included in the Standard model.
Viewings: 4856
 Ambient concentration of a Nursery, located in 590 light years from Earth, includes more than 1,000 very dense stars. This, as a relatively small age of the cluster (not more than 600 million years old), did not give astronomers reason to expect the discovery of around sun-like yellow dwarfs such accumulations of exoplanets.
Viewings: 5301
 In Central Italy a group of American and Italian archeologists found underground pyramids Etruscan - for the first time in the history of science.
Viewings: 4810
 Astronomer Wei Zheng from Johns Hopkins University (USA) and his colleagues, using telescopes to space-based Hubble and Spitzer", found very likely (12-s, that is higher than the probability of discovery of the Higgs boson) candidate in the galaxy, whose age does not exceed 475-505 million years after the Big Bang.
Viewings: 5842
 Archaeologists from Britain's Leicester University in search of the remains of the English king Richard III. Under the asphalt on one of the city autoparkings Leicester found the remains of walls and two graves. Up to XVI century on this place there was a Franciscan monastery "gray brothers" - Greyfriars, the chapel which buried the ashes of king Richard III.
Viewings: 4617
 It is believed that in the era of Roman domination culture of the conquerors affected predominantly large British cities such as York or London, but poorly touched heartland. Moreover, with the Romans left the island in the fifth century ad, the population quickly went back to Celtic cult.
Viewings: 5858
 Modern man is proud of the achievements of civilization and of their belonging to it. However, some knowledge of our ancestors still baffled scientists around the world.
Viewings: 6033
 Nature is so amazing atmospheric phenomena as lightning, the batter into the ground during a lightning storm, studied the man is still very superficially. Yet scientists know less about the unusual varieties of lightning, for example, ball lightning, or high-rise types of lightning, which can be observed more rarely. But experts do not stop attempts to explore these phenomena and literally go on the hunt for lightning. Sometimes the search to be successful - amazing natural phenomenon manage to capture a photo or video, and then to study in detail.
Viewings: 4961
Fanagory expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) has found the remains of an ancient merchant ship, the approximate age of 13 centuries. The ship was found on the bottom of the sea off the coast of the Taman Peninsula. According to scientists, these well-preserved ancient finds in the world - no more than five.
Viewings: 5067
 For three billion years the Earth was ruled by bacteria, and then, very suddenly occurred Cambrian explosion - and within a few tens of millions of years on the scene burst of multicellular life.
Viewings: 4855
 Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan and the Geological survey of Canada found a huge meteorite crater, formed millions of years ago in the Western Canadian Arctic.
Viewings: 4860
 Biologists have discovered three new antibodies, one of which has successfully protected the mice against lethal doses of all types of influenza, including swine (H1N1) and avian (H5N1) influenza that allows to speak about the prospect of a universal cure for the disease, according to a paper published in the journal Science.
Viewings: 6019
 Burial age of not less than five hundred years near the Great temple of the Aztecs scientists immediately called unique.
Viewings: 4926
 Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan and the Geological survey of Canada (GSC) found in the Western part of the Arctic zone of Canada, the huge crater that was left by the meteorite millions of years ago.