Viewings: 4543
 John William Dunne was a pioneer in the construction of aircraft, he built the first British military plane. But it is as a writer and Creator of the theory of time it is known today, its development was saying all researchers of anomalous phenomena that time. Dunne was interested mainly prophetic dreams and led his own diary "night predictions of the future" from the beginning of the century. But only in 1927 he designed his ideas in a book entitled "the Thought of time", which was the first serious attempt to understand the phenomenon of clairvoyance.
Viewings: 4613
 Rejuvenating apples; boiling vats, plunged in which you can become a handsome young man (you can, however, and boil alive); treasured bottles dead and living water that can raise up the fallen hero... This is our Russian tales.
Viewings: 7487
 Now many people know about Vanga Bulgarian clairvoyant. Already in its very name we put what we have is not surprising: on the Greek Vangelia is a bearer of the good news. Yes, Wang indeed, as the newspaper wrote "mayfantasize reality and nizagara true". Her talent clairvoyance and prophetic power of many plunged into shock. The ability of this woman is unique: it has foresight, clairvoyance, she can talk to plants, to visit different places of the globe. She sees a lot, even though she is blind, and her face radiating light.
Viewings: 5876
 In order not to confuse the concept of "aura" and "aura" Refine these two definitions. "Biofield" is the energy body, which is part of the energy field of the Earth. It is like in the physical body, and out of its scope.
Viewings: 5182
 Sometimes our blue planet Earth called the ocean. But this name corresponds more interesting enough Saturn's moon Titan. It was water covering the surface of the boundless ocean. Perhaps it is there now under the orange atmosphere and under thick ice crust, in the depths of the cold waters emerging life?
Viewings: 8166
 References in the Bible Egypt is always of particular interest, first of all because of ancient Egyptian history well enough documented. Therefore, it is worth a closer look at two key Biblical characters - Joseph (Egypt) and Moses (Exodus).
Viewings: 6170
 Believe it or not , but we have no originals of the biblical books. Authentic text of the Bible , written thanks to the painstaking research work of many ancient manuscripts kept in museums and libraries. However, oddly enough, today the text of many books of the Bible more reliable than the works of such ancient authors as Homer, Aeschylus or Plato surviving manuscripts of the IX-XI centuries by R. X. - i.e. in the texts, written through 1400-1700 years after the creation of the original, while the manuscript was at the heart of the Bible is separated from the primary sources are much less extended time frame.
Viewings: 8176
 In the middle of 1980-ies many shook film directed by elem Klimov, "come and see". However, few know that the most brutal campaign conducted by the German invaders against the inhabitants of the Belarusian village, actually not carried out spontaneously, as was planned in advance. These killings were carried out in accordance with the plan of operation Cottbus" and instructed the special groups of the SS, the activity of which was so monstrous that was allocated as a separate item in the indictment of the Nuremberg Tribunal.
Viewings: 5252
 As you may have already heard, we now have strong evidence that the particle called the Higgs boson", whose existence was predicted on the basis of theoretical calculations are true.
Viewings: 5986
 The explosion of the population has led to a rare gene variants began to meet more often...
Viewings: 5379
 After three years of observation of ultra-bright galactic clusters, located 300 million light-years from Earth, astronomers announced the discovery of a new type of black holes.
Viewings: 5144
Flooding in the Kuban killed, according to official data of the Ministry of internal Affairs, more than 170 people. In varying degrees, affected more than half of the residents of the 50-thousandth of the city Krymsk. Someone completely lost their homes and shelter; some only of the property, and someone - business. The first shock on the tragedy took place, and now some are trying to answer the question "What to do?" organizing team of volunteers and collecting donations for the victims; others to the question "Who is guilty?". Many are busy and so, and others.
Viewings: 5217
The focus of the creators of the film "Yellowstone - the Struggle for life" - Yellowstone national Park, a place of surprising beauty all year round: from the delicate flowers in the spring to the saturated colors of autumn and snowy winter scenery. Ironically, one of the most beautiful places in the world famous for its harsh climate, making the life of the animal world, living here in a constant struggle for survival.
Viewings: 5449
 In periods of magnetic storms on the Earth there are disruptions in the work of equipment, weather-sensitive people say about the deterioration of health.
Viewings: 5094
 The summer heat in 30-35 degrees would be an anomaly for Ukraine twenty years ago, but now this is the norm.