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Viewings: 5432
Блуждающие могилыIn the autumn of 1928 sir Arthur Haslam was in transit in the small Scottish town of Penispill. On the local cemetery almost seventy years ago, was buried brother of his grandfather, sir Roger Haslem. Hasimov has become a tradition to visit his grave, and the last time sir Arthur was here not less than five years ago. However, in memory he kept the location of the graves Roger, he remembered and neighboring gravestone with a carved in granite angel. Going to the cemetery, he immediately turned to the right and walked down the envelope cemetery track. Grave Roger had to be at the very end, near the fence. But it was not there! The site, which was once the grave, was a smooth, overgrown place. Sir Arthur could swear that memory didn't let him down. That's gravestone with the angel, and here, two feet away, was the grave of Roger, and he perfectly remembered!
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Viewings: 4442
"Заблудившиеся" могилыImagine if you went to the cemetery to visit someone from deceased loved ones - and suddenly found that his grave disappeared. And later find it absolutely in other place... Such cases are already during several centuries. And still no one can explain why the grave sometimes "wander" from place to place...
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Viewings: 6332
Scientists finally figured out why dogs love to be bones. According to the Colombian biologists, who investigated the evolution of dogs, changes in the structure of supply of these animals coincided with the emergence gregarious way of life.
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Viewings: 6209
Загадочные африканские «круги духов» приводят учёных в недоумениеIn the sandy desert and Savannah Namibia, South Africa, mysterious circles, known as "community spirit", which appear and disappear after several years without any apparent cause. A new look at these strange circles not solve their mystery, but at least shows that the greatest of them can last a lifetime.
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Viewings: 4585
Власти Крымска заметают следыLocal residents say: they were offered money for the recognition of the fact that the notification of emergencies worked. The authorities of Krymsk promised the inhabitants of money - 10 thousand roubles - if they would sign a paper saying that they had been warned about the coming flood. This is stated in the report of TV company "Vesti-Kuban".
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Viewings: 5517
Тайна «внеземного» озера Моно в США не дает покоя ученымThe researchers checked, whether in the lake live "other", as announced by NASA astrobiologists
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Viewings: 6057
Человеческие кости 7000-летней давности найдены в Балтийском мореDivers-the researchers found on the bottom of the Baltic sea, Kiel most ancient ever found in Schleswig-Holstein human bones, reported the media.
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Viewings: 5624
Планета взбунтоваласьSomething strange is happening on our planet: the species that until recently relatively peacefully coexisted with Homo sapiens, rose up, as if wanting to disturb the existing balance.
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Viewings: 5068
This is the story of perhaps the biggest mystery in the history. Closed world of secret secret nuclear cities and buildings, built in America. It included 40 000 and only few of them knew the truth. "We have shown what to do and was forbidden to talk about it".

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Viewings: 5535
Трансмутация человека.Мы не умрем,но изменимся.О предстоящем рождении Шестой человеческой Расы рассказывают последователи Агни-ЙогиStudies of the transmutation processes involved in the Simferopol Centre of Knowledge about the Fiery Transmutation and Transformation. Of course, you feel the wind of the Great Changes that burst into our life? The economic crisis, political, spiritual-moral - it's all signals one disease, signs of the passing century.
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Viewings: 4609
Инвестируя в карму: как человек торгуется с мирозданиемThe inclination to do good deeds increases we especially when we feel in the hands of a higher power.
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Viewings: 5239
"Осторожно, люди!": 65 лет событиям в РозуэллеThe town of Roswell in the state of new Mexico, around the desert, was close to the air base bombers who delivered the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Newspaper with a military bias, almost garrison.
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Viewings: 4445
Уровень моря продолжит расти, даже если мы сократим выбросыThe reduction of greenhouse gases will lead to the fact that the global temperature and sea level will stop growing. 't it?
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Viewings: 5094
Идентифицирован крошечный и на редкость красивый птерозаврFor ten years, scientists have ignored the instance of the young flying reptiles that lived in the late Jurassic period and had only 14 cm in length (the skull - 2 cm wingspan of 30 cm). It seemed that it was just one of about 120 samples kind Rhamphorhynchus, found in the famous field Solnhofen (Germany).
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Viewings: 5728
Найдена первая карта АмерикиIn the library of the University of Munich have found a hitherto unknown instance map of the world, created by famous cartographer Martin Waldseemuller approximately 500 years ago. The find became real sensation because until now has been known to scientists only four copies of the map of the world of work first cartographer who called America America.
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