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Viewings: 8461
Ученые сфотографировали тень атома!Recently physicists from Australia did something that was previously considered impossible. They are using a special technique, were able to photograph the shadow that cast a single atom of ytterbium. According to scientists, they have developed the technique can be successfully used in cell biology - it will be possible to photograph different moments in the life of proteins and DNA.
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Viewings: 5854
Первопроходцы Огненного КрещенияAccording to esoteric sources, at present the mankind is on the threshold of change of epochs. The solar system is in outer space with other energy condition. The impact of new energies, called the Fire of space, will lead to radical changes on the planet, in particular the change of the human races. In the offered article we will talk about some features of the transition in the Sixth race of the physical sensations that in this period will experience people.
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Viewings: 5280
Человек-радар из Порт-ЛуиFor more than a century remains unsolved mystery Etienne Batted lived on the island of Mauritius in the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the last century.
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Viewings: 4416
Хождение по огнюAmong the many superhuman abilities are especially difficult to cope our minds with susceptibility to fire. Ancient sources reveal that the practice walking on fire (or fire) was something completely legalized in many parts of Central and South Asia in the V century BC.
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Viewings: 5798
Феномены памятиThe human brain is the perfect device, which is estimated at present, only a very approximate. However, the existing estimates are dazzling. Famous American mathematician von Neumann, who invented used and until now the structure of computers, estimated the amount of information that can remember the human brain. This number is huge - about 10 to 20 bits, i.e. the elementary units of information. So much information do not contain even the largest libraries of the world.
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Viewings: 4398
Феномены мозгаA brilliant physicist and mathematician John von Neumann once calculated that human memory accumulates throughout the life of 2.8 multiplied by 10 to 20-th degree bits of information, that is, 280 000 000 000 000 000 000 the bit. Naturally, the common theory of memory is not able to explain how the brain able to remember a tremendous amount of information. If we turn to the holograms, everything becomes perfectly understandable.
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Viewings: 5066
Феномен дежа вюDeja vu is one of those strange and usually rare moments when this is perceived as the past. It is difficult to explain the phenomenon. Some people search the echoes of memories in my dreams, which can be similar to reality. Others believe that such is the case when the details of the past appear at the moment of Deja vu. Both concepts are impossible to prove or disprove, or even (until recently) to study.
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Viewings: 8413
ТелепортацияTeleportation - instant transfer of material things one point to another without visible application or participation physically force. The conviction that such a phenomenon is possible and really exist nature, has long been considered the lot of all kinds of mystics, and science until recently ignored the idea. In recent years about teleportation began in a low voice spoke, and in the scientific world, especially in the environment of nuclear physicists, and then only in connection with infinitesimal Castel mi matter, which can be considered as immaterial and therefore is not a barrier for instant motion is so microscopic scale.
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Viewings: 5993
В движенииIn the mid 60-ies real sensation was the documentary film directed by Olender "Ten years with psychics, and especially those of its personnel, which was charged Ninel Kulagina... middle-aged Woman with a high hairdo is suitable for glass cover. Under the hood lies ordinary matchbox. On the screen closeup you receive a tense face Kulagina, then pulled the hood hands, and then slowly moving under the action of an unknown force matchbox...
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Viewings: 7010
ТелекинезTelekinesis is often characterized as the ability of a person to act on various subjects with mental efforts. It is considered that triggered an act of pure thought, which, being certain of the intangible essence, has an impact on material objects or processes. This view, of course, is incorrect and in no way can match the principles of materialistic science on the basis of which it is necessary to carry out the analysis of phenomena related to parapsychology
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Viewings: 5401
Почерк о человекеNo need to be pocherkom that in most cases, with very rare exception, accurately distinguish men's handwriting and female, and child from an adult.
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Viewings: 8912
Подводные людиDespite the technical achievements of our time underwater world holds many mysteries. One of them is the modern inhabitants of the depths of Rybolov... On the territory of modern Bolivia remained ruins of the ancient city of Tiauanaco. "There are walls, built of stones so huge that it is difficult to imagine what human power could put them in their place, " writes visited him in the era of the conquistadores historian G. de La VEGA. - There are remains of ancient buildings, the most notable of which are the stone portals, carved from a single piece of rock. They stand on the grounds that reach a length of nine, width-four and a half and a height of two meters..."
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Viewings: 5816
ПирокинезCases when people suddenly broke out of a fire of unknown origin and burned for a few seconds, leaving behind only a handful of ashes, known since time immemorial. It is established that during the combustion of human bodies flame temperature was up to 3,000 degrees. It is curious, however, that next to the victim of flammable materials (such as, for example, linen, cotton wool or paper) was found to be intact, that is, the person lying in bed, was blazing brightly, but the sheets and blankets were left unharmed. Exactly this happened in 1992 with fire from Sydney Ron Prista, burnt down in his bed. Surprisingly, linens and pillows did not suffer, but lying a meter away from the flames of hell match is not broke.
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Viewings: 5951
Организм в цифрахMan consists of more than 100000000000000 cells (read as "one hundred billion). For comparison:
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Viewings: 5399
НевидимкиIn may 1876 in the streets of a Chinese city Nanjing suddenly a terrible panic in the city appeared invisible demons and lost people traditional pigtails. In vain citizens closed head with his hands, trying to save her hair - it was all in vain. Panic spread to Shanghai, and then to other Chinese cities, where the invisible forces started to kill people in a dream. Mass hysteria lasted about three years, and all these years the mysterious "evil spirit, ringworm hair", was elusive meanwhile, this was not the first case of its occurrence - the documents testify, that "stealth cutting hair"knew in China in the era of the Wei dynasty (477-517 years before Mr. E.)
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