Viewings: 6047
 In the medical journal new York for 1888 described a unique case with sailor river tug boat pulling a barge on its deck in two layers piled up large boxes. By accident just at the moment when his tug came up to the bridge with a low arch, situated on the bow of the barge sailor decided to see whether oslab fastening upper layer, climbed up on the bottom and looked up over the boxes. Because he had his back on a course of movement, however, he saw approaching danger, and lower the sharp edge of the beam of the bridge span, as a razor, cut off part of the skull is about two inches above the right eye.
Viewings: 5596
 In the medical literature walking in a dream called somnambulism, and in common parlance - sleepwalking. Somnambulism is quite common. Occasionally go in sleep millions of people (about 2.5% of the world population). With about 25% of lunatics cause various damages during night wanderings. Sometimes, La Sonnambula fall out of Windows, mistakenly taking them outside the door. Sometimes you can hear stories about how in a state of somnambulism people drove cars, operated aircraft and perform other complex activities, but for the assurance of physicians, it's just nowhere else. In fact, although the sleepwalker and able to get in the car and start the engine, keep it well, he can not, because the reflexes in La Sonnambula retarded. Sleepwalker immediately get into an accident.
Viewings: 6075
 Terrible disease, known as lethargy, more than 80 years is a mysterious disease. Doctors cannot safely be called the cause. People lose consciousness and fall asleep. Who for several hours, and who for months and years. Lethargy may come back, but her reason for beginning to be viewed.
Viewings: 4737
 In the beginning of 90th years there has been a new sensation - came to light another amazing child. Both parents of the boy were HIV-positive, and the kid inside gutturally inherited their deadly disease. Repeated blood tests boy, taken within six months and one year, clearly showed the presence of infection.
Viewings: 4726
 Children, it is not like normal boys and girls, were born in the late 70's - early 80-ies of the last century. Their strangeness was apparent already in the first months of life. Doctors were amazed absolutely adult eyes babies. Unlike other newborns who can't focus glance, these children looked straight and not a child closely. The older they become, the more strength and stubbornness changed their model of behavior compared to "normal"peers.
Viewings: 4315
 Throughout the twentieth century all a little bit different from us we strongly altered in normal, healthy", such as all. And he did it with the best of intentions, "for their own good". We were told the child that his unusual features is bad, it is a disease or deformity. The child began to be ashamed, fear, hating himself, all his mental strength left for attempts to be made or even to seem like everyone else. For opening and especially the development of their own identity, their abilities and purpose forces have no choice.
Viewings: 4947
 Indigo children are incarnated with a sacred purpose: to proclaim the coming of a new society based on honesty, cooperation and love. They represent a new step in the evolution of mankind.
Viewings: 5075
 About the alien implants talked for a long time. It is believed that this tiny, apparently, the control device that can be injected into the body, most often through the nasal cavity or through other subtle holes on the body of the victim. It happens that suddenly x-ray detects a person, he said, had been in the hands of aliens, foreign body implant. Sometimes the doctors had to remove the implants.
Viewings: 5800
 They opened suddenly, that he was afraid of himself. He shook beneath the bench in the third-class carriage, listened as the conductor asks the tickets of the passengers, and scary to convulsions, had been afraid he had no ticket. It will be dropped off at the next stop, he would have to beg to a remote station, and soon he will die somewhere on the road; parents do not know about the death of his son, and he will go in a different world with their curse.
Viewings: 4573
 Famous American parapsychologist Alan Bakli all his life to the study of psychic energy of man.
Viewings: 5604
 Why should human nose? Because all animals, birds, there are only the nostrils are located on the mouth or mouth, and nose, as a separate body no.
Viewings: 4272
 Previously, scientists believed that certain memories are located in certain areas of the brain. Thus, in the brain must exist certain structures that store all human memories. It was not known exactly how exactly are these patterns, it may be some connection between neurons may be that some biochemical signals, special molecules or even the information could be stored in DNA or RNA, but, nevertheless, the scientists decided to name these structures by engrams. This name was invented, so to speak, for the future, the scientists hoped that sooner or later the mystery of engrams will be revealed, and yet agreed to call for the convenience between these mysterious structures engrams.
Viewings: 5861
 In 1929 happened seemingly ordinary event in the Imperial library of Constantinople, one of thousands dusty shelves was found an old map of the world, belonging to the Navy Admiral of the Ottoman Turkish Empire Piri Reis.
Viewings: 6769
 Hypnosis is as old as humanity itself. Cuneiform tablets found in the interfluves of the Tigris and Euphrates, indicate that the oldest known cultural Nations of the world, the Sumerians, hypnosis has been known in the fourth Millennium before Christ, and they used it then just as it is done in our time. The Sumerians In priestly school of the city of Erech with nezapamyatnyh times kept a handwritten document which was constantly rewritten. Fragments of this document have been preserved and contain irrefutable evidence that in those times the most educated doctors Letov treated patients suggestions during sleep.
Viewings: 3887
 Scientists are claiming to have found an area of the brain that teaches people to forget their fears. Researchers from the University of new York believe that the results of their work will enable specialists to deal more effectively with the various kinds of phobias.