Viewings: 4624
 Almost every people that inhabit our planet, there are legends about the strange travel to other worlds in space. You can, of course, to suggest that such myths is rather a desire to get beyond the Earth, to meet the brethren in mind, but they say that any story - rather, it is a reality to which you want, but it's scary to touch.
Viewings: 4837
 "I feel like a child, who, playing on the seashore, having fun, having found a stone popage, or sink colorful than the other, while the great ocean of truth spread out before me unexplored," wrote Isaac Newton.
Viewings: 5150
 Art of Waset, which in the Bible is called But the Greeks called Thebes. Thebes was located near the present Luxor, and its prosperity survived in the New Kingdom period, when it was the capital of Egypt. In 663 BC the city was destroyed by the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal, and from the little that remains. But still majestic ruins his temples produce indescribable impression on visitors.
Viewings: 6341
 In the world ruled by many, but Cleopatra - unique: the last of the pharaohs and the first of the ladies-politicians. Preserved evidence of the contemporaries, who writes that she was prescribed the death of her own love, and found the men, which this condition is not scared; a night with Cleopatra, mad men-who paid with their lives, and the next morning their heads were exhibited in front of the Palace temptress.
Viewings: 3825
 China is one of the countries that are experiencing severe water shortages. This problem is aggravated by the continuously increasing pollution of scarce water resources.
Viewings: 5144
 Clovis, who came to America from Siberia, Trypillians themselves with burning their cities, ancient Anasazi Indians and other forgotten peoples, the legacy of which today may show every
Viewings: 3758
 An international team of scientists has again appealed to politicians with a demand to recognize the danger, hanging over humanity.
Viewings: 5802
 Could the ancient Egyptians to use in combat helicopters and airplanes? The pyramids and temples of Ancient Egypt for thousands of years attracted the attention of historians. Yes, there's no reservation - it is not the first thousand years before our era the Greeks are very keenly interested in the culture and history of the kings on the great Nile and even wrote about them the whole volume of the study. Some of them survived to the present day. It would seem that for such a huge period of time all the famous monuments had to be investigated thoroughly investigated, and nothing new to find in them at all desire it is simply impossible. But it is not so...
Viewings: 4194
 From the Central part of the galaxy, called the kernel, jumped supermassive black hole
Viewings: 4188
 Versions of what mankind will perish, put forward a lot. The greenhouse effect, a collision with space object, changing currents of the Gulf stream and the Mayan calendar... recently added one: humanity will perish because of the disappearance of the honeybees. No one will hold pollination of crops, and in the world will come a famine. About this supposedly had warned of albert Einstein. And we went to visit a beekeeper in the third generation Andrey SHEPETKOVO, apiary which is in horticulture "Sayan dawns".
Viewings: 4342
 Swedish researchers Peter Lindbergh and Dennis Asberg intend to organize an expedition to the area of the Baltic sea between Sweden and Finland, where last summer found a strange 200-meter unidentified object. Scientists hope that they will finally find out what is the so-called "Baltic anomaly"as he was called the find in the media.
Viewings: 3925
 This year oceanographers fix abnormal Mor dolphins in the Crimea and Odessa region. In Feodosiya and the seaside for a few days on the beach by the waves makes the dead dolphins. According to local residents, on the day they are up to ten corpses accidents mammals. Eyewitnesses claim that all animals are approximately equal wounds on their bodies in the form of deep cuts, writes "Today".
Viewings: 3641
 The end of the world, if any, and will be held, is unlikely to resemble a Hollywood blockbuster with crashing into the Earth by asteroids and all-absorbing floods. The main weapon of Apocalypse will mow down earthlings without superfluous movie effects. But the body count will go into the millions.
Viewings: 3514
В республике Тува — День траура. При тушении лесного пожара там погибли 8 парашютистов-десантников. Их тела нашли утром 7 июня. Высадившись на территории Барун-Хемчинского лесничества, пожарные попали в огненный шторм. Они отправлялись тушить траву, но пожар уже перешел на кроны деревьев. В итоге из 14 человек спаслись только шестеро. И шестой выжил чудом. От огня он спрятался в воде.