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Viewings: 4372
Гипергиганты — возможные убийцы ЗемлиSince ancient times the stars attracted people with its inaccessibility and beauty. Science for many centuries studies the stars. But what we know about them? What is known about the cosmos?
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Viewings: 5395
Карта - загадка (Карта Винланда)One of the myths that were born in the second half of the last century and converted into the present century is the so-called map of Vinland. This map shows the outlines of North America made for half a century to swimming caravels of Christopher Columbus. A certain part of the scientific community does not wish to recognize its authenticity. Actually, what's the difference? Because of his contributions cannot be taken away!
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Viewings: 3793
Теперь не майя, а ученые предрекают Земле конец светаOur planet is threatened by the sudden end of the world because of the collapse of the ecosystem
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Viewings: 4851
Воспоминания о прошлой жизниTherapy, which allows the person to get in his previous life (if any), was launched in Colorado in 1952.
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Viewings: 5006
Лемурия – затерянный континентTheir growth is almost three meters. Their skin changes color from green to blue, depending on the time of year. Their faces - very elongated, the eyes huge, eyelids open up and to the side, as if a door in a single lift. They breathe through the skin, without the help of light. They are bisexual. But most importantly, their souls came from the stars, Sirius, and Pleiades, and on land received physical shell...
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Viewings: 4683
Физика и метафизика НЛОThere is a paradoxical situation: the more one knows, the harder it is to part with their beliefs...
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Viewings: 3928
About altered States of consciousness and features "connect" to informational fields

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Viewings: 3664
In Russia hundreds "damned" places where more sick, more suicides. Where there appears "destroying" energy?

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Viewings: 4523
Ученые из Адыгеи прокомментировали НЛО над Майкопомon 7 June, at about 22:00 for a few minutes, many residents of the capital of Adygea in different parts of the city were observing a strange phenomenon in the sky, and managed to capture it on camera phones and cameras, some pictures are already available online.
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Viewings: 3702
Мутирующая Америка: черепа вытягиваютсяAnthropologists from the University of Tennessee has conducted original research and found that the head of Americans changed. What is the reason, it is not yet clear, but it is obvious that the skull white Americans have become larger, higher and already, and individuals, respectively, narrowed and stretched out on top. It is possible that it applies to all the other people on the planet.
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Viewings: 5157
На Земле наступает час "X"The earth approaches "critical point" in climate change, which will lead to a rapid and irreversible process of destruction of the environment. To such conclusion the group of scientists headed by a biologist at the University of California at Berkeley Anthony Barnoski. They published his article in the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 4491
Алистер Кроули"Not yet reached adolescence, I knew that I am the Beast whose number is 666. I did not understand to the end, where it is leading: it was passionate, ecstatic feeling of self personality... In the third year of study in Cambridge I consciously devoted himself to the Great work, you are Doing yourself a Spiritual Being, free from contradictions, accidents and illusions of the material life," wrote about himself Aleister Crowley.
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Viewings: 3428
Землетрясения, извержения вулканов, солнечные бури — учёные вычислили ритм катастрофEarthquakes and volcanoes can devastate whole regions. Solar storms threaten modern infrastructure. How often happen very large catastrophe? The researchers examined the time intervals: they turned out to be shorter than it was supposed.
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Viewings: 6711
Пентаграмма и ее тайныThe pentagram, pentalfa, the pentacle is one of the most important characters in magic. The word of the pentagram comes from the Greek words "pente", which means five, and "gramma" - what does the letter. The pentagram is a figure with five peaks formed by two rising intersecting rays that depart from each side of the Pentagon, thus, you get a star. It is the action of the Eternal spirit, and the Four Elements under Divine control characters Yeheshuah.
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Viewings: 6237
Дверь в параллельный МирRecently, the British medium Lady foresight made a statement, which shocked the English public. She said that she found the transition to a parallel world. Open it, the reality turned out to be a copy of our world, only without problems, diseases, and any hint of aggression.
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