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Viewings: 5070
The lives of several American States violated heavy snowfall. Hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity, roads to drive. The situation is similar in the South of Europe and in the UK - a great flood.

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Viewings: 5482
Конец света переносится на послезавтра.На самом деле конец света наступит 23 декабряIf you are reading now these lines of the article, it means you are still alive. We are all alive. And everything was in vain. The day after the promised end of the world no one thinks that predicted our ancient Maya and what they actually had in mind for this calendar. Finishing it today is December 21, 2012 (actually - December 23, just then, for the convenience of astronomical calculations, by the end of the calendar did the winter solstice).
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Viewings: 6065
Так все-таки конец света или его начало?Today is the day of the winter solstice, which means that in the Northern hemisphere - the shortest day of the year. As for the southern hemisphere, in this day, the Sun in its annual motion along the Ecliptic reaches the most southern point on the celestial sphere, that is, it appears above the tropic of Capricorn (23,5° Yu. sh).
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Viewings: 4657
Шаманы майя начали встречать "конец света"Of these ceremonies, sacred places of Mayan marked the beginning of the meeting on 21 December in Guatemala. Many consider it the day of the so-called end of the world.
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Viewings: 6891
Синоптики обещают самый теплый год в истории2013 will be the warmest for all history of meteorological observations
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Viewings: 5718
От конца света укроют горыQuietly approaching the end of December 2012, and a growing number of rumors and prophecies about the coming end of the world supposedly predicted by the Mayan calendar...
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Viewings: 6599
Код АпокалипсисаDecember 21, 2012 according to the Maya calendar must come to an end. Such terrible conclusions made on the basis of several findings calendar tables Mayan of Tortuguero and inscriptions inscribed on the brick Church in Comalcalco.
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Viewings: 5340
В Америке закрыты школы из-за опасений наступления "конца света"In the American state of Michigan Christmas school holidays started ahead of time because of fears of occurrence of "end of the world". According to local media, December 20 for this reason, classes not send thousands of children.
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Viewings: 5079
Video filmed on 17 and 18 December over Chicago and Santiago and all similar objects - many strange lights in the sky.

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Viewings: 5183
In recent years, many countries have declassified documents about encounters with aliens. There is evidence for the existence of alien bases on the moon, and even the UN appoints a person responsible for contacts with aliens. The Earth is the planet Nibiru is coming the pole shift. What other cosmic events have to go through our planet? What awaits us, and how can we change our destiny?

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Viewings: 5107
To have survived many prophecies of the Maya. Its amazing knowledge of the Maya left to the descendants the stone monuments. One of such monuments was for archaeologists sensational opening. They found that the writing on it represent the end of the world - on December 21-23, 2012. Does this mean that mankind is the time to prepare for the imminent global catastrophe?

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Viewings: 5537
In January of 2012 year on Japanese TV, suddenly, came the Princess Kaoru, Nakamaru, which opened the gift of clairvoyance. She warned the Japanese people that on December 22, 2012, the planet Earth will make the transition to a new dimension and the population of Japan shall prepare for what, from 22 to 25 December 2012 year -- three days on the planet comes complete darkness: there will be no electricity, no sun, no stars and no light.

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Viewings: 6693
21 декабря 2012 ожидается конец света или парад планет: мифы и реальностьResearchers in one voice together with priests Maya cancel the end of the world on December 21. Kneze world Scientists deny the end of the world on December 21, on Friday, December 21, many people waiting for the end of the world. Only, according to the survey, in the Apocalypse believes a third of Ukrainians, as, for example, in Australia the Prime Minister he wrote a message on the occasion of the end of the world. However, speaking about the Apocalypse, it is not known how it will be. Therefore, on December 21, is assigned several scenarios.
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Viewings: 7828
Ещё одна Земля, и всего в 12 световых годах?In the system Tau Ceti is detected candidates in five planets. The intrigue is that this is the nearest to us was shining with the temperature and luminosity, very close to the sun. And if the planet really there, one of them may be at the right distance from the star, and then on its surface can be mild temperatures, liquid water and even life.
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Viewings: 5559
Древний деформированный череп взволновал «уфологов»Archaeologists digging in the Mexican desert Sonora, discovered, apparently, a cemetery early Mesoamerican community, including deformed skull.
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