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Viewings: 7741
Когда люди возникали ниоткудаMysterious and inexplicable cases of people appeared out of nowhere, speaking in strange tongues, and talking about unfamiliar places.
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Viewings: 6233
Современная цивилизация, современные люди и современные болезни: баланс пяти элементов в пищеThe ancients believed that everything in the universe, including the physical body, consists of five primary elements. The ancient Chinese emphasized the importance of balance in food, for example, they talked about the inclusion in the diet five food.
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Viewings: 6245
Колдуны и ведьмы в России"Witch hunt", raging in the Middle ages in civilized European countries, forever marred their history. Russia in those days looked much more humane and sensible country. But the fashion to look for all the troubles of the machinations of the evil spirit touched her.
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Viewings: 6805
Психотронное оружие для использования на массахPsychotronic experiments on unsuspecting people are held in secret for a long time.
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Viewings: 5629
Around the world find the skull of the giant sizes. There is a perception that they belong to representatives of the most ancient civilizations of the titans. What happened to svarceelaaja giants? What was the reason of their death?

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Viewings: 5225
The film addresses rumors that the U.S. government is using UFO, spying on the people of Central California.

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Viewings: 5984
50 удивительных фактов о вашей кожеTell me where you can find the following: 19 million cells, 625 sweat glands, 90 fat glands, 65 hairs, 6 meters of blood vessels and 19 thousand sensory cells? Answer: 7 cm2 human skin! Human skin is the largest organ of the person (approximately 16 % of total body weight) and in total covers an area of 20 square feet. Your skin has a lot of various protective and metabolic functions, stabilizing your body.
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Viewings: 5066
Человекоподобный робот впервые поднялся на 32 км на воздушном шареЧеловекоподобный робот впервые поднялся на 32 км на воздушном шаре

Spanish company Zero 2 Infinity works a kind of low-end sector of space tourism, planning to put on stream turpreti on the stratospheric heights up to 36 km, where the black sky, the Earth is round, and the stars in brightness almost do not concede to the cosmos.
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Viewings: 5186
Как климат реагирует на углекислый газ?As recent events have shown, even the world Bank want to understand the trajectory of global warming. There are several ways, but most rely on such factors as the climate sensitivity. Method rough, and simple: a doubling of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, the average temperature on the planet increases to a certain value.
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Viewings: 5335
Обнаружена непропорционально массивная чёрная дыраAstronomers under the leadership of REMCO van den Bosch (Remco van den Bosch) from the Institute of astronomy of max Plank Society (Germany) has opened an exceptional phenomenon - a supermassive black hole weighing more than any other known. She 14-20 billion times heavier than the Sun, so in 4 thousand times larger than the largest supermassive black hole in our Galaxy.
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Viewings: 4669
«Кассини» рассмотрел резкую перемену в атмосфере ТитанаData spacecraft Cassini linked seasonal shift in sunlight with a full change (and unexpected heights) circulation of the atmosphere of the moon of Saturn the Titan: at the South pole on change to a recent upwelling came lowering of air masses. Thus the key to circulation of the atmosphere of Titan was it the sunlight, underlines the study's lead author Nick Tenby from Bristol University (UK).
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Viewings: 5628
Апостол Матфей: от мытаря до святогоThe Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew Levi Alphaeus (son of Alphaeus), whose memory is celebrated on November 29, new style is one of those spiritual warriors, who were converted unto God from sin to Holiness. The tax collectors not for nothing was known as the most despised people in ancient Israel: they can be considered the modern analogues of corrupt officials. But the transformation "Matthew the publican", the sinner of Levi, gives hope to many generations of the lost...
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Viewings: 4327
Лак для волос - сигнал для пришельцев?The real prospects of space exploration is now seen as the colonization of Mars. Probably, sooner or later it will happen. Here only in order to place a colony or inhabited base, will create the conditions close to the earth. So we have to terraforming Red planet is to change its climatic conditions artificially.
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Viewings: 157859
Грозная птица-топор была вегетарианкойAmerican paleontologists, having studied the footprints of a huge bird diatribe that lived in North America over 40 million years ago, came to the conclusion that it was not a bloodthirsty predator, how it is described in textbooks today paleontology. Claws on its feet this giant were short, dull and fragile - such impossible to keep production at eating.
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Viewings: 4070
Heavenly body noticed telescope "Wizard" Irkutsk Observatory - it works on astrophysical site in Tunka valley. The asteroid was named 2012 VG82. Its cross-size - two kilometers, and now he is at a minimum distance from the Earth is only 110 million kilometers. Orbita VG with the trajectory of our planet does not intersect, so the Ground is out of danger.

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