Viewings: 5314
 Comet Halley, the Creator of a meteor shower orionids covering our skies each October, hit the lens probe "Giotto" March 14, 1986. We are accustomed to the Hubble and Cassini, it is useful to recall how things were just a quarter of a century ago.
Viewings: 5982
The largest animal in the world nimbly as a ballerina when it is hungry. Video cameras and motion sensors, mounted on 22 blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), showed that they sometimes go on underwater pirouettes, that is turned by 360 to pounce on krill from the bottom.
Viewings: 5881
 A retired biologist NASA has no doubt that confirmed his discovery of 36 years ago on Mars is life
Viewings: 6071
 The Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012. On this day there will be a parade of planets will happen disasters and the image of our planet will change. Many expect the Apocalypse, the complete destruction of the Earth or rebirth of humanity. Is there scientific evidence for these predictions?
Viewings: 5318
 The new discovery of American scientists significantly expanded, which may be life. They found living organisms in the Antarctic lake View, which for three thousand years was completely isolated from the outside world under twenty meter layer of ice.
Viewings: 5308
 Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini, who predicted in its time the economic collapse of 2008, continues "please" forecasts. In 2013 it is expected a new collapse of the financial markets, he writes in his article in Project Syndicate.
Viewings: 8091
 Baikal has given the world not only the most clean water, but also a special energy. She and different ages have different effect on the condition of the surrounding peoples. One Genghis Khan - say, a native of Transbaikalia for something. But it was, it appears, at Buryat people and no less memorable prophet - grandfather Barashka, resident of the village of Solute.
Viewings: 6341
 The history of writing not only people, but also things: historical documents, relics, material evidence. And always, only it comes to a document or artifact, played a prominent role in the history of mankind, the question of its authenticity. Fakes are documents and relics, the authenticity of which for decades, no one doubted. And on the contrary - in a document or artifact that can't be true, no analysis unable to expose the fraud.
Viewings: 6093
 Many people have something to hide. It can be something valuable, secret, hazardous, banned or subject to confiscation. A good choice for this can be safe, locked, or, for example, a digital safe. However, a large, heavy and expensive safety Deposit box does not suit everybody. On the other hand, small safe, attachable to the floor bolts, low capacity.
Viewings: 4754
 There is a direct link between our fat cells and molecules in our biological clock. These watches tell the body when to sleep and digest food, fat cells accumulate when the excess energy, and serves about it the corresponding signal to the brain. There at the wrong time, and to gain weight easier.
Viewings: 8692
 Ancient Egyptian book of the Dead is not a book about death. This is a book about life, defeated death. Paradoxically, such a unique name that has become almost as common symbol of Ancient Egypt as the pyramids, mummies and the papyrus, it is not in the content and idea of the work. Moreover, it is the opposite in meaning its true name. But business not only in the book of the Dead - the problem is much wider.
Viewings: 10025
 There is a view that the mystery of the alternative of being associated with a certain "fifth dimension". Allegedly, besides the three space dimensions and "the fourth dimension" - time there is one. Opening it, people will supposedly be able to travel between parallel worlds. However, head of the sector of interdisciplinary problems of scientific-technical development of the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences doctor of philosophical Sciences Vladimir Arshinov am sure that today we can talk about a much larger number of dimensions: "is Already known about the model of our world, which contains 11, 26 and even 267 measurements. They do not see, and folded in a special way. However, they are present around us".
Viewings: 6928
 On this Mayan prediction that appeared in the middle 70-ies, which happily writing media over the last 2-3 years, soon the world will die from the planetary catastrophe, humanity will reach the Apocalypse...
Viewings: 5974
 To date, the people consider themselves to strangers, guests on earth, and they don't relate to this temporary for their lives house - Land. So they just take and take from it whatever they want, and even more, without thinking that instead taken by them, it is necessary to take care of her.
Viewings: 6055
 The small town of orange, located on the Western plains in New South Wales (Australia), known for its blossoming orchards. Most people don't even suspect that under the city at a depth of two hundred meters there is a large cave, possibly associated with the legendary underground Binomial.