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Viewings: 6001
«Апокалипсис» из-под землиCurrently in mass media, Internet sites, in the programs of radio and television provides many details about the upcoming change of epochs, which will take place in December 2012. The excitement around this event is spreading. The causes of future disasters called the most different: global warming, the fall of the asteroid, approximation hypothetical planet Nibiru, the increased activity of the Sun, the planets, quantum transition, the change in the level of consciousness, etc. What are the true reasons (possible) cataclysm? And will happen if he really is?
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Viewings: 5835
Арийцы первыми использовали химическое оружиеBritish researcher has found evidence that the army of the Persian Sassanid Empire was first used poisonous gases during the siege of the city Dura-Europos in Eastern Syria. 256 ad victims of the first gas attack in the history of mankind began 20 Roman legionaries.
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Viewings: 6593
В каждом из нас живет НострадамусIt would be great if our body can prepare for our event, which we do not yet know! I think this is kind of fiction? Not at all: the body can really predict future events without any prompting from the outside. This is the conclusion of the staff of North-Western University, USA, after analyzing the results of research carried out since 1978 and 2010.
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Viewings: 4959
In recent years, many countries have declassified documents about encounters with aliens. There is evidence for the existence of alien bases on the moon, and even the UN appoints a person responsible for contacts with aliens. The Earth is the planet Nibiru is coming the pole shift. What other cosmic events have to go through our planet? What awaits us and how can we change our destiny?

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Viewings: 4938
Soon will be resolved one of the top intrigues this November: who will be the President of America? Meanwhile, the race is in full swing. Who predict a victory, as the Russians geese are connected with the independence of the United States and who is sitting on the fence? About these and other interesting facts are watching in the new edition of the program "Secret files".

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Viewings: 5198
Of the graves of the great figures of culture are increasingly being kidnapped... skull! Why they are interested in a strange "collectors"? What mysterious force have different parts of the human body?

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Viewings: 6065
Опасны ли НЛО для самолётов, или Едят ли деревья кошек?The notorious Michael Morella, the author of several acclaimed publications on the topic of aliens, started a new campaign for the education of the masses by publishing an article that thousands of UFO recorded each year by different observers may, distracting the pilot put the plane and its passengers serious danger. But is it so terrible green men, as their mallet this gentleman?
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Viewings: 5550
Проект 'Кластер' раскрывает тайны магнитосферы ЗемлиAccording to scientists, the project Cluster" will help to make first three-dimensional map of the Earth's magnetic field It is the Alliance of four satellites, scanning parameters of the magnetosphere, revealed huge, up to 40 thousand kilometers, vortices at the magnetopause. And apparatus Cluster" found many other interesting things - for example, the zero point of our magnetosphere.
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Viewings: 5278
Ходьба быстрым шагом снижает риск развития инсульта, сердечного приступа и продлевает жизньWhen you walk, you leisurely stroll or energetic pace, as if in a hurry? The researchers ascertained that the walking speed can play a role in preventing stroke and heart disease, the recommended for people to walk on a daily basis and at a fast pace.
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Viewings: 6572
Нулевая полоса. Интернет активно обсуждает заявление тибетского монаха о том, как пережить Конец светаRecently the network began to actively discuss tips for preparing for the End of the world Lama monastery Ghandruk under the Kailas, known as the Oracle of Shambhala, which has made a Declaration for NASA.
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Viewings: 5812
Технология 25 кадр. Зомбирование и воздействие на подсознание. Как нам промывают мозгиThe variety of methods of the information-psychological war, the processing of the subconscious mind of the person or group of people by means of suggestion, or special technical means and methods by which it (they) is programmed on unconditional submission anyone's orders to commit any action, or the perception of any of them susceptible to suggestion political, philosophical or religious doctrine.
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Viewings: 5679
Апокалипсис много тысяч лет назад. Геофизика конца света!Whether after the earthquake to receive the "pillar of fire, veiled by a cloud, sea of burning brimstone, and how to go toxic hail, causing people ulcers, poison the water, giving them a taste of wormwood?
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Viewings: 8292
Мифы и реальность проекта «HAARP». Страшилка двадцать первого векаThe American project "HARP" (HAARP) a difficult fate. Publications there are not very many, but about them is blown something fantastic. For example, the media announced that as a result of "HARP" occurred South Asian tsunami in Sumatra moved tens of meters, has moved itself the earth's axis that "HARP" is a variety of weather anomalies, plasma clouds that are easily directed to the aircraft and "other objects", and the "cool" - the earthquake.
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Viewings: 3904
Paradise... In people's minds there is no place more beautiful. Was there he really is? And where was it? Recent discoveries of scientists say, a beautiful legend about Eden is the truth! Once on the Ground there was indeed a Paradise in South Africa!

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Viewings: 3708
На Марсе обнаружен вулканогенный песок, аналогичный земномуCuriosity Rover completed the first detailed x-ray structure analysis of Martian sand and determined that he will be like volcanic soil, which can be found in places such as, for example, shield volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
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