Viewings: 5677
 The soul of man after the heart stops does not die, but live forever in the Universe. The age-old question of humanity - is there life after death - seems to be answered. And the answer is Yes. Scientists said on the proof of the theory that every person has a soul that continues to live even after the heart stops beating, according to Radar Online. One of the authors of the study anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff revealed details of discovery in "Through the tunnel in space", as shown in one of the science channels.
Viewings: 4671
 Every autumn and winter begins the so-called "season of cold". So they say, because people often catch cold in the cold season. In drugstores, stores and other places are waiting for you of the vaccination for the prevention of influenza.
Viewings: 6459
 Recently in Central America archeological lucky to find ancient burial, which appeared in the epoch of change of civilizations. At that time in the States of the Olmec in southern Mexico has reached the age of decline, and on the territory of Guatemala bloomed the Mayan civilization. Found the tomb serves as a symbol of continuity of the two great cultures.
Viewings: 7148
 Amazing findings obtained during the archaeological excavations, completely change usual ideas about the history and cast doubt on what America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
Viewings: 6851
 In Bible sources and legends, there are numerous evidences on the planet of the gods, prophets, "sons of God"that has had a significant impact on cultural development and the religious worldview of many Nations. In the famous Dead sea scrolls (so secure that their rights to see received only a few scientists), according to the American astronaut Edgar Mitchell, said about Satan, who will be on Earth, and his presence will continue for 6 years beginning in 2012.
Viewings: 5699
 In the United States went on sale just published a book by Professor of Harvard ebony Alexander "Proof of Paradise"
Viewings: 5038
 In General, all food stimulates the production of endorphins, hormones of happiness. However, not all food is really uplifting. Some are for a person neutral, while others can uplift only for a short period of time, after which the person is risking to immerse themselves in an even worse state than he had before. American scientists have compiled a list of seven products, capable to spoil the mood of the person.
Viewings: 6836
 If you believe the Bible, and not the results of conventional methods of archaeological research, the king Solomon was fabulously rich. In the Third Book of kings says that the gold that came to Solomon in one year, the weight was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold.... descriptions of the various precious metals and stones, and other luxury and exotic things clearly indicate that Solomon them were taken, and, obviously, from distant countries. On the Egyptian bas-relief depicts the countless treasures looted from the temple and the Palace of Solomon successor of the Queen of Sheba Pharaoh Tuthmosis III.
Viewings: 5897
 Les Aokigahara is located at the foot of mount Fuji, the most famous mountain in Japan. It can be found in the list of attractions for tourists, but among the natives he has a bad reputation and is considered to be almost the most ominous place. "Aokigahara" in translation from Japanese "Plain green trees". It would seem - only and relax on the spacious lawns, picnics, launch of kites, admiring "shy mountain", as called Fuji! But few people dare to go into the shady thicket...
Viewings: 8423
 The ancient Greeks, who founded in the VI century BC on the Northern Black sea coast a lot of cities have introduced a completely new here to this earth customs and traditions. Among many of them are of special interest gravestones with inscriptions. Today we will talk about Olvia and commemorative signs (the Dnieper-bug Liman, Nikolaev region).
Viewings: 6044
 Just a few months ago the United States declassified some of the documents that reveal some very interesting developments and their characteristics. It is about the prototype flying saucers.
Viewings: 4968
 A resident of new Jersey posted on social networking pictures flooded streets, which is clearly visible marine predator.
Viewings: 6161
 On Earth peace Numbers that controls the Universe, replaced by a world of feelings and emotions. Instead of strict geometry thrive words, which laid the music and tone. We are given the alphabet, the order and number of such letters, and every phrase should push us to the understanding of the law of Numbers ruling the world. Key values of the world of Numbers and geometric order are integrity and harmony. And the manifestation of harmony of Space in the material world is Love! Science has already recognized the integrity of the world, but it has not yet matured to the recognition of Love as the greatest energy!
Viewings: 5314
 Man by nature is not affected neither death nor aging; he might be killed only by accident. In his body, that is, in its collective cells, does not leak the inevitable aging process; nothing is able to paralyze the individual. It turns out that the death can be avoided. The disease is first of all not-health, lack of rest or Santi - sweet, cheerful serenity of spirit, reflected by mind throughout the body. Decrepitude, so common to people, only shows ignorance of the causes certain mental and physical diseases. Appropriate mental attitude can even prevent an accident. Siddha says, "If properly maintain bodily tone, the body will be able to repel any infection, influenza and plague". Siddhi was not afraid of germs and never sick.
Viewings: 4909
 Habit is called a deep-rooted form of behaviour, which works independently from our consciousness. We automatically find in the morning the way to the kitchen and on the machine, go to the transport (or sit in the car), not really thinking over what we do. It is believed that the usual action of help to relieve the brain from the routine, allowing him to do something more important. That is, from the point of view of neurophysiology unloaded resources prefrontal cortex, our main analytical center, meet, let's say, for conscious life. The habit goes in subcortical structures, called the basal ganglia.