Viewings: 5498
 The Orion nebula has long attracted the attention of astronomers its strange. Its stars are so unusually high rate that it seems as if all the congestion we shall soon go on a separate disc. In addition, there is too little (in comparison with the average of the stellar population in the galaxy) major stars, and the share of small overly loud.
Viewings: 5327
 Rebecca Martin of the University of Colorado at boulder and Mario Livio of the Institute for space telescope in Baltimore have developed a rather extravagant theory, suggesting that for the formation of life on Earth in the Solar system must be the asteroid belt, according to where it is now. Otherwise you would not! This leads to the following conclusion: the search for extraterrestrial life should be to focus on those systems that are close to the "snow line" has its own asteroid belt.
Viewings: 4879
 The last form of life on Earth will fall through to 2.8 billion years old, burnt down a dying Sun is a red giant. In about a billion years before that, the only living things on the planet will remain single-celled organisms, hiding in isolated hot and salty waters.
Viewings: 4892
 June 6, stereo cameras with high resolution spacecraft Mars Express again staring at the plain of Argir - this time, however, the mountains of the Spirits that 380 km North-East from the crater of a hook. This is the Northern border of Argiri - one of the largest impact craters of the red planet.
Viewings: 5839
 Surprisingly, often life commonplace in some areas of the animals is very mythologized. With these myths are not any foreigners, and are local residents. If to speak about Russia, such myths surround the bear beast, without which it is difficult to imagine a native forests.
Viewings: 5222
 Scientists who work in the UN predicts that changes in climate will change the diet of millions of people. Because of global warming bananas will replace the bread they will eat most of the population.
Viewings: 3769
 Hurricane "sandy"that hit the U.S. East coast, opens a whole epoch of natural disasters, the consequences of which mankind may be seen in the coming decades.
Viewings: 5383
 Many of the tales we know almost by heart, have undergone a lot of changes before they became world-famous. Today we tell the children, but not always they were intended for children's ears.
Viewings: 4843
 In the world of the latest technologies, colorful packaging of various drugs, which, if you believe the advertising, able to perform any miracles, highly professional doctors, who can practice in the best clinics of the world, it seems strange that somewhere there are still strange people, steadily beating the tambourine and pronouncing monotonous spells. But, nevertheless, they are, as well as at all times, to them for help turns a lot of people, including those who have been rejected by official medicine.
Viewings: 4624
 Most of the prophets, and indigenous peoples of the world are predicting that's waiting for the Earth and mankind. We see this final and concrete change as a change of dimensions on the planet and the transition to a new level of existence, associated with the change in human consciousness on consciousness of the Christ or Unity Consciousness.
Viewings: 6817
 The dead man lay in his underground shelter 1600 years. About it long forgotten, and no one disturbed the peace of the Lord of the ancient Maya. Tireless archeologists discovered in Guatemala, the tomb of the unknown ruler.
Viewings: 7571
 We can reasonably assume that throughout human history information from extraterrestrial intelligence, which is ahead of us in their development over thousands or millions of years, constantly coming into our Solar system and on Earth in the form of different, does not fit into the stereotypical scheme human thinking abnormal phenomena. Phenomena that perform the function of symbols, which provide vital for the inhabitants of the Earth information. There was no doubt that to enter the Space Community or, in other words, to get in touch with CC, we will be able only when we will reach the necessary intellectual level when we become aware of the necessity and inevitability of contact and psychologically we will be ready for this step.
Viewings: 9324
 From the XVI century in the secret basement of the Vatican are stored ancient tablets on which are engraved the story of the last battle between Good and Evil. Chilling events must put an end to our world and become a prelude to the accession to it of the Devil. About inscribed on these tablets predictions decided to tell in 2001, when everybody in the world will be convinced that the world will not end.
Viewings: 5643
 Ghosts is not only a fuzzy white shapes, pictures are often published as evidence of the existence of the afterlife. They may look as a projection of the deceased person and "to appear" in the most unexpected places. So, the British Andrea Samuels says that the image of her late husband regularly occurs on the wall in the bedroom.
Viewings: 5318
 This summer we had a chance to travel in Sardinia. Always try to combine holidays with learning a new, unexpected and interesting. But that was opened on this Sunny Mediterranean island, has surpassed all expectations. We were able to see the amazing tracks mysterious, very ancient civilization that existed in Sardinia from ten to three thousand years ago.