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Viewings: 7247
Ученые допускают, что нашли следы йетиRussian scientists have studied the piece of fur, found near Azasskuyu caves in Mountain Shoria (the South of Kuzbass), where supposedly lives Yeti, and concluded that the sample with a probability of 60-70% owned snow man, said Monday, RIA Novosti chief researcher of the Russian state hydrometeorological University Valentin Sapunov.
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Viewings: 5359
Инопланетные транзисторы?The inventors of the transistor could be inspired by the study of the remains of the alien starship says Jack A. Shulman, President of the American computer companies ACC. For its part, astronaut Edgar Mitchell also stirs up controversy, demanding the creation of a special Commission by the U.S. Congress to check whether you have been in due time used alien technology to any military or civil companies.
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Viewings: 7754
Главная тайна ЕгиптаI have to say: I saw him, and miracle of miracles, not on the hot Giza plateau, where stands the three most famous of hundreds of Egyptian pyramids, not in the Valley of the Kings on the West Bank of the Nile and not dawn on top of mount Sinai.
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Viewings: 5098
Обезьяны станут первооткрывателями Марса?Zurab mikvabia, Director of the Institute of experimental pathology and therapy, which supplied monkeys for experiments in space, says: "We plan to resume the flight program monkeys to Mars". Already go preliminary talks on this issue with the Academy of Astronautics.
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Viewings: 9009
Атлантида - АнтарктидаAlmost two hundred years mankind persistently tries to solve the mystery of Atlantis. Time and the elements have done all that we are today. could not answer the question: "was it really is and where to look?" But is it any wonder that, if more close to us historically, Nations and States not left sometimes nothing but name, casually mentioned in some ancient record. In the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and even in the Arctic oceans was conducted extensive but unsuccessful search of the legendary continent, once connected America and Eurasia. And still remained, albeit insignificant, but the chance that once Atlantis still existed.
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Viewings: 6026
Необычные видоизменения НЛОOne of the unusual properties of UFOs are their strange transformation expressed in changes in their shape and size, or splitting with subsequent flight each part separately, sometimes, on the contrary, with the connection of multiple objects in one. Known, for example, a number of cases when observers on earth had the impression that UFO has repeatedly changed its shape in flight.
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Viewings: 7149
Люди-загадки: смерть ходит за ними по пятамThere are people who for my life has been on the threshold of death, but yet every time miraculously survived... So, the house 62-year-old resident of Novorossiysk Lubov Ganeeva over the last year, three times... crashed into the truck. However, the woman never suffered, managing to leave his home shortly before the terrible accident...
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Viewings: 5642
Куда подевались три столетия?From early Western European middle ages have survived remarkably little information from credible sources. To determine the reliability of any fact, historians have to compare a number of indirect evidence. To set the exact date of medieval events - harder every puzzle, because successive historical records of the early period of the Middle ages does not exist. The few documents that clearly dated often struck by the very fantastic chronology or contain absolutely incredible number.
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Viewings: 4956
Распыляемые с воздушного шара аэрозоли охладят атмосферуIn the American state of new Mexico will be conducted the experiment on the cooling of the atmosphere of sulphate aerosols. Such aerosols emitted by volcanoes erupted. They reflect solar radiation and contribute to the cooling of the Earth's atmosphere.
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Viewings: 5997
Что скрывается за переливанием кровиThe modern approach of Orthodox medicine to health concerns, at best, three-dimensional. But the esoteric knowledge of antiquity meant the whole complex of knowledge. Any esoteric necessarily have been a healer. Modern medicine crossed all pradipat of mankind, tried to become the smartest of all, existing only 150-200 years. This was achieved by the System of removing Potential, making medicine, her maid, and a tool for conducting experiments on humans. Why every time here to drive the "plates", when you can on earth to organize the necessary hospitals, and let the Humans themselves tearing at each other and reshape under the strict guidance System. Who, they say, is to blame, since they are "smart".
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Viewings: 6902
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Viewings: 4705
Myths about products of great variety: "expensive products better cheap", "in fresh vegetables and fruits more vitamins than in the frozen", "goat milk is healthier cow".

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Viewings: 4630
They have strange abilities, which apply in life is almost impossible. People-magnets, people-elektroprovodnosti, people talking to the birds. What do they need such a gift? And the gift is this?

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Viewings: 5298
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Viewings: 5994
December 2012 -- will there be the end of the world? As people are preparing for the Apocalypse? And anyone will be able to escape from him? Documentary film the fifth channel on the end of the cycle, "the Truth of life"

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