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Viewings: 5254
Ron Blakey, Professor of Geology from Northern Arizona University, posted a Youtube video that shows how varied the location and shape of the earth's continents over the past 600 million years, and how they will change in the future in the next hundred million years.

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Viewings: 6174
Концы света к которым мы не доживемThroughout the lifetime of the Earth gets rid of protecting the life of the atmosphere, until finally she will not lose. But worry not worth it, this will not happen in our lifetime, and it will be not the first scenario the end. First of all, our planet will absorb red giant. And it will happen in 5 billion years - about the different scenarios of the end of the world says Geofizik.
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Viewings: 5303
В Марианской впадине зарождается жизньWhere can I see life the way it was at the time of his birth? The famous film Director James Cameron is convinced that this can be done, down to the bottom of the Mariana trench. Ecosystems that have found a brave traveler, reminiscent of those that existed on our planet more than three billion years ago.
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Viewings: 5220
На Марсе обнаружен горнолыжный курортIn June of this year, stereo cameras space probe Mars Express recorded on the red planet, in the area of the mountains Kharit, located near Gale crater and the pool of Argir, an area where there are bright areas resembling the surface is covered with snow. Recently scientists have found that this effect is frozen carbon dioxide.
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Viewings: 5568
Отчего погибнет человечество?One of the major Internet forums was poll "do you expect the end of the world"? As usual, opinions are divided. Those who do not believe, was slightly less than those who believe that soon there will be some fatal event. Many explained their apocalyptic expectations that something depressing and scary literally felt in the air. As if something had happened already, even with time itself. This unshakable constant of our world has become different. The time is now rushing running, and people simply can not keep up with him.
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Viewings: 5738
За последние пару дней два астероида прошли рядом с ЗемлейOver the last couple of days two asteroids, XE54 2012 and 4179 Toutatis passed close to Earth. 4179 Toutatis, the asteroid lump form about 5 km in length, is classified as potentially dangerous object, according to astronomers.
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Viewings: 5120
Язык за зубами: что нашло NASA на Марсе?Is there today anyone who has not heard about the "fabulous find"made on Mars by Curiosity? Two weeks about it sounded absolutely all media. Yes and as it was not to sound, if NASA own hand assured epochal importance of what happened?
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Viewings: 4853
 Китайские космонавты собираются посадить капусту на МарсеTaikonaut (so call themselves Chinese conquerors of Space) are sure that someday will be able to grow vegetables on Mars or the moon.
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Viewings: 4520
На Титане обнаружен аналог НилаThe project staff Cassini saw miniature extraterrestrial a copy of the Nile river valley on Titan, a moon of Saturn, which stretches more than 400 km from the "sources" to the great sea. For the first time on a celestial body found such a large river system. Besides sealed with unprecedented resolution.
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Viewings: 8719
Many of these natural wonders are able to see only a scientist, as they are in the cold, sparsely populated areas of the planet.
Here are the 10 most beautiful ice formations of nature from glaciers, frozen waterfalls up to the ice caves and icebergs.

12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы12 удивительных ледяных чудес природы
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Viewings: 5911
Ричард Хогланд был прав - его "сломали"Richard Hoagland wrote an article in which he writes that the Rover Curiosity ("Curiosity") became the main character of the grandiose performance NASA. According to him, in order not to show us the real picture of what is happening on Mars, the leadership of NASA will soon adjust its "break".
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Viewings: 4988
Орбитальные циклы Земли могут активизировать вулканыThe rhythm of the climatic changes that occurred during the past millions of years of Earth's history, is determined by the orbital cycles: depending on the amount of sunlight glaciers grow or recede. Changes speaks the whole planet - from circulation of the atmosphere and ocean to ecosystems and even erosion and sediment transfer.
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Viewings: 4905
Насколько вечная мерзлота поможет потеплению?Recent authoritative assessment of the amount of carbon associated ground in permafrost areas, was made in 2009 and called the figure 1.6 trillion tons. However, this work was not complete, it was based only on the 45 analysed points soil testing and practically did not include main global permafrost region - North Asian part of Russia.
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Viewings: 5390
Вулканы не дают Венере спокойно спатьFor six years, between 2006 and 2012, the spacecraft "Venus-Express" (Venus Express ESA) found large changes in the content of sulfur dioxide in an extremely turbulent atmosphere of this planet. These variations in the chemical composition can have only one very intriguing explanation - on Venus from time to time occur volcanic eruptions.
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Viewings: 6578
Крупные кометы, ударив в Солнце, могут вызвать глобальный электромагнитный АрмагеддонComet Maknota, taken by a Super-North-European telescope in January 2007
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