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Viewings: 5866
Аркаим ч.1Has already become a celebrity, covered with legends Arkaim; known in the scientific world and which gave the name of archeological culture of Sintashta; less famous, but already studied the Mouth; covered with fame on the results of the last excavations, Quick and ?land - all South-Ural Country cities. Scientific naming of this clot fortified settlements of the XVIII-XVI centuries BC - monuments protocity civilization of the bronze age in the southern Urals. Country towns - the name for the shared use, it is best meeting the core of the Chelyabinsk phenomenon. Was already in the middle ages Gardarika, and all understood that this is a Country of cities - Rus.
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Viewings: 6316
"Адское ранчо" - ворота в иные мирыHotel tycoon Robert Bigelow has long been known as a fan of space research. Several years ago he announced the award of $ 50 million that will be paid to the person or company who will be able to build a five able to regularly run between the earth and the Moon. Another eccentric project of moneybags - hotel in orbit. Hotel Nautilus should open its gates (doors by 2015. Bigelow is collaborating with NASA and the space already sent a reduced copy of the hotel.
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Viewings: 5487
Проклятие горы СалакThe Victory day this year was marred by the message: during a demonstration flight in Indonesia lost the "Sukhoi Superjet 100". Onboard there were 45 people. The next morning it became clear that the plane crashed, there were no survivors. There are several versions of the causes of the crash: pilot error, technical malfunction, and... the curse of Salak mountain.
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Viewings: 4675
Смерч и двадцать всадников пронеслись над селомUnusual, mysterious incident occurred on June 27, in the village sottintsy Ust-Aldan ulus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - as amended). During a thunderstorm in the area walked mini-tornadoes and local residents saw inside them silhouettes 20 galloping riders with the ancient weapon. The same thing happened the next day, but this time riders was only three.
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Viewings: 4757
Водоемы, у которых жить нельзяIn light of the many lakes and ponds, is reputed to be enchanted. They have a strange properties and show paranormal activity. Several such strange lakes hidden in the mountains of the Cordillera-Azur (Blue mountains). This range runs parallel to the Andes, and is replete with cold lakes, around which they live Quechua Indians.
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Viewings: 5520
Не вытаптывайте «Страшные места»!Probably anyone who's ever been in the forest at least once experienced a sense of fear, not nostalgia, anxiety, without any apparent reason.
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Viewings: 6174
Галлюцинации. Что это за феномен?What is this phenomenon?Sometimes people claim to have seen "something", which actually does not exist. They can position "spirits" or some strange creatures. Sometimes small children say they saw "Oh, my, so terrible, that the horror!". Sometimes it's a fantasy or dream, sometimes illusion.
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Viewings: 7037
Мираж Черного ПринцаBy the beginning of the Crimean war, the British government was chartered to transport troops and ammunition in Crimea over 200 commercial vessels. November 8, 1854, along with other British ships on external Balaklava RAID arrived ship "Black Prince". After five days over the Crimean Peninsula swept Southeast hurricane of unprecedented force and all the vessels sank.
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Viewings: 4683
Living beings have already chosen the basements of several houses and now rushed into the apartment. Controlling organization shrug, so they see for the first time and do not know how to help the citizens.

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Viewings: 4011
Тайна странных кругов на полях раскрыта!American scientists finally figured out the secret of the mysterious crop circles! Who is not only attributed creating perfectly smooth circles. Some said that they made people (but how then to explain the absence of traces?), someone attributed to these circles of divine origin, and most were inclined to think that the circles draw the alien ships. But last week shrouded mystery was solved! There were more than ordinary explanation of unusual shapes. Strange circles draw... Hedgehogs! Yes, these little spiky creatures, as it turned out, curled in a ball and roll around on the field in a circle!
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Viewings: 8645
Все аномальные зоны МираANOMALOUS ZONES in the world and in Russia. THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE.
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Viewings: 6626
On Earth there are still inexplicable, mysterious, but the incredible natural phenomena: the fantastic beauty of the Northern lights, the majestic power of lightning, the gentle charm of the clouds, and many many others

Красиво, аж страшно!Красиво, аж страшно!Красиво, аж страшно!
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Viewings: 8775
Каменные слезыAmong inhabitants of mountain villages of the Tien Shan mountains, located in Kazakhstan, long since there is a legend connected with the mysterious stone tears: "In ancient times lived on Earth giants - Deva, who considered itself to equal gods. Angered by proud of the Devas, the gods created man to be clever and cunning warrior, who drove the giants in the mountains. Thousands of years have passed, and the Devas turned into a large stone, which to this day concluded soul giants, the weeping of anguish".
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Viewings: 7483
Самовозгорание человекаThe spontaneous combustion of the man is rare and may therefore still unexplored. It's not the fact that the basis of this phenomenon lies some unknown science the process. On the contrary, everything seems to be clear and already know... In the human body contains combustible materials, such as oil. Sounds, of course, not very nice, but human fat is well lit. All of us know the cremation rite, which is probably as old as mankind itself. But in this article we are talking about spontaneous combustion. Why it occurs?
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Viewings: 6364
КОСМИЧЕСКИЕ ПОРТАЛЫ СЕДОНЫMost of anomalous zones of the world is located, as a rule, in places of high magnetic or electromagnetic activity. The surroundings of Sedona, in which there are many mountains containing iron ore, are one such place
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