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Viewings: 5803
In California, near the city of Santa Cruz, is an amazing place, the existence of which is hard to believe, even seeing it with my own eyes. Small clearing, about which there is a speech, is located on a gentle hillside covered with huge eucalyptus trees. For decades in Santa Cruz rushing crowds, because in this valley there are mysterious things, or, as they say, is an abnormal phenomenon.

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Viewings: 6620
Призраки на кораблях, тайны обречённыхThe ghosts of the schooner "Charles Haskell". In may 2007, off the coast of Alaska ran aground and was seriously damaged unlucky cruise ship Empress of the North with 281 passengers on Board.
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Viewings: 5998
Загадки Кашкулакской пещерыIn the foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau that in Khakassia, in the South-Eastern slope of mount Our Kulan ("hos the hull" in translation from the Khakass - "two ears") there is a cave, which locals have nicknamed the black Cave of the devil. In some encyclopedias it is called one of the worst places on earth. And there is a good reason.
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Viewings: 5674
Ураган "Сэнди" - не только разрушения, еще и аномалииA week ago the American coast of the Atlantic ocean was subjected to the action of the hurricane. Employees of the center of space flights of them. J.. Marshall in Hunstville noticed a surprising anomaly - luminous arcs that were intertwined around midday sun.
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Viewings: 6294
Лукашенко: Есть космоснимок, который интерпретировали как наличие тепловой аномалииFew people know that in Kazakhstan scientists have discovered one of the largest anomalous zones in the world: on the site of the former Semipalatinsk polygon are heat spot on the earth in the shape of a dragon. This discovery aroused great interest.
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Viewings: 7469
Фантастика Могильного мысаIn Chinskim district, Tomsk region, between the villages of Wargamer and East, there is a place, which is considered among local residents cursed. It is frightening name Mogilny Cape.
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Viewings: 5920
Лес у подножья «застенчивой» горыLes Aokigahara is located at the foot of mount Fuji, the most famous mountain in Japan. It can be found in the list of attractions for tourists, but among the natives he has a bad reputation and is considered to be almost the most ominous place. "Aokigahara" in translation from Japanese "Plain green trees". It would seem - only and relax on the spacious lawns, picnics, launch of kites, admiring "shy mountain", as called Fuji! But few people dare to go into the shady thicket...
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Viewings: 7169
Люди-загадки: смерть ходит за ними по пятамThere are people who for my life has been on the threshold of death, but yet every time miraculously survived... So, the house 62-year-old resident of Novorossiysk Lubov Ganeeva over the last year, three times... crashed into the truck. However, the woman never suffered, managing to leave his home shortly before the terrible accident...
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Viewings: 5943
Мысль влияет на материюThere are numerous legends about the fact that the Russian Theosophist, writer and traveler Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) had the amazing ability. It could take literally out of thin air all sorts of useful items: food, utensils, jewelry, embroidered handkerchiefs, books, letters, and more.
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Viewings: 6293
Там происходят чудеса...Anomalous zones that are found in different parts of the globe, we hear already for a long time. As a rule, it is quite inconsistent stories of eyewitnesses, "eyewitnesses" witnesses, not witnesses, Amateurs sensations about what strange things happened in a particular "enchanted setting". In the anomalous zone go to gawk at local miracles happen, and do not return there. However, very few people paid attention to the similarities and differences between areas, namely in it, may be found the key to unraveling this Mystery.
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Viewings: 5979
Обыкновенная тайнаFor the first time the term telepathy (from Greek et al. "????" - "far away" and "?????" - "feeling") formed Frederick Myers, one of the founders of the British Society for Psychical Research. It was a non-profit organization, created in 1882 to study the unusual phenomena and human abilities, which are called "paranormal". It should be noted that the creators opis in no way was the charlatans and ignorant. These were the wisest people of his time - linguists, poets, philosophers, physicists, chemists. Sir William Crookes, for example, discovered thallium and first got helium in the laboratory.
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Viewings: 6127
Meteorites, as you know, are formed mainly in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, within the Solar system. The heavenly bodies. They arrived from the far corners of the galaxy is extremely rare and mysterious.

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Viewings: 6313
Феномен невидимкиIn may 1876 in the streets of a Chinese city Nanjing suddenly a terrible panic in the city appeared invisible demons and lost people traditional pigtails. In vain citizens closed head with his hands, trying to save her hair - it was all in vain. Panic spread to Shanghai, and then to other Chinese cities, where the invisible forces started to kill people in a dream. Mass hysteria lasted about three years, and all these years the mysterious "evil spirit, ringworm hair", was elusive meanwhile, this was not the first case of its occurrence - the documents testify, that "stealth cutting hair"knew in China in the era of the Wei dynasty (477-517 years before Mr. E.).
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Viewings: 6064
Ночная радуга: мираж или реальность?We always respond positively to the rainbow - seven colors daughter of the sun and rain. But who of us saw a rainbow at night? It would seem, without sunlight it is impossible.
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Viewings: 5925
Аномальный центр ЗемлиWho would have thought that with a tiny country on the Baltic sea are related to the tragic events in most parts of the planet - riots, war and the devastating earthquake!
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