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Viewings: 5845
9 маленьких, но невероятно опасных существWhile being that frighten people, usually very large in size, below is a list of the smallest, but probably the most dangerous and painful. Although we should thank God for the fact that most of us are unlikely to suffer from most of the animals in this list, but nevertheless, every year millions of people are in contact with them.
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Viewings: 6295
Коралл замучила трава, бычки спешат на помощьIt turns out that not only corals can protect fish from their enemies and fish sometimes help polyps deal with dangerous aggressor. American zoologists found that the representatives of two species of gobies, living near reefs, can eat the poisonous algae destroying corals. And they do it only when polyps will ask them about it.
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Viewings: 4925
Не стоит преувеличивать запас прочности деревьевMajestic age-old forest may seem immortal, but in reality they are on the verge - because of global warming.
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Viewings: 6084
Таинственное животное нападает на жителей БорнеоAccording to the publication The Borneo Post, recently unknown animal attacked two people working on the farm. Indonesian working plantation and 75-year-old farmer almost lost his life, and experienced the strongest shock in life when they are independent from each other attacked by unknown living creature at the beginning of this month.
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Viewings: 5681

Underwater researchers in Mexico have saved the largest of the existing fish, in the body which dug the remains of ropes.
Divers noticed wounded whale shark while diving near Socorro island 400 kilometers from the coast of Mexico.
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Viewings: 5508
Животные тоже скучаютWhen you look at the sitting in the cells of animals in the zoo, you, probably, think that they, like humans, are able to get bored, and they are likely to suffer from such "prison". Although we can't get into your head living beings and to find out what they really think, scientists first tried to prove experimentally that animals experience boredom and depression.
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Viewings: 5665
Акула на стероидахIn 1954, the Australian ship "Rachel Cohen" embarked on an overhaul in one of the docks Adelaide. Fix began with a "General cleaning". Did you clean the bottom of the ship from the shells, and found 17 enormous teeth stuck in the skin. Every - size 8 to 10 see For all history of existence of the Earth such teeth could boast only one "fish" - the Megalodon. One problem: she died 1.5 million years ago. Or not?
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Viewings: 7406
Вымирающие виды животных подвергнут клонированиюA huge number of animal species disappeared from our planet. However, scientists have found a way out of the situation - they will clone rare species of animals.
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Viewings: 6952
Today Norwegian VG publishes unique photos that on August 11, made one of those on Board fishing vessel "Antigua" from Wales. In the Strait of Hinlopen that separates the two Islands of Svalbard (Spitsbergen) fishermen found a group of humpback whales, among which was the whale-albino. Fishermen at first mistook him for a block of ice. Whales are hunted for fish and white whale does not stand out with their behavior among others. Over the past twenty years like white whale was sighted off the coast of Australia. Found off the coast of Svalbard kit-albino - the first in these places. Fishermen gave him the name of Willow.

Уникального белого кита засняли на видео и фотоУникального белого кита засняли на видео и фотоУникального белого кита засняли на видео и фото
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Viewings: 5401
Крокодилы оказались чувствительнее людейRecently American zoologists managed to figure out how female crocodiles can move in to graze their eggs or young, not causing them the trauma of their teeth. It appears, on the face of these reptiles have special receptors capable of extremely finely adjust the pressure of the jaws. In the world of animals are the most sensitive organs of touch.
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Viewings: 4951
Новый вид пролил свет на эволюцию рогатых динозавровDinosaur with spiked head who roamed Canada 78 million years ago, was the oldest horned lizard, found in North America.
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Viewings: 8391
Swiss diver Franco Banfi (Franco Banfi) went to the Brazilian region of Mato Grasso, to specifically capture in nature famous Anaconda, the largest snake in the world.

Дайвер сделал потрясающие фото анаконды под водойДайвер сделал потрясающие фото анаконды под водойДайвер сделал потрясающие фото анаконды под водой
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Viewings: 6846
Топ 10 странных и уникальных лесовForests cover approximately 9.4% of land on the planet, but there were times when forests were covered 50 percent of the land. Most people associate the forest with the trees, but the notion of "forest ecosystem" to include many more organisms, among which not only trees, but also small plants, fungi, bacteria, insects, animals.
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Viewings: 5114
Челюсти крокодила чувствительнее кончиков пальцев человекаTiny knob on the jaw alligators and crocodiles are much more sensitive to the tips of the fingers of a man, scientists have found.
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Viewings: 4927
На вершине пищевой цепи европейского миоцена был «собакомедведь»Nine million years ago Europe rule (among others) trio harsh mammals: "sabaconidae and two saber-toothed cats. This unusual company got along very well with each other near the modern Madrid (Spain).
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