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Viewings: 4292
Жизнь на Землю занесена из космоса. Новые доказательстваExperts of the Japanese National Observatory have found new evidence that life could be brought to Earth from space. The study of the Central part of the constellation Orion range of 1.5 thousand light years from our planet they found a vast area of special ultraviolet radiation, which twists exclusively in the left side of the amino acid molecules.
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Viewings: 4153
The authors are trying to find analogies between the disasters of the present and the predictions of the ancients, who predicted the end of the world centuries ago. Research scientists, heritage of the recent past as they explain natural disasters that occur in our day? Maybe humanity really is moving towards its end? Or it can be postponed?

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Viewings: 4534
Апокалипсис: по чьей вине?Nature never allows humanity to relax. It causes a powerful strikes on major world economies. Its Arsenal of attack tools are tricky and diverse: earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, flooding, tornadoes, etc.
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Viewings: 4820
Крестообразный астероид похож на космический корабльObservations using spacecraft of ESA Express show the new mystery of the asteroid Oljato (Oljato). The asteroid 2201 Oljato caused a stir in the unusual image, where it is similar to the cross, flying through space and leaving a long train.
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Viewings: 5556
Предсказания контактов: без двух минут эпоха великого кольцаWill there be a GREAT CONTACT with other civilizations? - the issue is more than interesting and exciting even many more pressing issues.
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Viewings: 5899
Предсказатели о космической угрозе Земле и землетрясенияхThe probability of falling on us comet or asteroid neskolko small, but the fear of cosmic catastrophe that cannot (yet) to prevent grows in direct proportion to the growth of our knowledge about space. This is exactly the case when, as the ancients said, expertise make us unhappy.
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Viewings: 5039
Английские ученые описали людей будущегоTo the year 3000 humanity will reach its peak. The average height of people will be about 2 metres, his skin would have a brownish shade, and life expectancy will be 120 years. These are the conclusions of researchers from the Darwin research center, London school of Economics, writes British newspaper the Sun.
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Viewings: 5473
Глобальное потепление убьет 100 миллионов к 2030 годуMore than 100 million people will die by 2030 because of global warming, and world GDP will decrease by 3.2%. These data are presented in the report on the impact of climate change on humanity, prepared humanitarian organization DARA by order of the government of 20 developing countries.
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Viewings: 6696
Что нас ждет после смерти?Oblivion - that is the most terrible in the death. Comes bony, enough by the throat and... everything. What next? The emptiness, the unknown. In this sense, the ancients were more protected us. Even the average Hellene clearly knew that after his death his soul will appear before court, then go through the corridor of the underworld Erebus. And, if it is deemed unworthy, will go straight to the Tartars. And if you prove itself heroically - can achieve immortality in the Elysian fields of joy and bliss. Because lived Hellene - not grieve, not knowing the pangs of fear and uncertainty. And what awaits us in the last feature?
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Viewings: 5822
Российские физики, возможно, открыли новую частицуEmployees Dubna joint Institute for nuclear research, Moscow state technical University of radio engineering, electronics and automation Institute of applied physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova experimentally found traces of decay easy boson, not included in the Standard model.
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Viewings: 4116
Глобальное потепление зальёт тропикиThunderstorm complexes, fraught with monsoon floods and large-scale cyclones... they Say all these varieties of bad weather in the tropics will be more frequent as global warming. How?
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Viewings: 4305
Ледниковый период мог начаться из-за метеорита2.5 million years ago near the coast of Antarctica in the ocean crashed an asteroid the size of a mountain. This led to an apocalyptic chain of events: first, the rain molten rock, and then a deadly tsunami that swept the Pacific ocean.
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Viewings: 5056
Кораллы: Мексиканский залив выздоровел!Recent studies of American oceanographers have shown that the Gulf of Mexico, apparently fully recovered from the effects of the unfortunate accident that happened two years ago. And this they told local coral polyps. Their spawning hosted this year's absolutely normal - if contaminated, this would be simply impossible.
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Viewings: 4293
От буйства Солнца планеты перекосилоAstrophysicist from France suggested an interesting explanation of one anomaly of the planets of the Solar system. They are all built in the same plane, but this plane is slightly tilted with respect to the solar equator. The scientist believes that this is the result of "hooligan" behavior of the Sun in the early stages of its evolution. Then it loved to radiate relativistic jets.
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Viewings: 4083
Сточные воды превратятся в горючееAmerican scientists, working in the framework of the project OMEGA, were able to establish the mass cultivation of algae on wastewater to obtaining from them biofuels. According to one of the participants, it is very similar to "Neolithic revolution" in the energy sector: from "hunting and gathering" energy people are gradually moving to their cultivation.
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